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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chico_SA

  1. Successful with Chili yesterday. Working on Seafood Gumbo today. Cooking up some Shrimp Stock first. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I get it, but this "military as Republican thing" is just odd to me. I was visiting my parents tonight. My mom was disgusted with Republicans as she has been lately, and I asked "You used to vote Republican right? My first election memories were Carter/Ford but mom claims they have always voted Democratic. I was surprised because I assumed their military background (Dad was actually Army Air Corp in 46) would steer them a certain way. It was actually really refreshing to know that wasn't the case. I think so many of these military men and women don't think for themselves. When I was at Annapolis in 88, one of the things I remember the most was how much this California kid in my company got abused for saying he supported Dukakis. Upper classman made him walk around with a Peace Sign taped to his uniform, and it was supposed to be funny. It always struck me as odd, but as an 18 year old in that environment, I didn't realize how fucked up it was.
  3. Chili tomorrow. Seafood Gumbo Sunday. I have everything I need to stay in and make it happen.
  4. Just play this at every game. It will make some people happy, some people crack up, and some think..."wait, something wasn't right there" but they would still be happy.
  5. Chico_SA

    USMNT 2021

    This was my come back around game. Put the TV outside and grilled some burgers. Neighbor asked if I was watching THE GAME, and walked over for responsibly distanced beers. Best part was my 7 year old asking to stay outside to watch until the end before bath and bed.
  6. Yeah. I kept looking at the one I saw, wanting to like it, but it just didn't happen. Look forward to seeing the other one
  7. There has been one in the parking lot at school the last few weeks.
  8. Very clever dinner. Appetizing food fit neatly into interesting round pie.
  9. Binged this over the last 3 days. Thought it was great. I rewound several times in each episode just to hear some of the lines a second time.
  10. She's gross. Press pause every few seconds while she is talking. I don't like her upper lip. I don't like her mouth.
  11. CC deserves to lose because of ugly uniforms and bad face paint choices.
  12. I'm not sure how much I like you.... : )
  13. You could have bought all shit you need at Wal-Mart ( Kids got a switch for Christmas and I bought way to many accessories at Wal-Mart. They did enjoy the little wheel control add on)
  14. Because 31 to 24 wasn't a good enough game for them?
  15. Yeah. Tough loss. But it was fun to be excited about a Bowl Game for the past few weeks, and as empty as the Alamodome was this year, it was actually fun to be at games, unlike the Frank Wilson years. Traylor and staff are doing a good job.
  16. fucking stupid series. Should have taken the timeout with two plays. Damn
  17. stupid fucking shit. Call the damn time out last play
  18. Going to be a long afternoon for the Roadrunners
  19. Responded to the Cajuns score with a good drive. Then just a horrible INT. Defense needs to step up on this next drive.
  20. Let's go Runners! Missing several key players and Coach Traylor due to Covid. Going to be a big challenge.
  21. grrrrrrr.... Well... I guess If UTSA is going to lose commits, I'll be happy that perhaps they are evaluating talent well. Hope he does well at Texas.
  22. I've been a Playstation player since PS2. But now I have 5 and 7 year old boys and decided to get this for them for Christmas. (I'm going to have to wait on my PS5 now) I want to get two more controllers so mom and dad can play every once in a while. Should I just get 2 more Joy-Con's or is it worth the investment to get 2 Pro-Controllers for the boys? I was wondering if they might be too big for young kids hands. They have used my PS3 controllers to play Harry Potter. They struggle a little but manage.
  23. Damn it SMU! I was looking forward to this test for UTSA.
  24. woops. That didn't go right. On the topic. Yeah, I think my biggest issue with football has to do with the youth (younger than middle school) programs. Some of these coaches are nuts. en Last year I coached the 7 year old son of a former Texas O-Lineman in soccer. The boy was SO much bigger than all the kids. I'm guessing he will end up in football. But I thought it was great that dad was encouraging him to succeed in other sports at such a young age.
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