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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Nesmith as Zappa. Zappa as Nesmith.
  2. Reminds me of back in the day at high school kegger this one out of town cowboy was getting picked on by these 3 local dumbasses. Finally ol' cowboy says "That's it goddammit," and proceeds to knock one guy out with one punch. "That's one!" Then instantly knocks the second dude out, same way except left handed. "That's two!" Then as the 3rd dude is standing there with his mouth open cowboy does a 360 spinning backhand and crushes the side of the last guys face. "That's three! I have always wanted to try that spinning backhand." Fight lasted about 3 seconds.
  3. I took typing in high school because that was where the girls were but it probably was the most useful class I had.
  4. At the Brushy Creek Community Center? I saw no such thing there.
  5. This asshole in Round Rock needs to be made famous. http://twitter.com/i/status/1586826281185951745
  6. I find that if I have more than 2 questions I better put them in bullet points or one or more will be missed.
  7. Same. It and The Gargoyles scare the crap out of me. It's not?
  8. One of my first memories is having an apple seed stuck in my ear (idk why) and my dad telling me that an apple tree was growing out of my ear. I remember running to the bathroom mirror to see, convince Dad was right.
  9. Ten Bears


    Can someone explain how they are getting away with selling concentrates in Texas? How is it not illegal?
  10. He was jerking it while that picture was taken.
  11. You want arm? I can get you an arm, believe me.
  12. Was that a soldier crawling out before the last blast? Good.
  13. Ten Bears


    Pro tip: Schedule as early in the morning as possible so you aren't starving all morning. That post-colonoscopy meal is pretty glorious though.
  14. Tempted to donate a dollar just to add the comment "So your husband didn't assault Officer Fanone and didn't provide the tazer used on the officer? Here's a dollar to dry your tears with bitch."
  15. Wonton Song is Zepplin's best song imo.
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