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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Trains and buses. If you really love adventure, it's right downtown at the Greyhound station. The passengers are generally politer than anything on a plane these days. It's the best way to see the countryside, and if you ride one down to Mexico you can hook up with the best network of buses I've yet to see, with bustling terminals like mini-airports. If you don't want to leave the US, you can still go international with the half-hidden routes of China buses or Mexico buses. These two usually stop near bustling ethnic emporia that are interesting in their own right. If you are White, you may have to convince people you really want to ride, but that will be a heartwarming part of your future travel tales. Maybe you say, "Cool, RD, but I can't help it, I am just too damn fancy to ride on a bus," well I gotcha brother. Book Amtrak and get a big-ass fancy sleeper room. The conductor is your guard and servant, and you have dining privileges vs the Irish down in Coach. There will be inexplicable delays and/or shortages announced in brutal fashion over the intercom by people fired from subway systems for poor enunciation, but it all just washes over you as you lounge on your own private toilet seat.
  2. Canecutter Currency Corollary to all the @Ghost of LL Time Warping observations: Somewhere deep in our brains, we decide that whatever things cost about the time we have our first "real" job, is what things should "really" cost, plus maybe 10%, forever. Example 1: in the 80s I was slapping together vector art on a bespoke computer for a modest but livable $16K. In the back of my irrational mind, I think 16K would still get you the same simple but OK lifestyle I had then. Rationally, I now that 1980s 16K is maybe 5K live-in-a-cardboard-box now, but I can't shake it. Canecutter Currency Corollary (CCC.) Sheesh, Mama Canecutter got it even worse. She has an entourage of yard guys and tradesmen that must be working cut-rate for her, and she's convinced they are robbing her. (The plumber charged her 80 bucks.) "They think I'm made of money!" Mama, it's like he charged you 8 bucks of your 1963 paycheck.
  3. The original Star Wars was as close in time to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria as it is to us now.
  4. All these Golden Corral snobs, probably too good to lay down twenty bucks on the midget fights out back.
  5. Once you've decided that you are carrying out the wishes of a God who pan-fries sinners for eternity, a little lost election here and there is taken in stride. Haha, no-- you lose your shit about that too.
  6. Lay out shiny gifts for the crows, and in return they will provide you with recon.
  7. All we need is another Vietnam War with a draft, and those college numbers will perk back up.
  8. I am cavorting with Mud People and defiling runic inscriptions because I hate my race.
  9. I'll probably do that too. Or the occasional stock buy. The main thing is not to drank it up. Funny thing today, I was toddling on foot to an art gallery a few blocks from home where they sold some of my stuff, and I had a fat 84 dollar check waiting. Took a short-cut past the coin shop, where I haven't really been since he went "appointment only." Coin dealer dude is out in the parking lot. He's like "RD!" I'm like "Coin Dealer Dude!" He's like "come on in and visit!" So I do. He's got all my favorite Mexican gold. A big Centenario. "Grab you one RD!" "I brought the wrong wallet, but I could do 2 Pesos." Coin Dealer Dude names a price. By random chance, I have it in cash. Fished in.
  10. I want Tuh-ate Ruh-eeves panicked and runnin around that old oak tree so fast he turns into a streak of mayonnaise.
  11. So as I said, I decided to get a little gold each month starting in December. Well, it's December somewhere. I like to bathe new gold coins in some sunshine, after they've probably been locked away for decades.
  12. For what they spent I figure they replaced roofs for 3-4 veterans. Not stated if said veterans were also suck-buddies of Tubs.
  13. I think you're sposed to drink it, not inhale it.
  14. I'll pray for all of you, as soon as I get this wicker man finished. Oh, and let me know which one lost.
  15. Not gonna lie, there were mob-scene Halloweens in the past where I felt like hanging up that sign.
  16. You just made the list of Big Time Change.
  17. My "clock" is set to the sun. When the light coming from the window squares up with the floorboards, I know it's True Noon. I usually observe this while I'm scratching my ass walking to the shower.
  18. Hell hath no wrath like a closeted reporter seeing an out preacher.
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