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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HornPhD

  1. https://apnews.com/article/black-lives-matter-90-million-finances-8a80cad199f54c0c4b9e74283d27366f The foundation said it committed $21.7 million in grant funding to official and unofficial BLM chapters, as well as 30 Black-led local organizations. It ended 2020 with a balance of more than $60 million, after spending nearly a quarter of its assets on the grant funds and other charitable giving.
  2. I got the horse right here,The name is Paul Revere,And here's a guy that says if the weather's clear,Can do,Can do,
  3. That’s actually the premise of a Curb episode
  4. She does. Plus, her sister is an M.D. that loves drinking beer and whiskey and will watch whatever sport. My wife is doing the screening, though. I got really lucky with my wife and her family. For example, their mom has a beer fridge that is always fully stocked when we visit.
  5. Back in 2004 or so when we were living in San Francisco, my wife and I were almost home and stopped at a red light during heavy rush hour traffic. A car stops in the middle of the intersection right in front of us just as our light turns green. I hit the horn and both the wife and I give them the double middle finger while yelling things like “fuck you” and “fucking assholes.” The people in the car look at us in shock. The intersection clears, we turn left and are behind the other car. Next intersection, we have to turn left to get home (a lot of one way streets in our neighborhood). The people we cursed out turn left. “Maybe they’re heading to a different highway entrance to the Bay Bridge?” says my wife. Our condo was on a little one-way side street off Folsom St. Nobody turns onto that street unless they live on it. The other car turns onto that street. Fuck. “They probably live down the block” I say to my wife. We’re right behind them and before I can open the garage door to the parking garage, it starts opening and they pull in. We drove around the block before going into the garage. We saw them a few weeks later in the elevator. No words were spoken. But we all knew. Cue theme song.
  6. HornPhD

    The Wire

    Get that pandemic!
  7. Just binged the season. Excited to watch it again when my wife watches it for the first time. I’m going to add CC so I can catch the dialogue. Barbecue sauce.
  8. Exactly. Her statement doesn’t negate her statement from 2018 that 9/11 was staged.
  9. https://variety.com/2021/film/news/hal-holbrook-dead-dies-emmy-tony-winning-actor-mark-twain-1234898102/ Who’s next? Jerry Jones? Matt McConaughey?
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/939yu8/ron_livingstons_band_of_brothers_video_library_112/ The videos are pretty cool. Wish they were combined into one video to avoid having to repeat the same intro 12 times.
  11. Since DET didn’t post a link to the song.
  12. Fuck. My thoughts are with you and your family. We’re all here for you.
  13. Fuck it. I’m in. If it turns out the GOP prevails, I have more booze (and edibles) to ease the pain.
  14. Young kids need to focus on ball-handing, passing, and shooting. Make everything a game (e.g., race down the court and back while dribbling, zig zag around cones, team shooting from different spots). Do a lot of 2 on 2 and 3 on 3, which maximizes touches while making it easy to pass and cut.
  15. Thank you, Stefon Diggs. Back to back championships for me.
  16. Down 10 in the championship game. My opponent and I each have one roster spot yet to play. Diggs (me) vs. Buffalo’s D
  17. No, I knew that all Miami had to do was throw a deep ball to the sideline and hope for catch and/or a penalty. They got both. The Raiders opened the door for something crazy to happen that would allow a FG to win it. You have no reason to believe me; however, I told the people I was with that Miami was going to kick a FG and win. Crazy things happen in football and giving the other team a chance to win with a FG minimizes the necessary number of crazy things.
  18. “Too cute” is exactly right
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