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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Haha. Slightly sore throat last night and this AM. Honestly probably wouldn’t have even tested because so mild but have a road trip planned tomorrow with an at risk coworker and needed a clear conscience. Also, the last three weeks have been pretty crazy. Dinged positive on two different at home tests. About to go exercise (at home). Let’s shift the discussion to whether I need a booster that reportedly lasts 10 weeks or if gained immunity to go along with my two Moderna shots (9 months ago) is enough.
  2. I know you don't. But they will appreciate your reasonable debate after the fact.
  3. It's a little late for those who were fired due to mandates.
  4. Choosing infection over vaccination is dumb. But many did not choose that. They simply got infected. And when their need for vaccination was questioned it was ridiculed. And this isn't new info. Like you said, most of the EU places value on acquired immunity and has for a while. Many non-Trumpers have been asking for a while why we are one of the few countries that don't. We had a lot of people fired because we said it had no value and they needed to do what we told them to. If/when we acknowledge it now, we admit we lied (again) in the name of public policy. Because it was just easier and we didn't trust them to understand the real science. Yeah, we have a country with a lot of dumbasses. You still do more damage by lying. It just creates more irreparable distrust. Signed - vaccinated guy who has not knowingly contracted Covid and does not have acquired immunity.
  5. One of the guests in this podcast is ZDoggMD. Kind of hard to take a guy who calls himself ZDogg seriously, but he obviously is a bright guy and good communicator. I don't know a ton about him, but someone (buzzrock?) recently posted this podcast where he line by line refutes most of what Peter McCullough said on Joe Rogan's podcast. I think wildcat09 accused him of promoting anti-vax propaganda and poof it was gone. No clue why, the guy is about as pro vax as they come and ripped a guy who is anti. Maybe all anyone saw was McCullough's name in the title, not realizing it was refuting him. Anyway, I found myself agreeing with this pod about 99.9%.
  6. What was your vaccination status for the 1st and the 2nd infections?
  7. Is there a good study on 2nd infections? My hunch is the odds of a 2nd infection being worse than the 1st are pretty low, without a material change in the health of the individual. "Natural immunity" became such a political hot potato that it became taboo for some to discuss it.
  8. Correct. 5 and up, proof of vaccination or negative test (PCR or Antigen) in prior 72 hours. Was for 12 and up, but changed January 3. They clearly wanted to get past NYE and the Sugar Bowl before updating. Only require one shot, which is kinda funny. It can be from an hour before. Starting in Feb, its 2 shots.
  9. I’m a big proponent of going for 2 the first time, but not necessarily with 14 min to play. Lots of points could still be scored in this game so we don’t know that the 2 will be needed.
  10. Maybe. But the post I was responding to was about to get third shot for kids in a 6 month period. And that shot is looking like it may only last 3 months... 1 shot every 6 months doesn't seem that crazy of a future prediction. I, maybe incorrectly, am assuming that the first 2 shots wear off just as fast (6 months) in kids as they do in adults. If that's the case, the booster only makes sense if that's the route you choose.
  11. I ask this, while risking being negged into oblivion. I am a parent of 3 boys 12 and under. They are not vaccinated (wife and I are, as are all adults in extended family). While the timing of the approval of vaccinations for children are a few months behind adults, they seem to follow the same path. And you can kind of see where this is going. Adults 16+ approved for 2 shots. 12-15 approved for two shots. 5-12 approved for 2 shots. Now 0-5 is about to be approved. Boosters recommended for vulnerable adults, Then boosters recommended for all adults. Now children 12-15 are approved for boosters. I feel comfortable saying 5-12 then 0-5 will be as well. Then you see boosters only last 10 weeks. Israel just approved 4th shot for vulnerable. I have to imagine that will happen here before to long. Then work its way down the age groups. Then you read concerns that so many shots in a short period of time could actually weaken immunity. That it could cause an immune system fatigue. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/23/world/middleeast/israel-vaccine-4th-dose.html And its not just that one article. Statistically my 9 year is not at risk at all. For example, we tested all the kids for antibodies and he was positive (timing would've been delta). We honestly have no idea when that might have happened, so he clearly had little trouble with it. For a kid like him, is he better off getting what could be 10, 15, 20 shots by the time he's 20 years old when he finally reaches an age where there's a sliver of risk of Covid - or - likely getting asymptomatic or mild Covid a few times (call it once a year) by the time he's 20? Which approach gives him a better immune system heading into adult life? I'm far from anti-vax. I'm not against it for my kids. I understand the community sacrifice aspect, but I also approach that differently as an individual vs as a parent. If the answer to the question "what is best for my child's body long term?" is "we don't know yet", I have a hard time with that when the statu quo is almost zero risk to my child.
  12. Like Brisket said, there definitely is an ethos to change. I don't think you can mandate it. It has to be a case by case basis. There have to be limitations. There can no longer be any jobs without paid sick leave, but I also don't think that amount should be unlimited if its the type of job that can only be performed in person. Something like 10 no questions asked sick days. Anything more or less can lead to abuse, doubts, questioning, resentment, etc. I once had a job where they just said we don't have vacation or sick days. You get four weeks off, use them how you need them. Beyond that, you don't get paid. On the flip side, if I've flown in for a "heated dispute negotiation" with one shot to work it out, I do expect my attorney there unless he's on his deathbed. And I imagine he expects himself to be there. That's just the competitive aspect of business and key players on a team. Lots of the time, there's isn't a wait until next week to close the deal, sign the contract, make the sale, etc. Similar to sports. If Quentin Ewers has a normal cold next year OU week, its expected that he will practice and play through it. There is no maybe we can reschedule. Those are ethos I don't see changing, and I personally don't want to change. In those cases, everyone kind of agrees to accept the risks.
  13. We to define what "sick" is. If I have a fever, I'm usually out for the count. But other symptoms I absolutely work though depending upon the severity. Often, I can go for a 5 mile run with a cough and runny nose and not miss a beat. And, in my mind, if I can go for a run, I can show up at work. One thing I did not learn until very recently is that 30-50% cases of flu per year are asymptomatic. Like Covid, do we define that as sick? We certainly never have because we've never known or cared.
  14. They already kind of have, with different quarantine recommendations for exposure. IMO, they need to tread lightly on this. There are lots of people who gladly got the vaccine over 6 months ago, but haven't felt the need to get the booster yet. You start telling those people they are going to be treated the same as unvaxxed unless they go get the booster right now, there's going to be backlash. Especially if those people have tested for high antibody levels, or just had a mild case of Omicron.
  15. Fauci says the reduced isolation period is because of the expected volume of cases.
  16. It sure seems like Omicron is going to burn through everywhere in the next few weeks unless there are lockdowns. And there aren't going to be lockdowns.
  17. I would french kiss someone with Covid before I'd ride in an elevator with someone with norovirus. I hate the stomach bug.
  18. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html
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