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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Rand Paul must be investing heavily in cat food.
  2. South Austin


    Damn, that looks outstanding.
  3. But what about that time you called me a cis-panzy and said you were going to kick my ass?
  4. It's much better than the stop thread.
  5. He looks like he's expecting another one.
  6. So we've added 151,500 jobs in March instead of 303,000 jobs. Still, pretty good.
  7. Probably should have added a fiber supplement.
  8. That's the title of my new sex tape.
  9. He was genius in that series. I hope he gets more screen time in Season 3 of The Bear.
  10. Y’all, Biden’s gonna win all 56 states.
  11. I'm no doctor, but I do believe that, as another side effect, it's possible you might commit murder a few years down the road. Link: Hiccup Girl Jennifer Mee found guilty of first degree murder
  12. The bottle isn't the only thing he's spinning.
  13. Now this is a guy who is actually worth a 10-year guaranteed contract.
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