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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. The last year or two on my street the Hive Mind decided to all hang the same kind of Christmas lights. And not the gaudy Uncle-Bert-stole-a-truckload-of-lights either, which would have been glorious. No, they all opted for Sad Protestant Single Strand of White Lights outlining the roof and wall edges of the house. Sorta gives the feeling of walking through an early vector-graphic game like Battlezone. What's more, nobody hangs the lights themselves. Oh No. There's some gang of hillbillies rolling around doing it for everybody and I hope those fuckers are making bank. Me, I am too blue-collar deep down to pay some other dude to do frivolous shit for me. And I am way too lazy to do it myself. There is a stump, a 4-foot-tall stump out front that I left that way for reasons, 50/50, of critter habitat, and pissing off people who wish we had an HOA that wouldn't let us leave stumps. Maybe after Christmas I'll wrap a strand of lights around the stump, just so people who don't like the stump can see it in the dark.
  2. How do you say "What's wrong Honey?" "NOTHING." in Chinese?
  3. For which country are you talking about though?
  4. 2 worthy designs that probably have 200 years of experience combined.
  5. During my enforced Evangelical attendance, I found out they'd confiscate comic books but they'd let you sit there and read a Bible. And huge chunks of the Bible are all about killin and fuckin.
  6. Hell, that flower's just now gettin good at pluckin.
  7. [rhythmic music, rhythmic music] El GaaaAAAAS [repeat ad infinitum driving slowly past my hungover self]
  8. Those old buildings have lots of basement and attic rooms with reinforced doors, for the comfort and protection of the more unique scions of the gentry who might otherwise have harm befall them, were they to wander loose of a night.
  9. 30 years ago I went to a bar and played doubles pool against a couple that included that guy. Well, not this guy, but close enough. Every damn time it was his shot, he would stop, gather up his stick like a wizard's staff, and pontificate about random shit that had nothing to do with the game. Sure, he was smart. It was a college bar. Everybody was smart. Everyone was also a dumbass. And he was a big drag-ass damn dumbass. Prolly dean of some foo-foo college now. And bet he still sucks at pool.
  10. As a Sovereign Citizen I fail to see how this would ever affect me.
  11. It's a more entertaining version of the 700 Club.
  12. Ever been in Mexico during an election? They've got cars that drive around with tinny megaphones with voices booming forth that sound just like Ron there.
  13. Take a little spare money and do what Tommy do.
  14. People think there's a huge profit printing things on tshirts. And there is. If you, like me, had walked past the mansions of the "Tshirt Barons" in Zurich, you'd curse the day you went to college or married your non-ink-stained wives. You'd like to go back in time to racking Haynes 100% Cotton Classic XLs into the early dawn hours under flickering fluorescents, BUT YOU CAN'T, it's a young man's game, a pirate's game, and look at you, you weak, listless, cold tub of sludge, you waste of crematorium fuel, you poisoner of starving vultures.
  15. What strikes me is not the amount or speed of sales, I see that in local shops who have a manic turnover, it's that people are buying bullion from a big retailer. Costco must attract all sorts of people who'd never darken the door of a coin shop. Let's be honest, the friendly LCS can be friendly, or not, and it can be intimidating to the noob. Plus of course everybody wants to do everything on their phone. Their customers probably don't even know there are online bullion dealers with better prices, or maybe they just trust Costco. Kinda reminds me of buying Libertads inside Electra hardware stores at the little Banco Azteca window in the back.
  16. The job is not done until the Inquisition gets the truth out of the Satanists. Break them on the wheel!
  17. 50,000 bars spread out over the US and UK doesn't seem excessive. I guess the story is that people are getting it from a retail giant instead of small shops or traditional online vendors? I couldn't find any Costco listings online to check prices. I keep getting Walmart precious metal offerings online, it's usually something from Apmex with a jacked-up price.
  18. The upside is that for almost three years I got about $120K of the pills for free, and they work. So now I'm able to pay for them if I need them because I took them.
  19. Maybe I'll lighten up the air with some White People Problems. We got a bill from Express Scripts, outta the blue, for almost 5 grand. I knew that for more than 2 years I qualified for a grant that gave me Inlyta for free. Free, plus it works, so hey. But Express Scripts quit applying full credit back in September, so now this bill, which we first saw yesterday, has us as 60 days late for a chunk of it. Near as I can tell, it's about $120/day at my current dose if I have to pay for it. Could be much worse. I can draw an extra $120 of cartoons everyday just by cutting down on games and porn. So I sent errbody an email, we'll see what's up. I also tried to call Express Scripts. They shield themselves behind a really clunky phone bot Hello. What letter does your drug start with? "An I." Is that an H? "NO." Is that an H? "Ah-EEE." Is that an H?
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