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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Caught some of an NPR interview with someone who works for U.S.A for Africa. I didn’t even know it was still a thing, and apparently its foundation still has healthy funding, thanks in no small part to royalties from the song. But the person interviewed said while the song is timeless because of the gravity of the moment and collection of insane legendary talent, she gave a strong “hell no” at the suggestion of ever doing something like that today.
  2. I think we have enough data points now to conclude that Jordan Love is going to turn out to be a huge piece of shit.
  3. “One of the greatest musicians of our time” is quality Mackspeak.
  4. It probably won’t deter shit for a lot of folks, just like the death penalty won’t deter mass shooters. But this is punishment, plain and simple.
  5. Diminished-capacity Biden will ask his Chief of Staff for a pen when he’s holding one. Diminished-capacity Trump will threaten to launch nukes in an all-caps tweet.
  6. Yeah, fuck those parents, especially after the mom testified that she wouldn’t have done anything differently. It’s not just buying the kid a gun in and of itself. It’s that, and all those warning signs slapping them in the face in an era where the public reads about disturbed kids shooting up schools on a frequent basis.
  7. I agree with all of that. But one thing that won’t dramatically improve with Baxter is speed. So that’s why I’m giving him a big nod over Baxter, instead of shortshrifting Baxter.
  8. Your wife has a crush on Kirk Herbstreit?
  9. But Toby Keith being a poser wannabe still happened. I mean, rest in peace and all.
  10. It’s called seabagging. I mean, a friend told me that.
  11. I used to love BBQ chips, until about 10 years ago when they started tasting too sweet for me. Now, when it comes to the usual flavors, I just stick with sour cream and onion.
  12. What other photos of him to you have, Nicole?
  13. I know we have Cedric Baxter and two highly-rated freshman RBs who just enrolled. But I think we need to find ways to get Blue as many touches as possible. From what I read about him in high school and his flirtations with the transfer portal, I thought there was a chance he’d be long gone by now. But he seems to have put it together and could be one of our best players on offense.
  14. South Austin


    Procedure was a breeze, so let me pile on this thread by saying to everyone who is 45 and older, if you haven’t gotten your first colonoscopy screening, do it. Do it now. They found a small polyp. I’m not worried since I have no family history (knock on wood), but I have to go back in five years instead of 10. Oh, and when I woke up at 5am and had to shit right away, there was still a small amount of pebbles coming out, and this was after my prior shit around 2:30am that was less than all liquid. I was like, wtf, I went super low fiber and no fruits and vegetables Saturday and Sunday and all clear liquids yesterday. I guess those were hanging around from football season or something. So as an added bonus, I got to give myself my first enema before the procedure, which was nice.
  15. This was going to be my question. My assumption is that if places like Chicago, New York, New Orleans, San Francisco and the like found this many bodies in the adjacent waterways over this period of time, the police in those cities would be forming highly publicized task forces to find a potential single perpetrator/common perpetrators, instead of shrugging their shoulders and saying, “Gosh, we don’t think there’s any link.” Maybe I’m not giving APD credit for what it may be doing behind the scenes, but I haven’t read anything explaining what they’ve been doing behind the scenes to confidently conclude that these are all just unrelated unfortunate coincidences. I mean, it only took a couple pages on this thread for us to figure out this is Nicole, yet APD has just sat on that valuable information for months.
  16. Douchy OU fan + fluff country music + I hate cancer = .3/10 on my give-a-shit meter.
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