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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Kids wanted crab & lobster rolls, so I made crab & lobster rolls.
  2. Man, if only we had some sort of specialized naval commandos that were trained for missions like this...
  3. hell, I keep an extra pair of drawers zipped up in an interior compartment of my laptop bag.
  4. How much Texas taxpayer money has this asshole lit on fire doing MAGA performance art? I'd love to hear from some of you small government conservative types who continue to vote for him, but are super concerned about government spending.
  5. It ended 3 years ago, but nobody told him.
  6. It would be interesting to see where Barbra Lee's voters would go if she dropped out. Would Schiff and Porter split them, or would they mostly go to one or the other?
  7. He's 73, it's too late to abort him.
  8. They should stop buying Starbucks and Avocado Toast.
  9. Like someone that's never had money winning the lottery. At first it's new corvettes and hookers and blow, then 3 years later they're cramming the last of their worldly possessions into the back of a poorly maintained corvette when the bank shows up to repossess the big ass house they let their family trash because they didn't know how to take care of a house. Meanwhile, the neighbors are all celebrating the trash is finally leaving.
  10. Yep, or blue collar rust belt refugees moving to SE Texas to work in refineries.
  11. Striper fishing on Buchanan is a fall/winter fishery. The other option I'd recommend is a fly trip on the Guad. I think @troph has a guy...
  12. Ken Milam has been guiding Striper trips on Lake Buchanan forever.
  13. I've found moms really enjoy the split finger if you get the arm slot right.
  14. "I'm so disappointed. How did we let this happen!"* *Some guy I've never heard of didn't hit his fundraising goal for a state rep seat in Michigan or some shit
  15. Tesla driver hit a kid on a bike in my neighborhood a couple weeks ago. Driver literally said "I didn't think this could happen in this car". Dude tried to give the kid $100 and leave. Two Karens that were out in their yards and saw it happen called the cops and wouldn't let him leave. Kid was fine.
  16. This shit right here is infuriating. I ended up creating a new email account just for ActBlue donations so I could keep the spam out of my main email. It seriously cut down the amount of spam I get in my main account by about 500 emails a week.
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