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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Would think you need an electrician instead of a mechanic...
  2. So you have to get drunk again to remember what you were trying to say?
  3. Yeah, you can't really make a comparison between daily active users. Twitter is used as an official communications medium by governments and almost all authorities business or otherwise. How many times has the news put up a facebook comment by the president versus a tweet? That tweet reaches way more people who don't look at it on the internet than the Facebook comment will. That does present a challenge as to how to monetize it, however, as most views for tweets are either quoted or embedded. Adds don't show up on embedded tweets, and the news doesn't pay royalties in order to be able to quote a tweet. If they tried to change that would it work?
  4. I was actually enjoying the story developement and wasn't too worried about the lack of action. Maybe it's because I never really got into the games.
  5. I don't think the Ukrainians have pilots who can fly our jets without significant training. And a NATO country certainly can't fly them without Vlady getting worked up.
  6. I can't be the only one who kept picturing this during the batman scenes, right? And, yeah, they Return of the Kinged the ending, needed tighter editing, and Batman was a little too invincible after some of the stuff that happened to him, but overall I think it was well done.
  7. I get that. They are kinda tough to get in to. But the payoff is great. Watch an episode each night of Rebels (it's a little easier to get into) for a couple of weeks and you will realize what you have been missing out on pretty soon. There's a reason fans of the cartoons hold Dave Filoni in such high regard.
  8. If they need that many hands to move their herd, maybe they need to lose their ranch. Any good cattleman can call his cows and they will will follow like well trained dogs. There might be a couple of stragglers, but you don't need ten people to keep them in line.
  9. This right here. The last four episodes of Clone Wars is probably the best Star Wars content ever made. I put Rebels above Clone Wars before it came out because of the tighter storyline, but the impact of of those episodes hits you in the feels in such a way that is hard to describe. It's worth watching the entirety of the Clone Wars just for the final payoff, filler and all.
  10. Ahsoka has direct relationships with the main movie characters and has had more screen time in the cartoons, so she makes a more compelling character. Ezra is almost like a Luke Skywalker from A New Hope type character. He just doesn't have the rich backstory. Or not yet at least.
  11. Wages aren't going to be walked back easily. Increases in the price of goods due to labor costs are here to stay barring some sort of catastrophic shock.
  12. One of these: And a car ride home from the grandparents will usually do the trick for us. If the grandparents are too close you can always take a detour.
  13. My WASR-10 is solid. Excellent trigger as well. Some of them have the barrel installed off kilter, though, so I would inspect before buying.
  14. We ordered a can of formula from Amazon a couple of weeks ago, and received a box of four of them. Somebody made an oopsies, but good to know that we have a buffer. We get Earth's Best whatever organic formula from Target (and Amazon), and haven't seen too many problems with it being out of stock.
  15. Yep, I'd much rather do that than jack it up with a bottle jack or any other type of jack.
  16. I mean, you lift it up with the loader, block the front end, and then lower the pressure off the loader so it is completely resting on the blocks. Nothing particularly dangerous about that.
  17. The beginning was slooooow, but they had to set everything up I guess. The movie was fine once it got going, even if it was predictable.
  18. Went to Robbers Cave for a camping tri] this weekend. Jeeps everywhere. Apparently it is the Robbers Cave Jeep invasion or something like that. If any of y'all happen to be out here and see a big honking van with a rooftop tent on it then that is us.
  19. That TC Seneca would be a great rifle for anyone interested in trying a traditional muzzleloader out for extending deer season. It looks like it is a 1 in 48" twist, so it should shoot round balls and shorter conicals well. It should be good for out to 75 to 100 (depending on the load you have worked up and your ability to shoot it) yards for deer with round ball, farther with conicals. Those are very sought after rifles right now, and this one still has the tags on it.
  20. I think it is suspected he had an autosear installed in a Glock. It used to be fairly easy to order those from China, and they would come in packages labeled as something else to avoid detection in customs. Since it is a small part, it is difficult to detect, but the feds have been cracking down on that kind of stuff lately. Still, with the proliferation of 3D printers it is remarkably easy to convert just about any firearm into an illegal machine gun.
  21. Switchblade can be carried in a backpack, though. There's no way Russia can secure the borders of the area they control well enough to stop a few guys with knowledge of the local terrain from slipping through their lines and penetrating deep enough to do some real damage. They don't have the air superiority or enough technology to monitor their area like that, and they don't have the manpower to dig and man trenches all the way accross it.
  22. There aren't any muzzleloaders or black powder guns in this collection by any chance are there?
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