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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HornPhD

  1. I’m friends with one of the authors, as well (not the same one as you, though). I just started reading the book and am enjoying it.
  2. Spanish coffee at Huber’s Cafe is pretty tasty. Food is good, as well. If you like dive bars, Yamhill Pub pours some heavy shots.
  3. He’s enormous. He’s listed at 7’6” in the program, but I'd say he plays the game like he's 11 feet tall. No, I don’t think he that big, Jerry
  4. Heading to Nuevo Vallarta next month. Staying at the Grand Luxxe. Anyone been there? How easy/difficult is it to get into PV from there?
  5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is #1
  6. Which one fucked her that night?
  7. She lives in white, soccer Mom Oakland. That’s a much different part of Oakland than what most people visualize. She’s probably too scared to walk around Lake Merritt on a Saturday.
  8. Christ, you don't need a quadrophonic Blaupunkt! What you need is a curveball!
  9. My wife, her sister, and I have tickets to BottleRock in Napa. Haven’t been to a music festival since the inaugural ACL. Can’t fucking wait.
  10. Xl Comedy Greats (94 on XM) is playing Mooney’s stand-up bits
  11. I have a couple of 2006 Buffaloes sitting in a safety deposit box. Can’t remember if they’re graded or not.
  12. I have nine. Only two of them were done while drunk on 6th street.
  13. I told my MIL (she lives in Spring) about this story and as soon as I mentioned “Memorial” she immediately lost any disbelief
  14. 2nd the sloth tour at Tulemar. The trails to the beach are fun/easy. If you have kids, they may enjoy the NP. The hike in/out is easy. IIRC, the water at the beach is calm and there are some good tidal pools that kids like to explore.
  15. Patsy’s other son, the other Jason, was friends/partners with Carlo’s son
  16. Carlo and Patsy had sons who were on the path to being associates, if not already considered as such via their sports betting kick ups
  17. Social media has allowed every moron with an opinion to weigh in. Then, other morons treat that opinion as fact. Used to be you’d have to read a newspaper or watch the news to have an informed opinion; and it was pretty clear if you didn’t. I talk with people from my hometown who need a hint to spell their names; however, they’re experts in multiple topics related to domestic and foreign policy and demonstrate their knowledge via memes and YouTube videos.
  18. I can’t wait to get back to Tulemar
  19. Like I said, it was his story; however, an unknown walk-on who is 5-9 and playing CB doesn’t stick around and get looks on special teams unless he shows something on the field. As my brother told it, it was at the end of a half-speed tackling drill and he was supposed to stand there and get hit. He was getting pissed and hit DM when he wasn’t expecting it. The DL line coach got mad, another coach gave him a pat on the shoulder.
  20. My brother is actually a 4.4 guy that had a knee injury ruin a promising career (back in the early 80s). He was fast as shit. If he got the corner in HS, he was gone (one game he had about 250 yards on 8 carries with a 75-yard TD called back). He had a scholarship to Syracuse as an RB but the new coach coming in didn’t honor old arrangements. After that, he walked on at Okie Light. He was mostly a tackling dummy as a freshman but turned some heads with his punt returns and by lighting up Dexter Manley in a drill (his story). Dressed a few games as a sophomore, but then came the knee injury. He doesn’t talk about it much. /csb
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