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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Well, shit. Looks like a creation more suited to Jack, but I just might have to try that.
  2. But have y'all seen these other 14 players from different eras that also hit really hard, why do things change? Why isn't it 1982 anymore? Fuck this guy. Plenty of defenders would've just touched Doyle's shoulder pads since he already had a knee down, and the refs would have blown the whistle. You see that shit all the time, defenders just touch a defender if he's not on his feet. He made a decision to take 3 steps, launch the crown of his helmet into Doyle's face, and follow through with his arms for added force. GTFOH.
  3. RGV football talk not going away. I hate the dearth of good coverage for games. I regularly check Twitter for updates on Friday nights, might have to get into that Rio Sports Live if they're really filming games. I usually check on the entire region to see who's doing what, especially with games out of the RGV. Big win for Harlingen, who I believe had already lost a couple. The Mighty Lions of La Feria are 5-0 and beat 5A Mercedes a couple weeks ago. Can't remember the last time that's happened. Seems like if you can't schedule another region like the big boys the next best thing to do is just play the big boys in your own. They'll run that division and hopefully make a run at a 3rd playoff game again.
  4. Rejoice! Dude's a P.O.S. and there's a line between playing "with bad intentions" and playing with bad intentions. I don't see how other NFL players accept this dude when he's consistently done reckless shit just to hurt people. Apparently he was voted a captain? FOH.
  5. $700/pair. In accordance with the pair that StubHub has in row 4 and row 5. Not many others this low in the section though. Will also trade for Best buy coupons (but a shit ton). Pm me. Can meet in Austin or ship.
  6. Aggy gets pressure all quarter, so run a 9-step drop? Wtf was that?
  7. Arkansas taking a big ass shit on this drive. Taking their sweet ass time and should be running the ball more to get <5 yards. Herman would be dialing up a QB draw bc the defense will be playing pass. Draw to Boyd would get you new chains and set the clock. Dumbass.
  8. Bittersweet. Got elevated a couple nights ago and watched the Todd episode from Season 4. Just bc I felt like it was a good opportunity for a Todd adventure, and it was a damn good idea. Just brilliant craftsmanship.
  9. Some of us are old enough to remember when he made Reggie Hemphill-Mapps a player at the slot. Without so much as a polished passer to work with. That slot position will be fine.
  10. Well shit I just cancelled my HBO too. Hadn't heard a word about The Deuce coming back soon. Might need a quick refresher on where everything is.
  11. Stupid question amnesty: can someone clarify that the Senate vote to release the whistle blower complaint is really a vote for them to receive the complaint that was required by law to go to them directly anyway? Or to the congressional committee or whatever..... The White House isn't supposed to have this right now right? And in turn what is basically an advance notice of the shit storm to come..... Talk about a stacked deck (if I'm understanding this right)
  12. Oh absolutely, you won't have to come back to neg me, you can just do it now, it was a troll for the loll. But if my shit sticks like a $9.95er be sure to POS rep after. Come January silent-and-last-second-commit-season it's my time to shine though.
  13. I'm also being told 4i Princely is taking a volleyball in his backpack to the OU visit. First meeting with that shit-eater Riley he's asking Eaton to set for him then he's gonna launch a fucking missile. Or so I've heard.
  14. I'm being told Evans tried to get back into the group chats but JQJ told him were good with Bijan so that caused the "ready to commit" tweet from Evans. Now everybody's laughing bc it's well known Evans is only committing after having his backup option pulled out from under him. And also we're getting Ringo. Or so I've been told. By sources.
  15. Saw it last night and liked it. It wasn't great, probably not better than a few sci-fi movie of this decade, but an interesting trip/plot. I saw it in IMAX and kinda wish I hadn't paid the $5 premium for it. I feel like the visuals weren't really highlighted in it. I remember seeing Interstellar in IMAX and being floored at just the vastness of space and the visuals of the new worlds (the wave scene). I also saw Gravity for the first time last week on my TV and really wish I'd seen that one in IMAX.
  16. Said this a couple weeks ago and had a friend concur last night, glad others think so. They played a fuckin mix last night, with shitty cuts to the more uptempo parts. The Iowa st game version built up over a long tv timeout iirc, they just played the song and let people sing. We even decided to fuck that up.
  17. I thought he was going to get a pancake for a split second. He got under a DB's pads and did a nice job of locking on to him, just couldn't finish.
  18. Yeah yeah yeah tons of injuries, Green will hurt, but the best player on our defense got a pick tonight and finished the game healthy and well hopefully get one or two safeties back over the bye week so I'm not going to slit my wrists yet.
  19. Collin also had royal football bloodlines and comes from a football family. Epps is a basketball player turned soft TE turned soft WR. He seems to even have little coordination to track a ball in the air. I wonder wtf the coaches were seeing in camp.
  20. Die in a god-damned fire, all of you.
  21. I'm well aware of his ownership history. I'm not convinced that means our AD should be consulting him for his thoughts on who is best to run our college football team. Plenty of successful pro owners STFU and SitTFDown after they hire competent people (GM) to make those decisions for them (Jerry Jones on the other hand...).
  22. I still stand by my opinion that if Charlie'd had David Ash to play out his years, he might have been our coach for an extra couple years. Imagine being convinced that because a guy made a shit-ton of money selling cars we should really value his thoughts on how to best run a college football team. We valued exactly what we should have, his ability to contribute to the program, but there is no reason we should have consulted him on our hire otherwise, especially regarding his intuition on the X's and O's of a game of football. We hired someone who seems to be a much better coach without his "intuition".
  23. It's amazing how old Shane is and still never seemed to put on an ounce of muscle. I understand he's not built like Sam and was never really a big kid, but damn he still looks flimsy. I always hoped he'd put on some weight like Colt did when he was here, I see it never came. But anyway, glad he's doing well, hope he plays at least decent against the best defense he'll probably face this year.
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