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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Im sure its great. Even the mediocre courses there are great
  2. Its hard to go wrong. What's the budget? Makes a difference there.
  3. He always sucks to start? Isnt that the deal?
  4. Timely. We are flying HOU-LGB-RNO tomorrow and decided to make a day of it in Long Beach just to break up the trip some as we will be skiing the rest of spring break. 7 hour layover now, renting a car and futzing around. Airport looks cool, I think its the only LA airport I havent been to.
  5. Glad I hadnt heard about any recalls. LALALALALALALALALA
  6. huge


    I tried to wait for more episodes. Honestly I did. And now I’m screwed and thinking about how GOT S1 got me stuck reading 6k pages. Does Welles do the audible? Wouldn’t that be something?
  7. Im now Astronaut Jones
  8. Anyone want to swap picks let me know.
  9. Also that dude got knocked the fuck out.
  10. Not sure if it is the slomo but that's the wildest shit i've ever seen a bull do.
  11. Isn't Vallejo where the dipshit cops accused the kidnap victim in American Nightmare?
  12. I've been fooled into buying store picks on Heavens Door twice and I didn't care for either bottle. I'm happy that others enjoy it but I'm out on that.
  13. This is the way (for you pooners) YA is going to drag nuts all season
  14. He's a treasure. And it is likely his rep was polished by walking away the way he did.
  15. Anjelica Huston! I was sure I recognized the Lady Durand voice. The animation is fantastic.
  16. I've paid more for less (looking at you Bardstown). But $120 for 10 year 100 proof "typical" bourbon is not where I want things to be headed. I guess mostly I am disappointed in the pricing. I had it in a tasting with ER, EHT small, Blantons and Kentucky Spirit. Spirit was my favorite by a good bit.
  17. Regarding OF 1924 its pretty good but the price is off. Not sure I would buy a second bottle at MSRP. Certainly not worth anything more than that IMO.
  18. I bought this one after reading online. https://www.amazon.com/Nonstick-Skillet-Cookware-Granite-Coating/dp/B0732NXYNS/ref=asc_df_B0732NXYNS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198087151093&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7986975740595904698&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027599&hvtargid=pla-364170931590&mcid=b6318bc11f763b56bfaab06945ec530b&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qMFs7_FKtjOSf5k0ZX0Z-MXdNkZxWrYGqH3g9Ie6rEthc3ugtN5opBoCWNgQAvD_BwE&th=1 It's great for what it is so far. I also have a full set of AllClad that I did not buy but is fine.
  19. I think most people think he is not a good enough first option to ever make it very far.
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