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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. I've paid more for less (looking at you Bardstown). But $120 for 10 year 100 proof "typical" bourbon is not where I want things to be headed. I guess mostly I am disappointed in the pricing. I had it in a tasting with ER, EHT small, Blantons and Kentucky Spirit. Spirit was my favorite by a good bit.
  2. Regarding OF 1924 its pretty good but the price is off. Not sure I would buy a second bottle at MSRP. Certainly not worth anything more than that IMO.
  3. I bought this one after reading online. https://www.amazon.com/Nonstick-Skillet-Cookware-Granite-Coating/dp/B0732NXYNS/ref=asc_df_B0732NXYNS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198087151093&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7986975740595904698&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027599&hvtargid=pla-364170931590&mcid=b6318bc11f763b56bfaab06945ec530b&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qMFs7_FKtjOSf5k0ZX0Z-MXdNkZxWrYGqH3g9Ie6rEthc3ugtN5opBoCWNgQAvD_BwE&th=1 It's great for what it is so far. I also have a full set of AllClad that I did not buy but is fine.
  4. I think most people think he is not a good enough first option to ever make it very far.
  5. Houston Cellular Westheimer and chimney rock Nokia brick with snake 1999 ATT loves me
  6. Leadoff would be cute but I cant imagine it happening. 2 is a stretch.
  7. If chas ever has .974 OPS in 550+ PA I will eat my shoe.
  8. Also the wheels are different than the ones we use in Texas.
  9. The dial looks better in person on those IMO.
  10. That is one prodigious pooper
  11. Thanos is going to be pissed he got his gauntlet ganked
  12. I guess getting bit in the temple by a baby king cobra is bad? What if I dont have one of those handy snake dealies around?
  13. Pardon the plastic plate Andouille/leftover grilled onion hash stuff/stoneground mustard post Mardi Gras parade Down 87 on the Boli Peninsula
  14. Divorce already filed. How did this extortion plot have any legs? This whole thing is so very incredibly dumb.
  15. huge

    Getting old sucks

    At least it wasn't a Lego. Could have been risking amputation.
  16. I saw a BIG porcupine on a ranch I was hunting in Rock Springs and let it waddle off. Ranch owner said I should have shot it for the cattle reason. Also this fatty would have made a cool mount. Eh. I am torn on that. Nutria? haha basically a feral hog.
  17. 145 on I10 in my first gen 335i following a corvette that was toying with me and @Jimbaround
  18. I thought they said someone had already been out there once, but Clark was moving around? I don't hate it as much as most of you, but that's damning with faint praise probably.
  19. So who is the winner in this scenario? More midlevel staff jobs in Uni?
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