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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. it would be interesting to see the % of made long range jumpers when a big switches off on a guard. from anecdotal evidence, the big would be better playing close enough to force a drive. The guard knows the big is going hang back a little too far and they will have a fairly uncontested jumper. Using a step back creates even more space vs a big. maybe the %s bear out taking away the drive, but to my eyes it seems like the guard never misses in that scenario.
  2. i was browsing books on how to cook brisket in the oven FOR A FRIEND!
  3. I grew up in a small town with only 1 high school. This one cop, maybe 2 years out of HS, kept pulling over this one HS girl (a Jr at the time) until she finally agreed to go out with him. I had gone out on 1-2 dates with her earlier in the year (we were both in HS) and right after they start 'dating' the cop starts pulling me over. Luckily it only really lasted a month or so and i was never cuffed and stuffed. I think girl and her stalker eventually got married, so there's that. OP, sucks that happened and you had to go through all the bullshit for 'reasons'.
  4. i was not counting on Smith to get healthy or play much going forward. Zach and Lael together good form a decent right side i guess. i think the left side will be lacking, but admit i know zero about how Smith is progressing. Dude is a beast but was not right all season when he did play.
  5. the Dems probably do this too at these little pep rallies, but fuck, this is no different than an old fashioned tent revival except they are worshiping 'Values' and Trump instead of God. God is probably in there as a subset of Values right there behind 2A, POC being put back their places, taking away rights for non-hetero peeps and insurrection. the collection bucket probably gets passed around more often, though
  6. did Russ watch any of the Cowboys games last season? Their Oline sucks. He's got to be trolling for a redo on his extension
  7. lulz. that's one way to deal with it, i guess. can't wait for the siege on the capital and 9-11 standup sets.
  8. yeah, but Vivaldi is playing in background while i post on this thread.
  9. meh, i am near white rock lake. it's ~6-7 miles to cross to the east side of 635
  10. cool! only 1 site within 10 miles of my hood, but it's in Mesquite and who wants to go there, right? not 1a or 1b anyway but if there were dozens of places with wide open bookings i might try to sneak in there.
  11. probably because it does. I have noticed the same thing (although i drive much less too) with NPR, but they usually follow that up with stats that back up the claim. I heard a piece on Pandemic jobless and they said that women were more likely to lose their job than men. Then broke it down further and black women were most likely to have lost their job in the pandemic vs any other group. I don't know the right balance that reporting should take, but i think they are trying to show that yes there are problems in the country and yes x race seems to have a harder time of it. is it all borne out of racism? is it more because of the types of employment black women were working at the time? Are those two related? dunno, probably some from each column. read this article today: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/24/us/smith-college-race.html (may be paywall; i was reading on phone) and it starts off with a story we have seen before of white employee at college questions why black person is eating while black in this specific area. But then goes on a little deeper and paints of picture of nobody really did anything wrong or racist, but black student still felt she was being profiled and harassed and may have falsely accused or amplified the circumstances. There was a kids camp going on and they were trying to keep people out of that area. anyway, i think it's fair to report on the stuff and it's fair to be fatigued about it.
  12. just like Slick Rick, i would rather die of extreme cold and lack of potable water with no federal regulation on our energy grid on my feet rather than live in an electrically stable temperature controlled home drinking safe water on my knees after kowtowing to federal regulation. But you pussies do what you want
  13. look man, i don't question your addictions or where you go to get a fix. plus i can quit anytime i want.
  14. are you saying people that believe in the virus and actually take precautions (masking, SD) but don't want to get a vax? seems off I thought just the don't tread on me patriots and jenny mccarthy types were not getting the vax + people who don't trust docs
  15. loved Fry's but here we are today. Hell, i am a EE that used to work for AMD and stopped building my own PCs. Used to go there all the time for passive components and you could count them to have most everything in stock. Last store i would just go visit 'just because' or because my pops was in town and he loved going in there.
  16. well, if they get convicted, I look forward to their scholarship offers coming from OU forthwith.
  17. so I'm not Tucker, but ... asking for a friend ... where would one go to find Q lulz these days? Texags was gold but even they took their ball and crawled back to their mom's basement. is the 8 chan site/thread still running?
  18. neat concept as a gas grill replacement but the proprietary charcoal sets off an alarm for me. what's it made from? I have a temp control add on for a my BGE where you can dial in pit temps and also monitor the food temp. it has a fan and controls the air going into the base, but mostly use it for longer smokes (12+ hours). For grilling or shorter indirect cooks, i just use the vents to eye ball it. Does this have an indirect heat option? Can you add real wood chips or anything like that? The auto light feature looks cool and that's something no one really relishes doing but not sure it's a big enough draw. anyway, use the hell out of it and report back.
  19. they are 7-5 w/o KP this season and I think they had a wining record w/o him last season as well. I think the defensive metrics go way up when he is not on the floor, but there are games when KP will get 6 blocks and you think it's alright. KP is unguardable as far as getting his shot off, but very guardable if he is missing that bankshot from 12'. so it's a mismatch tradeoff both ways, but if the guy KP is defending can get the rim at will it takes a tremendously hot hand for him to keep the balance. throw old school fundamentals out the window on Luka's last shot. you need the ball to go in with no time on the clock. That's Luka's shot and he obviously works on that stepback a ton. He was perfectly set; he chose the exact spot we was going to shoot from and had a clean look. If he drives, they collapse and he has to pass. Not sure i want anyone else to take the last shot. Contrast that with Texas' last possession in regulation vs Kansas. About the same scenario, but Texas took a running fade-away 3. not a good shot, not one they had practiced and worked on and was taken with a man right in his face. you can say Texas should have driven or run something else there and i agree.
  20. here's how high the gas bill is the expected to be for Feb
  21. so how does that conversation end? well, your biological father was more interested in showing off than actually providing for this family. so be a good boy and get your new step dad a beer out the fridge.
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