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Everything posted by squib

  1. In light of the story above. I had a young man I mentored in Lubbock during Knight’s time at Tech. His dad was a lawyer that did some work for BN it seems. So I am speaking at a conference in St. Louis and I run into this young man who is also there for the conference. He asks if I want to go the Cards game that night with him as his dad had secured him some tickets because of some dealings with BN. I ain’t no busta so I jump at the chance. We get to the game, and I ask mentee where our tickets might be. He said “Dad said just go to Will Call window.” Head to Will Call and mentee says his name—she looks down at a sheet and then looks up and says “Who are you guys?” We respond we are just some guys from West Texas. She hands us tickets and keeps staring us down. In we go to the stadium, and we ask an usher near our gate to help us find the seats. He says “Who are you guys?” I started to catch on. He says we need to follow him and he takes us through this secure area and leads us to front row seats between home plate and third. We sit down and the person a few seats over says “Who are you guys?” Mentee then gets weirded out and calls his dad and asks “What’s up with these seats?” Dad says “Hell if I know. I mentioned to Knight in some meeting you were going to St. Louis and he asked if you wanted to go to the baseball game. I said yes. That is all I know.” Watch the first inning and interact with people around us. Finally one person asks us how we are related to Tony. Mentee says “Tony who?” Stranger friend says “La Russa dipshit, you are sitting in his family seats that they use when they don’t want to sit in the box.” Thanks Bobby.
  2. squib


    Cowboys: Hold my Zima (with watermelon jolly rancher stuffed inside)
  3. Down by 5 in the 4th quarter. 4th and 1 on the 35 yard line. 30 seconds to go. QB lines up. And then....
  4. That butternut squash: "What dafuck did I do?"
  5. Never a finer example of when the FUFO emoji should be employed. Set ablaze the bull, get the firey horns. (and get pantsed in the process)
  6. Newt went to law school? He should have sued the shit out of Dish for that ass whoopin' in Montana.
  7. This place is supposedly just a few miles from the train. https://imgur.com/a/JHGStRx Looks like several people are in on the joke. In Colorado, you might get your ass shot running around in such a getup.
  8. My daddy made me cry only twice in all my years. Once when he beat me with a tire iron for chasing them goats on my bike and forcing them to tear up a stretch of fence. The second time when he put me in the figure four and told me wrestling was fake. I healed up from episode one; the wound is still fresh 40 years later on the second. The Von Erichs were/are gods among men.
  9. Huge fan. The sound of my south Texas home.
  10. It was -2.5 by the time I got to Caesar's on Monday at 3 p.m. Talk me out of Maryland +19.
  11. Thanks Rimbo. That is an interesting strategy. I prefer to watch on my TV, but I can see how the 4 apps on a computer option could be useful.
  12. Ok. I guess, I am not seeing all the options. Where is the best place to look for those 27? All the options i see have at least two shit teams included.
  13. I tried the Googles; sorry to ask here. Can I select the games I want in multiview or am I stuck with whatever 4 they bundle? Can I select just 2?
  14. squib

    First 2 hours of MTV

    “The Real World” killed MTV only because MTV had to move in that direction to survive—as a crappy version of itself. See, the station needed to up its advertising prices. You do that by selling ad spots for different amount of money depending on projected eyes on screen. Super Bowl ad slots sell for more than Price is Right slots because you can predict more eyes on screen (also value of those eyes depending on demographics but I digress). When we all just tuned in and out to watch videos (the best days of MTV), it was near impossible for the network to sell Monday at 6 p.m. for any different rate than Thursday at 8 p.m. There was no “scheduled programming” to draw viewers like corn at a deer feeder. So MTV launches a program that has a set time. It becomes very popular and ad space sold during its block is worth many times more than the slot between REO Speedwagon Take it On the Run and McCartney/Jackson Say Say Say. The execs like the money, want more scheduled programming to sell at a premium, and a once-great network is ruined—at least for those of us that lived a life where MTV just played in the background nonstop. Now you get to a Yogi Berra conundrum when you think about now and how do you sell any spots when no one watches at all. I guess this is where subscription money and cheap ads barely keep it afloat.
  15. Great. Heading there for a conference on Monday.
  16. I'll go in a bit different direction than divorce or kid stuff. Grew up in south Texas where it was an hour to the grocery store. My family was super tight as we spent all our time together. Not many friends for any of us including parents as it was just too remote. From as far back as I can remember I spent tons and tons of time with my dad. He worked in the oil field checking on wells, and I could ride to work with him everyday in the summer. We ate big dill pickles, drank semi-cool Dr Peppers and just talked. ALOT. Many, many nights he would come in my room to say good night before I went to bed, and he would sit on the corner of the bed and tell me that all we had in this world was each other and our family. Seemed correct to me. Go off to college but come back and forth regularly to hunt and fish and often times work with him. So never a hard separation. Flash forward to 1995 and I have been working in Austin after college. Still seeing my folks every month or two. But I decided I hated my job and I got recruited to go to graduate school several states away. Call dad, telling him I am coming home to spend Christmas but will load up a few things I had there and I would be leaving to go off far away. He is excited for me and glad I am coming home for the holidays for a few days. We hunt and fish. The day comes that I need to leave so we get up and drink a few cups of coffee. I have a 15-hour drive ahead of me so I say I need to go. We walk out to front of house and he wants to show me a new tool, then a place for a future flower bed, and then some dent on a trailer, etc, etc. We walk around and talk and everytime I head toward my truck, he says "Hey, look at this...." Anyway, after an hour, I say "Dad, I have to get on the road." I get in the truck, roll the window down. He comes over and starts telling a story. I say, I have to go and I put the truck in drive. Say I love you, and start out of the driveway. He starts walking toward the house...and falls to his knees crying. I am watching all this in the rearview mirrow. I start bawling. I just about throw it in park, but I know if I step out of that truck, I will never leave. I grip the wheel, point the truck east and drive off with him in the yard..lost, broken, alone. Didn't see him and mom for almost a year. A long, hard year.
  17. This is a suckerpunch out of nowhere. I had decided to travel where I must to see him this year. Wish I would have tried harder. Some great songs that provide the soundtrack to some of my best and worst memories.
  18. Yep. Beer available in stadium. I think it was $12 for tall boys.
  19. You will be in Tuscaloosa in 45 minutes if you leave at 10 a.m. Traffic will be light but steady. I would figure on traffic not being a problem until around 2 p.m. You will see people drinking a beer and walking around, but I am not sure about legality. I would use a Koozie or maybe dump it in a Yeti cup just to be safe. I drank my tallboys out of a papersack last weekend with no trouble. On the strip, vendors will be selling beer in street kiosks ($6 is what I saw as the going price). Many people were openly drinking and walking. In terms of shuttle from Lot A, I parked near there last weekend. I just walked--it was about a 10-minuted trek to the quad. I didn't see a shuttle, but I wasn't really looking either.
  20. FYI, the donut/breakfast place downtown on University near Greensboro Ave (south side of University) was legit. One option was a maple donut with bacon on top--I got the breakfast biscuit with eggs and bacon. Anyway, cool local spot near a ton of stuff. Line got long after a while.
  21. Brutal. https://twitter.com/IQfor3/status/1699993724783096259?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1699993724783096259|twgr^e6182ef9920196988ef2c25b27a8440d2e7775ca|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2023%2F09%2Fkadarius-toney-chiefs-lions-drops-mixtape-video Also....
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