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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. This third quarter seems likes its been going for an hour and a half now, and there is still 4 minutes left.
  2. If I had never watched a game of football before and this was my introduction to the sport, it could very well be the only game of cfb I would ever watch. Which would be a shame.
  3. I gotta admit, I didnt have that turn of phrase on today's bingo card.
  4. lulz. those dudes would rather give osama bin laden's corpse a blow-job than admit we're gonna destroy their ass next year.
  5. Case used to say that watching his daddy lay pipe.
  6. Always wondered why he didnt get more touches.
  7. The group text is humming now, lulz...."someone needs to be able to make threes in that offense."
  8. I dont understand how that doesnt happen. WTF
  9. fucking hell sark, what the fuck was that all about
  10. She just found out she has to bang like 5 guys on Surly.
  11. This is gonna turn into a snuff film
  12. We only have a few more of these Nix playoff runs to come. Savor them while you can fellas
  13. We only had to suffer through 300 shitty dr.pepper cfb commercials for them to land a couple this season.
  14. I'm a simple man. A simple man that prays that his search history need never be discussed in a court of law.
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