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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. I have leased twice in my life. (many moons ago) My work had a car allowance and i had to get a certain type of car (no truck/SUV allowed at the time). So leased a sedan to get the payment close to the allowance. First lease term is up and I went to Carmax to get a quote and their buy price was above the residual/balloon payment so I went ahead and sold it Carmax and pocketed the difference. Saved me from having to buy new tires as well. Second time i shopped around, but it was cheaper to turn the lease in as the used value was lower than the residual. I would think it would be a no brainer to get financing at anything < 3% when your money can sit FDIC insured and earn 5%. If the rate dips at the bank, then pull the trigger and pay off the note. Cars are just crazy stupid expensive now.
  2. went to Vegas for weekend; it rained. Came back to Dallas on Sunday; it rained. i am available for hire.
  3. Just got back yesterday. Got to play golf in 80-85 degree weather on Friday (Bali Hai). Rain stopped about 15 minutes before our tee time. Think it rained a little later in the afternoon and again some on Saturday. Saturday was high of 83 I believe. Did not stop the pool parade at the Cosmo though.
  4. that's about the only thing 'make america like it was before civil rights again' does not want to mirror. 91% tax rate on the top bracket. lol it was 70% until 1982
  5. well, I mean, Trump still plays Village People songs at his rallies so...
  6. 10/10 and 10/12 draft order this season. accurate thread title is accurate. Thinking i will go WR/WR
  7. must be serious. not even asking for a friend
  8. yeah, granted twitter is more like an echo chamber, but the fact that most of the replies were not calling that account an effing idiot and were in fact nodding their heads is pretty pretty scary.
  9. i just don't want to end up with a theocracy running the USA. All these politicians citing God's will, God's laws, Bible this and that are fucking lunatics. All the initiatives to take money from public schools to give to these nutbags to fund religious schools is crazy. you want to increase your child's chance getting raped by a priest, do it on your own dime. you want your child to learn how to dehumanize people that are different from them because a few lines in the Bible say God is probably against that behavior, do it on your own dime. Now, if we had more Bible lessons on the prophet Elisha, who after getting insulted by 'youths' called him bald and then called down the wrath of God in the form of two she-bears who proceeded to rampage said youths and racked up an impressive 42 fatalities, then count me in. We don't see God's wrath in today's world. Only human's stupidly and cruelty trying to inflict pain on those they think God hates. Crazy. So this has turned me against basically all religion. I don't really care how great your church is. i hope it fails so religion can influence fewer people.
  10. errbody better get liquid. bully is coming. full send. #altseason #uponly. That Bored Ape suit seems laughable. You mean to tell me that celebrities 'feign interest for financial enrichment'? no effing way!?! The sales on platforms like opensea, blur, looksrare are even more crooked as buyers set up fake wallet after wallet to bid up a collection, start buying a few and then dump all their bags once there is even a smidgen of volume.
  11. thatsmyfetish.gif ? I just have a 2K Honda to run a few things if the grid goes down. Should probably get another one to run in parallel. I converted to to run on LP as I don't want to mess with keeping gas, rotating said gas, etc... bought a big ass propane tank (you can refill them at Uhaul rent centers) and keep a few of the smaller 20lb tanks around as well. I've run fridge, fans, TV/internet and some lamps.
  12. i hope no one watches anything the networks put out in the fall. if there are decent ratings it's the beginning of an Idiocracy TV lineup with Ow, My Balls up for 5 emmys in 2025.
  13. yeah, we had record sales/profits when we were 100% working from home due to covid. our business benefitted greatly from people getting covid bux from Uncle Sam. we had been working 2 home/3 office for a while and got the notice last week we are going to 1 home/4 office starting Q4ish and the 'excuse' was that profits are down so we need more 'collaboration'.
  14. also should mix in a tax protest or two. it's a recent build but damn, that assessment.
  15. not quite old yet at 49, but a couple things i wish i had kept up on or what i am doing now - I call it reverse atrophy training. planks, light/body weight strength exercises just to keep muscles from shrinking and keeping the core strong. Helps with back pain and helps with lethargy from my desk job. a few months ago i started small at home and now hit the gym at work for 20-30 minutes at lunch 3 days a week. will never get swol but hitting the major muscle groups at least once makes a huge difference. - don't be afraid to spend money on docs. get cortisone shots, minor surgeries if you need them. my shoulders are pretty crappy with arthritis. not much i can do other than i had a bone spur removed and i get shots in both shoulders at least once a year now. - all of the above to keep doing 'young' stuff like playing pickup ball with my son at the gym, travelling a lot more/booking ski/snowboardng trips while you can still go hard - i was always blessed with good metabolism and have not had to battle weight issues, but it's starting get harder and harder to maintain my weight and still eat enjoyably. The saying that you cannot out-exercise your mouth is pretty true. weight loss is about diet more than exercise, imo - i have not really curbed my intake, but alcohol is very inflammatory to my joints...but mezcal is so good.
  16. is picking up someone from the airport still a thing? can step-bro not install uber on his phone? i can't imagine asking someone to waste an hour or more of their time (especially middle of workday) to save $20.
  17. lol, do you work for the NZ tourist board or something?
  18. yep, so many people get healed on the flight that the number of wheelchairs needs miraculously goes down upon arriving. flight back from Maui and my wife got the upgrade to first and said peace out, you can sit with the kids. i don't blame her one bit.
  19. you should have thanked the 'good guy with a gun' for his service and covered his bill, jerk.
  20. Oct 15th and the first message back will asking to confirm NASA's banking information at First Intergalactic
  21. have trips to Whistler (flying) and CB (driving, i think although weighing the JSX option) and 90% going to pull the trigger on Portillo for July next year. wife is on board, just have to work out all the kids' HS sports bullsht and how early they start prior to actual classes. Want to go as late in July as possible i think to get the best snow.
  22. with that salary they are essentially saying, hey come here and be a full time host, sharpen your skills, hone your craft to go make money somewhere else if you can. I, unfortunately use to work for a place with a similar mindset. they would only hire engineers after big layoffs in the sector and offer shit to start. the actual work was cool, but the pay, not so much. so they could not be surprised when people leave to get what they (at least think they) are worth.
  23. read an article the other day that said they tried a pilot program with assigned seating a few years ago. I think out of San Antonio and one other city. Said it increased boarding time by 1-4 minutes. Which i guess every minute counts. I don't think it's written in stone though. I think the other airlines have figured out that they can advertise their economy seats' low fare, but then rake in more dollars by charging for window/aisle, premium economy etc...
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