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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. I just keep a jawbone of a donkey under the bed and let my hair grow out a bit. Between me and Samson we've killed over 1000 men with that thing. I think Brisket jumped way offsides on this thing unprovoked. I took CHIEF's post to mean you did not have to be a shitkicker to partake. And i use shitkicker with the utmost respect having grown up raising cattle in a very small town (even though now I am an unrepentant librul commie). I think the thread started with general curiosity about the CC and then got surly'd .
  2. fucking lulz. JFC our politicians are so fucking stupid and reactionary (unless, you know it's about combatting a pandemic). They couldn't care less that the actual capitol building and the actual people that make up the government were attacked but let's whip up a new bill to protect a fucking song and mandate that it be played . Can we hurry up and just become AI's bitch?
  3. I missed the middle of the game, but was a little puzzled and thought KP might be hurt or something when i did not see him in there in the last 5 mins. Brunson was just a blur of activity making the right decision to drive or shoot just about every time. Great win. Congratulations, you are still out of the playoffs. get back to work.
  4. here. read the MSDS for hydrogen peroxide and then tell me you still want to rub this on your face every day https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/11189.htm Appearance: clear, colorless liquid.Danger! Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material may cause a fire. Eye contact may result in permanent eye damage. Corrosive. Causes eye and skin irritation and possible burns. May be harmful if swallowed. May cause severe respiratory tract irritation with possible burns. May cause severe digestive tract irritation with possible burns. May cause blood abnormalities. Light sensitive. May cause central nervous system effects.Target Organs: Blood, central nervous system.Potential Health Effects Eye: Contact with liquid is corrosive to the eyes and causes severe burns. Contact with the eyes may cause corneal damage. Skin: Causes severe skin irritation and possible burns. May cause discoloration, erythema (redness), swelling, and the formation of papules and vesicles (blisters). Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Causes gastrointestinal tract burns. May cause vascular collapse and damage. May cause damage to the red blood cells. May cause difficulty in swallowing, stomach distension, possible cerebral swelling and death. Ingestion may result in irritation of the esophagus, bleeding of the stomach and ulcer formation. Inhalation: Causes chemical burns to the respiratory tract. May cause ulceration of nasal tissue, insomnia, nervous tremors with numb extremities, chemical pneumonia, unconsciousness, and death. At high concentrations, respiratory effects may include acute lung damage and delayed pulmonary edema. Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Repeated contact may cause corneal damage. Granted, i think the stuff you are using is more diluted than this, but yeah, stop using it.
  5. i see stickers on trucks a lot throughout Dallas. even Dallas proper and not the burbs, so CC branches must have several that commute out to services. never heard anything about the services or theology one way or another and have never knowingly met someone who is a member. Maybe it's not like Crossfit in that practitioners are mandated to tell everyone within shouting distance that they belong. Is there a centralized entity that defines their theology, helps set up new chapters and sells officially licensed stickers? Or is it more ad hoc non-denominational and each one may have a different flavor for how the service goes depending on the pastor?
  6. for regular season games, they never show the anthem on TV. The public needs to know that Ben Abbott & Associates are the official ambulance chaser of the Dallas Mavericks. I really don't care. If I am at a game and the anthem is played, I stand up and sing. If i am in the concourse buying a beer pre-kick/tip and it comes on the monitor, i keep going about my bidness and more often than not, no one screams at me for hating the troops. It's so fucking stupid that the standard to be a 'patriot' is have the flag tattooed on your cock. Anything short of that mean you love China and are a commie.
  7. I was juuuuust about to change to channel with the Mavs on cruise control then bam, it was single digits and then after 2 bad turnovers for the Mavs (Jr High level bad passes) near half court it got interesting
  8. yeah, i think we are saying the same thing. I had no idea the trend was so recent, but these church leaders are pushing obviously false narratives to gain stupid followers. In using the Bible as a buffet, how is someone parsing through the book and thinking, yeah, I am going to emphasize this date based on Abraham's genealogy back to Adam and double down in the face of established science. perusing the wikipedia of YEC brought the lulz
  9. i am going to need an MS Paint diagram before making any judgements
  10. well, Lot's wife was told not to turn around and gawk once already... you can't be spoiling those disobedient women by telling them twice. Next thing you know they will be cutting the hair and crippling a great Jewish warrior who once killed a 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey. Granted, i grew up going to Church but have not been back in probably 10 years or so. I actually really liked the church i went to willingly as an adult and it was truly was not a den of hating gays, keeping women in their places and blaming migrants for all the world's problems but I just started hating 'the church' abroad in general personified by Jeffress and his ilk. But looking back, I should have been scared shitless of the OT God as a child. As to the 4000 or 6000 yo Erff people. In this day and age with the scientific methods available to spell out exactly how and when dinosaurs roamed the land it's just a pristine example of willful ignorance to persist in 'believing' that. I mean, are there any ancient texts from Greek scholars when some of them started saying, "you know, as awesome as it sounds, I don't really think that Zeus ate his wife and then his son cracked his head open with an axe to let his daughter out of there fully grown and armed. Maybe, just maybe lightning is a natural phenomenon"
  11. anecdotally finding a number and calling in to the shot center seems to work. my wife's parents and my parents were getting shut out on the vax online but called in were able to get appts when the websites were saying no dice.
  12. is it weird that these places and Bible teachings in general sorta gloss over the main point of the story that God utterly destroyed all human life on the planet sans Noah and pals? Were all the humans wicked? maybe all the kids were complete little shits and deserved to drown, idk. Shirley, there were pregnant mothers and their unborn babies were killed. Were all these people who were judged and killed on Earth judged again at the pearly gates? The biggest mass-murder event in the history of the world and most people are like "lol, look how the giraffes' heads are sticking out of the ark. That's so cute."
  13. didn't he already get a divorce that costs about that much per day? did the math, 25 years of marriage @ $137K per day is 1.25B the settlement was for $37B, so the actual costs was $4M per day
  14. damn, i have lived here for 20 years now and never heard of this, but Moses riding a raptor? sign me up. would love to see a list of their 'experts'
  15. saw thread title and thought we needed a professional to handle some emotional pain
  16. pretty sure that's "guy who is getting stabbed in his sleep" for a $1000
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