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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. After taking the first couple games off, Derrick White is looking very fucking good. Looking forward to his start tonight (presumably) over DJ. Last night was tough, too many stupid turnovers and missed free throws. The basics. And a lot of those turnovers were unforced, I saw two travels (rocking the back foot) by Marco and Forbes, that stupid pass from DJ to Lonnie during the 2-on-1 fast break, 2 or 3 moving screens, just shitty/lazy play. IF we fix that, and at least equal them in the turnover department, LAC is not 6 points better than us. Also, fuck Belinelli is a terrible fit for this team. He just takes up space out there. Not sure on what type of team he'd fit, but any team outside of San Antonio would be great.
  2. Corn tortilla in a microwave is fine if you're lazy and don't care about them being optimal. I've done it when I don't feel like waiting. All tortillas should be on a pan/comal until they get some brown on them though. Some good suggestions above as far as flour being great for breakfast and corn being great for dinner tacos. I think fajitas taste best with flour though. And at least try to make some yourself, the difference between pretty much any store-bought flour tortillas and homemade ones will change your life. Even the pre-mixed stuff is great. You need the flour to leave your hand a little dusty as youre eating, it's a Texan experience.
  3. This season is going to be fun if the young guns continue to get their minutes up. DeMar and LaMarcus both choked under the pressure of Dame Time. Guess who didn't? Derrick White. While guarding Dame. Give it a couple weeks until the doctors clear Dejounte to play closer to 30 minutes a game. Then we'll see more of the DW/DJM lineup we've been wanting to.
  4. The only goals I have for these next few weeks is to see DJM and DW and Lonnie all get their minutes to slowly creep up. DJM has been really good, but playing the least amount of minutes of all the starters. Get him closer to 30 minutes a game, hopefully Derrick to 25 minutes/game, then there will be harder for Pop to keep them off the floor at the same time. Lonnie, we can only hope.... At least with Dejounte I understand working back from the injury, but if he can stay rested and forceful for 30+ MPG, imagine those stat lines we'll be seeing. I imagine shit like 25/10/8/4 stls.
  5. Not much but if you'd told me that we'd have to play a senior QB coming into the game with 12TDs/4ints with a secondary having injuries of various significance to Jones, Sterns, Green, Overshown, Foster, Brown and Thompson, my eyebrows might have raised.
  6. Light up the UT secondary? With what quarterback? And you won't even give credit to the fact that our best CB is coming back? Our 2nd best is slowly starting to have the light switch turned on. Still missing safeties but nothing about TCU's QB strikes fear into my heart.
  7. 'Swing Set Susan' busted for pretending to be cop, harassing Hispanic teens https://trib.al/5QyoxKj I assume this bitch's post is in this thread somewhere.
  8. I didn't get Fat Rudy vibes at all? Weird reaction to the headband. He looked generally lively, was running the floor well, hustling, didn't really see him get to his mid-range spots though. I saw a couple layups and putbacks, etc. I think the bench can be really good as soon as Lonnie pays his dues or whatever Pop is making him do on the bench instead of Belli.
  9. First hip-hop album that came to mind is Kendrick's, as I think that's my favorite Hip-Hop album of the decade and maybe millenium. Surprised it didn't crack Top 50, that's a damn perfect album. Listened to "The Cars" last night on vinyl with my new headphones. Sounded great, jammed to both sides.
  10. The other subtle flavor I tasted in the Kool-Aid is the improvement of Bryn Forbes alongside a more optimized lineup (with DJ at PG). There's been rumblings this offseason about his shot looking even better. Him running the floor with DJ and Derrick should be fun.
  11. I'm ready, let's get this season started. I'm bullish, we're going to have defense again and I'm betting on that. This is the year of Dejounte and Derrick White. Luka and Sheldon will have their time a year or two from now, like every project we've ever drafted. Here's to hoping that Lonnie cracks the 10-man sooner rather than later. I think we'll still wind up seeing him start off at 10 mins a night or so, the earlier he can show out and pass up Belli the better. Just start on the defensive end.
  12. I fancy the chalupas. That bread is heaven, shit's like a greasy fried pita but a bit more flaky. I used to go a couple times a month in the mid/late 20s, then I hit about 29 and just stopped, I've been maybe twice a year for the past couple years. Like y'all I guess I just get a hankerin' every once in a while.
  13. Pretty sure the talk earlier in the week was how relaxed Tom was too. Relaxed and confident in the team. Sounds like they had the wrong kind of confidence. The kind that makes uncharacteristic quips to the media, when's the last time we had somebody do that? Shit now that I put it all together, it makes perfect sense that we got punched in the mouth on Saturday with some reality. He's been saying it for a year now, we're good but still need to make the leap to great.... but somehow he joined the team in thinking that we are more than what we are. The defense looked tentative and confused all game, from the first drive the OU defense looked free and fast. Sam was right on the nose. They had a plan, they went with the plan balls out and let the chips fall. Our defense can't go balls out because they don't know what the fuck is going on half the time. Orlando ain't moving to no damn 4-man line. That's not his scheme. For better or worse.
  14. Stupid stupid stupid. In a convertible not wearing a seat belt and speeding at 3 a.m. Was ejected. Extremely lucky to be alive.
  15. I'm looking forward to a better D-line game. Maybe not Graham (bc I'm not sold on him), but Roach and Coburn will be fine. They will be playing with a fire under their ass and will be helped with tons of blitzing, just like last year. We only employ 3 down lineman, and 4 is the base rush if Ossai is off the edge, so yes they tend to get doubled a lot. I didn't see much of any exotic blitzes last week, and it seemed Brown was really quiet because he was having to hang back and make up for the loss of Sterns in center field (or cover for Jones while Jones played center). The blitzing will be back this week, and when Hurts' overrated legs take off, I'm confident in Foster, Jones or Brown taking him down on the outside. We can handle him. If we get Overshown back we'll be even more equipped. Sam was honing on Duvernay, like staring him down, but with CJ back that changes absolutely everything. They'll either have to shade to CJ or leave him 1-on-1, and OU don't have Stingley, Jr. playing for them, so good luck.
  16. I didn't think the GGG decision was bad at all, I could easily see it 7-5 and then the knockdown. Derev's biggest successes seemed to be to the body of GGG, but he never really committed to it. Probably because of GGG's jab (which he didn't throw enough of, considering it's the catalyst to everything else he does). Really good fight, but not sure that GGG made a good boxing decision with this new trainer. But if it puts that extra 5% (or 2%, wonder how much he's really fighting over) in his pocket, good for him, he's been about the money for a while. Interesting that GGG likely won his two biggest fights against real boxer-punchers due to an early knockdown. This fight seemed very similar to the Daniel Jacobs fight where Jacobs was down early and had to claw back. It would make sense why they've never mentioned Andrade or Charlo's name. He better get that Canelo fight asap, before he gets any slower.
  17. He answers like he's equating one big game to all big games. It's not about it being a "big game" you clown, it's a nasty rivalry that carries most emotional weight than most others. Like the Auburn game you pointed out.... where he sucked shit.
  18. BurdineBandit


    Going to Seattle in a couple weeks and planning to bring back maybe an ounce (successful half fr Denver and half from Seattle). Wondering if it's safe to just drop a cartridge in the luggage too.... Bc what are potheads if not paranoid...
  19. His career wasn't killed though. His Netflix show was pretty successful (if you consider getting greenlit for a 2nd season) and a few months (maybe a year at most) after all that he's back on the road with Dave Chappelle. So he wasn't cancelled at all. He's not hurting for money. But, I agree, the story from his one-night stand was pretty shitty. She invited him over and got offended that he wanted sex. It was horseshit. Guess I'll go see this movie. Seems weird that everything Ive read about it makes it seem like it really shouldn't be considered in the comic book movie genre or conversations.
  20. Damn. Guess I'm the only one not pre-disappointed. Yeah we're not winning the ship but these young guys are no joke. Defense will be improved, and it still matters in this league. Edit: Wait will that fit in a title? My bad.
  21. Not sure I completely get what you mean by this, but seems similar to my thought. The brother got to sleep knowing his brother's killer would be held accountable. I wonder if he would have felt the same way if she'd walked or if he'd just chalk it up to God's will. Just a thought. I think that young man deserves to live his life in peace, however he finds it. As did his brother.
  22. Been looking for a reason to search the internet for a cheap band for Friday or Saturday, can't believe Tame Impala is only playing an hour when GnR is like 2 and a 1/2. I know they have a catalog, but fuck Tame Impala has 1.5 hour sets all over youtube at other festivals. I assume it's their choice. Might look briefly for Saturday. Brittany Howard > Natalia Lafourcade > Gary Clark>drunkenly scout the talent at Childish or The Cure and pretend to care....... could be a day.
  23. Half of me is disgusted that Turner is just another politician doing shady politician things. The other half of me wonders why I should care more about Turner than I do about our president putting his unqualified children into positions on his staff, and his personal lawyer and other staff members having sons with White House positions. Shit apparently Biden's son is making millions in Ukranian real estate or whatever tf. If you're connected, you're connected. And the country churns on.
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