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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. If I hit the lottery, I would buy one for the new man cave section of my 12 car garage.
  2. I get it. My 1st cousin is an ADA who ran for District Judge as a Republican, my sister is former Associate Parliamentarian of the USHOR who used to work in the Clinton WH (conveniently left off the resume Dennis Hastert reviewed when he hired her) and when we get together its all about family. But my takeaway from ocugolf’s post was “Melania, 28, bone.” My doctors are amazed at my mental acuity.
  3. I just spent a week at a place where it was in the low 20s and burned about 200 pieces of firewood. Thought of @mooseoutfront often while retrieving fuel.
  4. I swear to god, she is like the uglier separated-at-birth, ever so slightly more insane twin of my ex-wife. But I would have to listen to how she eats corn chips to be positive.
  5. Ding dong the witch is dead. Abbot actually did something decent for once, he gave control of CPS back to responsible adults. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/11/28/jaime-masters-out-stephanie-muth-in-as-gov-greg-abbotts-pick-to-lead-texas-cps/?outputType=amp
  6. I just cut into a 2 inch thick medium rare steak and my daughter sends me this as I start to chew.
  7. I need to find out if I have an account there. Seems to me fidelity has the 401k administration market cornered.
  8. Pretty unscathed, except some lady (cousin in laws mother) that looks like Kris Jenner rolled up in a new Denali and cornered my very liberal daughter to tell her how she was born again, gave up a kidney for someone, and how my daughter needed to stay away from big cities and embrace traditional family values. (Basically, move to rural Louisiana, buy a big piece of dirt, and stay away from brown people.) My suspicion is that small branch of that family just keeps committing hide the assets bankruptcy games to look as successful as possible while staying leveraged to the tits, but I may be wrong. Their son (our host) has a nice double wide on 120+ acres, former very brief pro rodeo guy and his sons (Bear and Charlie) who are 7 and 9 can ride and rope their asses off. I was impressed and jealous as hell because those kids are growing up in heaven. They even have 50 head to practice herding and countless goats to rope. The newborn’s (my wife’s godson) first and middle names are Augustus "Gus" McCrae. No joke. Nice nod to McMurtry.
  9. Got an email on Thursday from a guy in my Dad’s unit in ‘Nam saying he hadn’t heard from him in a while and the guys were worried. That was a tough phone call to make, as dad passed in March. Heard some good stories about fire base Gator and I may have some new to me YouTube uploaded super 8 footage of dad headed my way. In ‘68 these guys were 18 and my dad was 22, not only the E5 but the de facto older brother to those guys.
  10. So who has the best UI? I use Schwab. Am I doing it right?
  11. They’re trolling me now. Newsmax. I’m about to go hike 8 miles in the canyon.
  12. Front of the Portland federal courthouse, my sister is a lawyer that works for the US Atty. I took the pic weekend before last. Every time they take the fences down, people start shit, so they just leave them up now. Little park across the street from the Portland federal courthouse where the mischief makers readied their bottle rockets to shoot at US Marshall’s and other feds. Looks peaceful to me. Otherwise, aside from the many homeless camps, Portland ain’t so bad. Had a nice time. But there are a LOT of homeless.
  13. Woke up this morning at a VRBO with my wife and in-laws, went into the living room and fox and friends was on. Saw “Biden’s border crisis” on the banner footer and saw red. I said “I don’t watch this shit” and turned the channel to GMA. My MIL said something nice and my FIL said “hey, I’m not the one that lets tv news get me upset.” Later, I got bitched out by my wife for being an asshole to her otherwise very nice parents. Gave her a perfunctionary “sorry” and walked away. I’ll watch 48 straight hours of hallmark channel movies but I draw the line at Fox News. We don’t discuss politics much. I did state my political stance that the only thing exceeding the ineptitude of the Democratic Party is the immorality of the Republican Party. Next week I’ll be in the oil patch in LA for thanksgiving and every single person is gonna say something derogatory about Biden. My answer is going to be to feign outrage and say “God bless Joe Biden and the sane republicans who voted to ensure American’s economic freedom and national defense with the CHIPS and science act, and oh yeah your next super duty pickup too.”
  14. That’s why all the new chip plants are being built in the Hudson Valley in NY. Intel, Micron, and IBM.
  15. I’m fond of this analogy. Imagine a football team that only arm tackles and punts on 1st down every time.
  16. Anybody been to a meeting in Canyon? Since I didn’t die of active alcoholism, I’m sitting here next to a roaring fire overlooking Palo Duro canyon thanking God for the spiritual fitness that allowed me to say to my MIL “of COURSE I love beans in my chili.”
  17. You need to start giving yourself some credit as you 100% do know shit about fuck. I cannot WAIT to read your posts in coming years. I anticipate them. Your experience is authentic, and it is yours. I’m very proud of my 22 years of alcoholic drinking because it was necessary for me to remove all reservations - for now. The right answers are different for everyone. Sobriety has been described as “a $ million program you get a nickel at a time” Even if you’re still drunk but visiting with sober people, that’s authentic experience. A guy I sponsored got sober in AA to prove it didn’t work. He wanted to go out and tell his friends “I tried AA and worked their steps and it is a useless fraud, and they are a despicable cult.” He’s got 7 years now, we share a sponsor, and I’d have no qualms about asking him to sponsor me one day. Another dear friend was sober for 13 years, drank for 4, and just picked up his 2nd 13 year chip. I’ve done step work with him but he is almost female and I just don’t process emotions the same way he does so while I love him like a sibling, I have to draw the line at trying to experience emotions as frequently as he would recommend. I’d be sobbing all day, every day. But I respect his sobriety and his sponsor (female) has passed on a lot of valuable things through him. He was the one who taught me the value of indifference - more accurately, ambivalence. Another guy I took through the steps was into meth, facing 20 more yrs in TDC, got a reprieve, worked the steps, stayed sober 8 years, relapsed briefly on alcohol, and is 6 months sober now. But that experience was necessary to remove his reservation around alcohol. Otherwise, he went from a white supremist prison gang shot caller to someone I love like a brother. He didn’t lose that when he relapsed, it was just necessary. I didn’t get sober because I wanted to. I had to get sober because I wasn’t ready to die. And as a result, I got to witness the 3 aforementioned miracles. We recover together.
  18. They are 12 step based and have a well developed alumni network too. And though I didn’t attend rehab, I do give credit to Dr. Boone for explaining some scientific things to me which augmented my recovery. Spent a morning with him once. I know lots of guys who went there and stayed sober, and my one and only AA girlfriend went there and ended up drinking herself dead. And Chris Raymer had been her counselor, and he is one of my favorite speakers, so it wasn’t like she didn’t get exposed to the solution. There is a great AA meeting held at the La Hacienda “office” off of Blanco in SATX that I enjoy.
  19. Why don’t you just go to a few AA meetings and just listen? They can be attended around your work schedule. 7 am, 5:30 or 6:30 or 7:30 pm. Noontime. Maybe tell the meeting secretary “this is my first meeting, I’d like to hear how the rest of you ended up here?” Or are you going to need a medical detox? I am biased, because I had an incredibly easy entry into AA (18 yr sober dad) and was married to a psychopath who currently runs several rehabs. I did not go to rehab. I have seen people go to rehab once and get sober, and a dozen times and not get sober. AA can be started immediately, is essentially free, and the people there learned about alcoholism by experiencing it and not attempting to understand it through schooling. If you were going hunting, would you hire a seasoned guide who had shot plenty of game, or would you hire someone who had never felt what it was like to peer through a sight and pull a trigger?
  20. I miss the good old days when Cajunhorn would come in here and get all militant about the 4 types of drinkers described in the big book. Over the years, I’ve often thought that this thread should be renamed “field research - Am I a problem drinker or an alcoholic?” Alternatively, a 2nd thread “Welcome to AA. Coffee is over there.”
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