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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Auburn would probably be Texas only win in the SEC this season
  2. All those aggy doing their horns down...karma bitches....fuck aggy
  3. So is this a competition of who has the worst offense?
  4. That's one of the reasons it's so damn funny but I wouldn't call it racist. Dont be so sensitive
  5. That's because they're no strangers to fighting off men who want to lay them down
  6. Joel Klatt bringing the heat on aggy Bob and Corby today!
  7. The musers are boring as shit. Even Gordo...all their voices are so low energy that even Gordo's comedy schtick can't save it. It's like listening to that SNL parody with those 2 chicks talking on their radio show. Jub is an idiot who can barely put together 2 sentences without mentioning his "music career". I'd be embarrassed. Junior is just a drag. His voice could use a jolt from a taser or 2. Listening to those idiots is like watching paint dry. I have no idea why I keep giving them another chance. I should just stick to Bo and Jim.
  8. Damn that must have been a gut punch
  9. I for one will not stop drinking because eof the despair this shitty team has wrought upon my existence
  10. These mother fuckers should just run the ball against Texas all day. Everyone already knows the defense just bends over for the run
  11. Fuck any Allstate commercial played during any football game
  12. Ohhhhh...my bad...well he's a lucky son
  13. I'm assuming that is your mom and dad, that is a gift. Seeing your post brought tears to my eyes. My mom was a letter writer. Even when I was just a few hours away in college, she would send me a box of stuff or newspaper clippings from my hometown but she ALWAYS included a letter she had written. She wrote beautifully whether it was half a page from her steno pad or a 2 pager running down everything going on with the family. In 2005 she began having memory issues and my worst fears were confirmed within a year. But even then, she still remembered to send birthday cards, to me, my wife, my son. And in each she always put a small personal note. One of the worst days of my life was the first year I didn't get a birthday card from her. She did send my wife and son one that same year for which I am grateful. That was the last year we ever received mail from her, 2009. I watched Alzheimer's slowly take her from us for nearly 8 more years. I'm 54 now and I still have the majority of those letters and cards she sent. I wish I had them all but in my stupid youth some got lost along the way. Cherish that she took the effort to position the phone so it would be at the corner of the page so that she could write you a personal note in her very own hand. It's beautiful.
  14. My favorite page on FB and Twitter.... Congrats HE....You look like Texas ought to...glad you're amongst this brood
  15. Quitkowski....those fucks can't play 4 quarters
  16. If you score 48 points against Oklahoma you win every time unless you're the Longhorns
  17. The defense was worn out. They couldn't keep up with OUs athletes. Completely gassed. Is our strength and conditioning coach a coked out Chris Farley?
  18. He forgot to list Swagcopters 1 Kevin Sumlin 0 Jimbo
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