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Everything posted by Stringer

  1. By the way, why are the Brits allowed to play in this? Shouldn’t them being out of the Ryder Cup be a part of Brexit?
  2. Jordan needs to do something on 18. He’s been in his pocket on too many holes on the back 9. JT has kept him afloat.
  3. As bad as JT has been in 2023, he’s been incredible today. More than justifying being picked.
  4. Stringer


    I have a Peachtree (Anton’s suggestion) and I love it. It looks and sounds terrific.
  5. Those first couple of Delta Spirit albums are fantastic. You should definitely give them a listen. They’re also a really great live band. Middle Brother is a fun little one off album. I’ve run into Matthew a few times around town and he is a good dude.
  6. Watching the game, I saw two plays that Burke blew up by just reading the offense properly. I’m sure I missed more. On one, he was on all fours, ready to rush, saw a shift, read that it was a WR screen, stood up and pushed his blocker to the outside, forcing the play inside for a 2 yard gain. The other was a perfect RB screen read. He didn’t get a stat on either one, but it plays well in film study. If we can beat the OLine consistently AND properly read and react, the sky is the limit for this group.
  7. Man, US had chances but multiple bad shots at 17 did them in. And now Lexi just puts it in the bunker on 18….
  8. I’ve been tracking it and will pop it on in the morning. Hope for a fun finish.
  9. How does Bama let that happen? Someone should have been going crazy.
  10. This. I watched way too much of that Cal/Aub game a few weeks ago. It was so bad and I couldn’t look away.
  11. How do you jump over the center like that? That is the most obvious penalty ever. So stupid.
  12. I'm not going to be able to catch this tour and I am so bummed since this is almost 100% sure to be the last time Postal Service will be played live. I did the 10th anniversary show and that was great. That's awesome that Jenny Lewis is more active this tour. I am a huge fan of hers/RK.
  13. The actress who plays Elora wrote the episode as well. She’s directed a few episodes this season too. Definitely filling out that resume nicely
  14. I’m curious if the show had some overly expensive contracts with some of the actors, too. Gillian Jacobs and Molly Gordon were both credited in every episode but had like 6 scenes combined this season. Same with Rob Morgan, who was in the premier and hardly showed up again. From what I understand (you Hollywood guys can tell me I’m wrong), if you are credited on the episode, you get paid, so they had a lot of money going out with actors who weren’t even on the show. Great for the actors, not so much for a show on the verge of cancellation.
  15. Why isn’t CSU going first this time?
  16. We’re getting outplayed by fucking Wyoming and a lot of you guys are bitching about the refs. Loser talk. Just play better than a bunch of 2 stars.
  17. How does this shit channel have so many commercials? Christ.
  18. That place was great but impossible to get a seat the last couple of years.
  19. There is plenty to complain about with Bob, but he has always been complementary of Ewers and expected him to be a top QB in the draft.
  20. Man, you guys are some whiny bitches. Who gives a shit about any of this? I’m sure EVERY school has a similar thread about some announcer who said one negative thing about their school so they must hate us. You act like he came to your house, fucked your wife and kicked your dog.
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