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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Molly's Game. Talk about nice cleveage, outstanding tits on the actress playing Molly. I remember Texas playing CU when her brother was there.
  2. It feels like Kim and Saul are evolving into the same character. Kim leaves the corporate world to do provide service for the lowest and most needy (ie the pro bono work). She has grown to hate the corporate world, it just took falling in love with Jimmy/Saul to see it. The way Jimmy grinded through the mail room, overcame his brother's vitriol toward his desire to be a lawyer etc. etc.. I believe all of that fed her disdain for the Mesa Verde and HHM's of the world. Remember when Kim and Jimmy conned the guy in the bar? That was a big turn-on for her. I think she longs for the gray area Jimmy/Saul lives in, hence the "deal" not leave her in the dark anymore after the Mesa Verde land case. Then Monday night , the way she steps up to Lalo, she wants to be a part of the "excitement" for lack of a better word, with the pro-bono work being the tonic.
  3. Well if she marries the dope (as in idiot) cousin, she could actually go by Mama Langmore.
  4. Watched About Last Night on Crackle during the quarantine; pretty good flick, Belushi's character would have fit right in to the SurlyHorns community.
  5. Did i miss something, why didn't they get in the car Mike was driving? When the twin brothers dropped the cash off with Saul, they approached from a different direction. Seemed the wiser move would have been to go by car the way the brothers came, which was the opposite way the gang approached. I also like my chances in the car (AC, out of the sun, drive until you have cell svc, radiator has water as last ditch etc..) vs on foot. Make Saul drive, put Mike on lookout.
  6. That show was called Newhart for the youngs.
  7. I appreciate your position; you got me by three years, though I imagine I'll work longer than you before retirement. God willing, I can see myself going to 65, so I have another 15 years. The old rule of thumb was age minus 100 to be in the right balance. With people living longer and the sheer number of additional vehicles available, I'm not so sure that holds water anymore. Good luck with your plan, at the end of the day, we all have our own preferences and set of ethos to follow. I just don't know if 2% compounded over the next decade (albeit safe) is enough return; there is certainly principle risk being in the market, but i have to believe over time it's the right place for me. The big variables we aren't sharing of course is how much has been accumulated and what the necessary pile of cash needed to sustain the lifestyle desired. To each his own.
  8. I've been away from Austin for many years now; do they still celebrate Eeyore's b-day in Pease Park? I remember being an undergrad and stumbling upon that event. A buddy had bought a used Jeep from some chick near Onion Creek Golf Course (he was a bar tender there), but the thing was, it had bright Pink sideview mirrors, front/back bumpers and Pink accents here and there. There was no way he was coming back to West Campus with it "Pinked out". So we bought some black spray paint , a 12'er of Lone Star from Prontos and a dime bag . We pulled into the park and started to reclaim the Jeep's manhood. 3-4 beers later and after getting into the dugout more than a few times, imagine our surprise when we realized the craziness of what was going on around us. He and I still laugh about that day. That day to me embodied Austin. More than a city, it was a feeling. I don't know if it still has the vibe or not.
  9. Please tell me you're close to retirement age. If you are under 50 or even a little older there is no reason to go to cash in your 401(K), ever.
  10. Add Tom Dempsey to the list. Hell of a Kicker. Incidentally, the Saints outside blocker on the record breaking kick was Bill Cody. His son was/is the Sportcaster in Austin on the nightly news. Bill is an old work associate and I always chided him that it sure looked like he leg whipped the Detroit rusher on the play. CSB.
  11. I think this has been discussed, but AL, MS, KY, SC and all the SEC states (less UF) all have very small markets and they are the biggest needle-movers with TV ratings. I dont think this next round will be as tied to TV markets as in the past. Throw in the cord cutting and i think the above graphic is a very dated way to approach realignment partners. If you play great football, the TV viewers will find you, something the B12 and Pac have failed to do the last decade.
  12. W did it years ago. I got like $350. I bought a lawn mower. Still use it.
  13. Well then he is certified one bad ass dude then. I read Empire of the Summer Wind and The Son, both great Comanche books. Those Comanches were a major force , good on your grand pappy !
  14. I do the same, but i haven't dared venture over to the assets side of things since the CoronaCorrection. I keep a sizable cash position and Ive looked affectionately at that balance the last week or so, but the other accounts, i dont dare, but ive got an idea how bad the carnage is just doing 9th grade math.
  15. Meh, doubt it. I bet half the dudes in the clink beat their wife/gf/significant other. But yeah, fuck him none the less.
  16. I was a senior on the 40 in December 1991. Don't really remember many details, but the story rings a bell. I did just finish the book, "I'll Be Gone In the Dark" about the Golden State Killer. They caught that fucker after all those years using DNA, they need to get off their asses and solve this one.
  17. I think what he means by "legit in the game" is those two mentioned were more than users. As far as the Neb game, the one play that kept that game closer than it had to be was the dropped pass that Kirkendoll let go through his hands. We score there and its not close. But i do agree, losing Collins in the off season that year was a big loss.
  18. He got Kevin Bacon and that chick of his, lost thousands, consequently millions.
  19. With signing day approaching in 2005, i think most of us felt good post-Vince, b/c of the kid from LA. (Reserve, LA). When he de-committed at the HS All-Star game, Snead as a fall back really didnt register, I may be misrembering.
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