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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Hope Michigan skull fucks them then we get to hear the pantywaists cry for the next 6 weeks. Still if Moore doesn't locate his balls and figure out the forward pass is necessary the Buckeyes will win easily.
  2. This is why the ags will forever be a middling program. They should have gotten the regents approval to remove Bilbo after their pull my yang weedeater bowl appearance. That way Bilbo can keep the early NSD class together and you have ample time to interview candidates who have obligations into early January. Instead like usual they took the torch to their leverage and now are going to have to settle for a lesser candidate or keep quiet past early NSD if they are trying to pick someone CFP affiliated.
  3. Ohio State should be begging the ags to hire Ryan Day. He somehow fucking sucked with the only legit QB that school has ever produced.
  4. Yeah I actually prefer Hoboken to NYC this checks out
  5. We hit the 20th anniversary earlier this year. My handle on 12thFan.com was Fran's Uhaul shortly after that game lol
  6. Imagine some bitchass Rangers fans having a fraction of a collection like this haha Eat ass Arlington!
  7. Naw make him hire Mahzahn and Chizik to be coordinators this time around. Aggy natty fo sho
  8. That aggy may hire SS Rum Runner's replacement to replace Bilbo is definitely some high grade comedy. It might not be on the Dabo/Prime/Kiffin/Riley level but I'll take it! Soundtrack already out there
  9. It's inevitable on road games vs the marquee teams which is why I still think this team is likely headed to the 37-45 range on the season.
  10. Cooper's forced fumble, 11 tackles, and 3 sacks against Alabama was just meh right? Like I get talking shit just maybe get closer to the target
  11. Point and laugh that they hired SS Rum Runner's successor to be Bilbo's successor.
  12. Yeah honestly I'm not sure what aggy affords us in the portal. They have some front 7 defensive talent that could be interesting but we need DB support and none of their WR move the needle enough (except maybe Moose) to overlook the issues and the rest of their offense is a hard pass.
  13. He had a nice run as pinch hitter. Man that 1986 crew will always be my favorite team because they sold an 8 year old on the game of baseball for life. Kerfeld wearing the conehead mask after Scotty's no-no is still etched into my mind
  14. Over a 162-game span from June 18, 1986, through July 10, 1987, Davis hit .307/.405/.629 while launching 49 homers and swiping 93 bases. If you shift the dates back a bit, from June 8, 1986, through June 27, 1987, Davis hit 46 home runs and stole 99 bags. He’s the only player in MLB history to have a 162-game stretch with those numbers. A composite of the two periods yields 49 homers and 99 steals. The 50-50 club? Try 50-100.
  15. Yeah my pops has a few of those at the house as well as we had the similar assessment that Davis was destined for absolute greatness (maybe not Rickey Henderson level but close).
  16. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/38951990/sources-padres-hire-mike-shildt-their-new-manager
  17. Yeah he had a pretty badass run from 1986-1990 the Reds won that World Series then he got hurt in 1991 and just never regained that late 80s mojo.
  18. 1986 was the year I started following baseball religiously and that year we had the anomaly of anomalies (at the time) which was Ricky Henderson posting 28 HR and 87 steals for the MFY in the AL and Eric Davis posting 27 HR and 80 steals for the Reds in the NL. Davis hit 37 HR and had 50 steals the following season.
  19. Being an ag is hard work example 314,984,192: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3419597 Lack of self awareness on aisle 5 at Kyle Field
  20. To be fair Sherrill had to cheat like a muthaphukka to keep up with SMU (see: Dickerson's Trans Am) to get aggy to their norms while the SS Rum Runner got handed the keys to the kingdom by their only recent coach who knew how to assemble an offensive line but didn't know how to build a viable coaching staff to manage them.
  21. No he resigned due to mental strain and his love & respect for the school stupid sip! https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-12-13-sp-227-story.html
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