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Texas St. Armadillos

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Everything posted by Texas St. Armadillos

  1. Man Walks on the Moon.pic
  2. What's Mr. Orange's plan for the caravan? Gun em down in the Rio Grande?
  3. I would put half in mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in Securities.
  4. Thanks. Looking forward to it. Gonna sneak out for a little golf while there too.
  5. Quick bump. I've heard Dogwood Canyon is nice.
  6. At least now they can't say they ran out of time.
  7. Respectively, Brisket. Big fan of your work. Can you please share more of this Playbook you have mentioned? Trying to learn here.
  8. Went with the bevel on the tat. Bold. He looks like all the other suburban aggys I went to high school with.
  9. He's making me awfully thirsty by mentioning it so much. Or, maybe, it's the pretzels?
  10. Reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where he's wearing the super thick glasses in the old theater.
  11. Taking the family up there next month. Anyone been? Any activities or particular restaurants you recommend there? Worth going into Branson at all?
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