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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. 48,32,12,50,2,3,7,14,27....you get the idea
  2. Someone's been watching Better Call Saul.
  3. That old Shaggy thread sums it up very well. Hindsight is a bitch, I may have taken the deal. The mom's side of things is compelling. Sounds like he may end up OK , as far as not much jail time. His GF sounds hot, need pics to certify.
  4. What I’m hearing is Bob Stoops as head coach. He’ll bring Venables with hiim as DC, with the idea that Venables assumes the position in a year or two. Briles will stay on as OC if they can’t get Joe Brady from LSU.
  5. We need a win a bad way vs KSU. Herman needs to get this shit figured out.
  6. I agree. Herman's main problem is hubris. Staff issues can be addressed, but his situational decision making has been a problem. Constantly going for it on 4th, especially with points (FG) on the board has been a 50/50 proposition. We lucked out vs UGA, but not taking points vs LSU hurt (2X). I understand Ingram's drop , but there are at least a half dozen other field position gambles that have hurt more than helped. Playing Epps, not making in-game adjustments, punt team snafus, playing field position vs lesser teams all speak to his ego.
  7. We did in first half 3rd and goal, we threw what was supposed to be a fade, but the pass was on a line instead of thrown “up” so it was easily defended.
  8. I think he gets a 4th year regardless. The biggest game of Herman’s career is the opener next year (if Strong is still at USF). We lose to USF With Strong he’ll lose the team/program and he’ll be gone.
  9. I see another ugly win tomorrow. More questions than answers, but we win. We have to get healthy before we know for sure who we are. I feel sorry for our bowl opponent.
  10. Losses have consequences in a high stakes blue chip recruiting game.
  11. Probably so if it was 2009, but you know, ACH.
  12. Saban hires “analysts” who are essentially coaches in waiting, thus losing 0 continuity. who is the coach we lost to SMU and what position is his specialty ?
  13. From the twitter world via Anwar: Texas sophomore receiver Brennan Eagles has missed an undisclosed amount of practices this week for personal reasons, according to multiple sources. As of Thursday morning, it is unclear if Eagles will travel to face TCU on Saturday.
  14. In the TH Presser today, he mentioned Cook was a possibility this weekend.
  15. We need to go 4 down DL. TCU O is heavy qb run (ala Kstste). Protect the back 7 with an edge rush/contain option. 3 LB And base 4 DBs. I know it’s a quick turnaround to switch up, but these guys have to do this or we’re going to get scorched on the zone read. Our DB’s need to not be so heavily relied upon near the los.
  16. I think a good comparison is Mizzou. They're footprint is Texas and the SW/SE and they've managed to maintain their footing from where Chase Daniel and co. had gotten them in B12. Neb going to a Northern Conference while not having ANY historical or logical connection has doomed them. SEC is on a par with B10 in terms of competitiveness and Mizzou has managed to stay relevant (their timing was very lucky as the East has been meh up until last couple years with Georgia), heck they have won their division 2-3 times. Neb should have stayed , them and CO. should have let it play out, they both hit the panic button.
  17. Exactly. Plus , use other people’s money for depreciating assets. Use your own money for appreciating assets. If you buy a car, put down 20-25% , finance the balance for 36-48 mos., forego gap but buy a 100k warranty with $50-100 deduct. Invest /save the difference or pay down higher apr debt or apply it to mortgage. If you are so fortunate to have no debt, and have the disposable income to pay cash (you would be a 1%’er) , then pay cash , otherwise see action plan above.
  18. Not so Special Teams damn near cost us the Ok state game. VS OU , Hubris got the best of DD on those kickoffs. I love that Herman trusts him, but DD should have better self awareness in several of those KO reruns. Herman basically said as much today at noon
  19. Fractured forearm per Herman
  20. Not sure , but from what I’ve seen he has the skill set to play any wr spot. Whereas Jwhitt appears to have more the body type for slot , situationally in the backfield
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