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Everything posted by davidg

  1. Biscuits cooked outdoors in a camp dutch oven using coals from a fire are badass. grease a pie pan, put in your biscuits and set the pan on top of 3 1/2” stainless steel nuts which act as a trivet inside the DO. If you get your coals right they turn out great.
  2. Challenge them to go spend a couple of hours at the Holocaust museum in Houston, spending enough time to read and contemplate every exhibit.
  3. Don't you have to actually file a return to get a refund? I imagine a lot of those neck tattoo guys are working for a strictly cash business.
  4. The correct way to have frog legs is lightly fried with a yellow corn meal coating, served with eggs, biscuits and bacon next to the lake as the sun is coming up. This is, of course, after staying up all night drinking, catching and cleaning said frogs.
  5. I thought I'm not gonna eat your ass was especially touching, even more so that he sang it while she was on a conference call.
  6. Your dog musta been like this is one huge ass duck, wait a minute, these aren't feathers.
  7. LM Bass on a clip stringer. My mom would have been very happy to see a haul like that. A fillet off a 2 lb bass was her favorite fish.
  8. ^^^ So you can't just post that without a story.
  9. That agritourism act provides the landowner some limited liability coverage even if you charge. If you charge, then you need to follow the TPWD license and documentation requirements. There are exceptions to the liability provided by the act and are listed at the bottom of that article.
  10. Read up on the Texas Agritourism act with regards to landowner liability during hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. All @ROFL BOX needs to do is to post the appropriate verbiage on a sign at the gate. If youth are involved, might want to actually have a signed waiver in addition. https://agrilife.org/texasaglaw/2016/02/01/texas-agritourism-act/ I wouldn't really even bother with the lease and charging for a one time thing.
  11. ^^^^ An EM-50 in the wild, awesome. Was a great weekend to be camping. We had a great site overlooking the water. I didn't do much but sit in a chair enjoying the cool breeze and warm sun, cook on the outdoor kitchen and drink a few beers by the fire. Had sandhills cranes and white pelicans flying over all weekend long riding the North wind, the blue moon was amazing and Saturday afternoon had two different groups of military jets come over low and hauling ass. Shitty cellphone pic but the contrail illuminated by the moon was pretty cool.
  12. The smirk says peter can lick his eyebrows
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/walmart-reverses-decision-remove-guns-ammo-store-shelves-n1245518
  14. Lulz at the Nextdoor and neighborhood FB group posts about leaving candy out and only taking one piece. This is how I would expect every Ring video encounter with that bowl.
  15. Isn't that just like a Wop? Brings a knife to a gunfight! Get outta here, you Dago bastard!
  16. Shitter needs a set of winch pedals. Might as well help trim a sail while you're down there.
  17. I saw this on an RV forum where people are decorating their campsites at RV resorts and passing out candy. I posted it on the RV thread but why not here too
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