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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. i read the first page and then skipped to the last. This question of "what can we do to make fewer people feel like they don't need one" is to basically ban them from downtown/high pedestrian traffic areas. redo parking lots to relegate trucks/SUVs to last row/farthest from door parking enforced with civil fines. lower the height of parking garages a few inches to make it impossible for them to enter. Another big deterrent would have be insurance costs. if trucks are truly hitting more pedestrians then it seems natural that premiums would be higher. now i am not championing those things (I drive a truck), but it would take some very heavy handed tactics to change things so that trucks were relegated back to 'work only' status and not used as daily drivers for city folk. I doubt this will happens as most American cities reactions to traffic/parking is just build more lanes/spaces. it's way more convenient to me in the short term, but likely unsustainable long term as city populations continue to rise along with their 'burbs and there are no incentives (good or bad) to reduce driving other than some jobs extending WFH. I drive a truck (plain Sierra 2WD 1500) mostly because the cab is big and my 6'7'' frame fits in nicely (no sunroof though, those make the cab too short). Me putting my seat all the way back still leaves a little room for the kids in the back seat. All mid size and some full size sedans leave no room in the back seat if the front seats are pushed all the way back. It's 99% a kid hauler and we take all road trips in my truck. Used to trucks were way cheaper than a big 'luxury' sedan that had a real back seat and spacious front seats. That's not really the case anymore i guess. The Toyota Tundra Crewmax had the absolute biggest back seats and most room between front seats and back seats. loved that truck but it legit got 13mpg or so.
  2. most cortisone shots are preceded by a lidocaine shot, which is pretty awesome and makes your shoulder feel bulletproof for the rest of the day. I have had good luck with cort shots relieving pain that simply was not going away in my knee (torn meniscus) and shoulder (arthritis). Had a buddy i play bball with who gets the gel shots in his knee. Said his doc told him the gel was better long term than a cort shot for the joint if you were going to be getting either on the reg for years.
  3. lol, about the same thoughts from me when i stumbled on the show. was like, why tf are these people on TV?
  4. hasn't GQP moved on to putting gas stoves on a flag and saying come and take it? it's one thing to be on the cutting edge of stupidity but to regurgitate months old falsehoods is just bad form for the aspiring right wing want-to-be funny person.
  5. I had several of those bad boys and rode the bus past the headquarters often-Gayla Industries. Pride of Nawf Side H town. Inwood up to no good. hell yeah. i tried taping nails to one during a kite battle. the result was ... not such a flight-worthy kite
  6. what is the stated purpose of a sheriff's role in gov/law enforcement? since they are elected they are inherently corrupt and not qualified to do whatever job they are tasked with.
  7. i mean it's better than the lets go brandon stuff. at least this dude just says it vs the all the alphas that see the need to use code.
  8. thought 1st ep was great. wife is not usually into horror/zombie type stuff be she liked it as well.
  9. 1000 times this. We are able to watch real time footage of our mid-level tech vs what Russia is throwing out there. This intel is priceless. Plus all the munitions that will have to be rebuilt here on home soil maintains/creates a lot jobs. I mean, if we are going to keep the Defense budget what it is, it makes complete sense to keep supplying them arms and tech.
  10. i follow that account for the lulz. probably some incel in the basement wishing any girl would talk to him. his notions on how easy farming/ranching is and how idyllic that lifestyle is are extremely off base. and yes, the breast milk icecream is a recurring thing with this nut.
  11. i had him benched all week, but put him back in the lineup because yahoo said he was changed from questionable to healthy right before game time. thought about just leaving him on the bench but then faded my first intuition as i normally get it wrong.
  12. I was up slightly and had him vs Nick Folk. so yes, yes i did get proper folked by him and lost by 2 points. still sitting 4th place (top 4 make playoffs) with the last regular season game this week. good start with Kittle so far.
  13. well, what i am saying is what most likely happened is nft degens likely bought most of these. right now unique ownership is 33%. they are now offloading on likely trumpers who will get stuck buying these at inflated pricing. but yes, as someone who has banged around NFTs for better part of the last 1.5 years, this project selling out with 45K items surprises me. But nft degens are thirsty for any action right now.
  14. man those thing are actually selling well on the secondary market. ~2.2x initial pricing. the rare 1 of 1 i saw sold for ~$4K, another one for $5K people who minted are flipping for a profit. sales every 45 seconds or so, which indicates great volume https://opensea.io/collection/trump-digital-trading-cards/activity 1500 ETH traded so far. so at 10% thats another $200K in royalties. the entity that bought Trumps likeness for these is making out very well. Their 'labor' consisted of stealing stock photos and pasting an orange head on top. Probably used the Opensea boilerplate smart contract and got Trump to do marketing. pretty much pure profit.
  15. there are 'art' NFTs where it's like a painting that you can buy or compete at auction, but most are set up like the baseball cards back in the day. you buy a pack and you don't know what you will get inside. what 'ant said about gacha was (sorta) correct but that even a semi-obscure reference from pay to win gaming. Think they are call lootboxes now in fortnite etc.... the difference being that with NFTs of this sort, there is supposed to be a hard cap, usually 10K or below so that the manufactured rarity is never diluted. (gacha/lootboxes do not have a hard cap on the # of 'rare' items that can be won) This is why you would see stories about people spending 6-7 figures on rare NFTs.
  16. ok yep back on track for me as well
  17. Typically, this is how NFTs work during a mint. It's supposed to randomly generated and there is a baked in/manufactured 'scarcity' on how the traits are generated. So kindof like a lottery and only a few get the 'rare' ones. Rare traits can generally be sold on the secondary market for higher prices.
  18. i can only make posts with the IPS Default theme and am getting assaulted by ads popping up everywhere. Normally use Dark Theme no avatars. The post window just disappears using this theme
  19. if only FTX had lasted a little longer and these were minted on that platform
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