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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Someone called him Prilosec which cracked me up.
  2. He's in Montgomery County where there are no gays and girls don't climb trees and is definitely not east Texas. Anything east of I35 is east Texas to us west Texans.
  3. What overlapping history would that be? I used to get you two mixed up I think.
  4. I'm guessing Mulaney had sobered up by the time he filmed this? His character was hilarious.
  5. So sad we will never read gems like this again. RIP MaC
  6. as opposed to your Surly cringe? jk
  7. There was a parrot at that pet store at Duval and 183 that used to say "N____r want a watermelon?" Pretty horrible.
  8. Username doesn't check out.
  9. Yeah, he's like "Keef's got this."
  10. That was incredible. Fucking orc went down swinging. How many grenade blasts did he withstand?
  11. The only thing better than Ukrainians killing Russians is Russians killing Russians.
  12. It looked like the Ukes took a grenade at the 1:20 mark. Our hero appears to self apply a tourniquet to his arm afterward. I don't think his buddies in the trench with fared as well.
  13. Clearly you haven't been in the old Uvalde city jail.
  14. Ten Bears


    I would imagine the vast majority of abuse goes unknown also.
  15. Thank you for your service
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