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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Coaches that win ten games a year at UH don't stay at UH. Also, I'd rather coach (and recruit Houston for leftovers) than coach at Kansas.
  2. Anybody on the Raiders roster that fits that description?
  3. I'm thinking about checking this band out in a few weeks just based upon this video. It's fucking brilliant.
  4. On a whim, I went to see Ages and Ages at Polaris Hall in Portland friday night. I had listened to a couple of their new songs and thought they had a Portugal, the Man meets Broken Social Scene vibe. Wow, they were so much more than I had expected. Everybody but the drummer sings and there is a lot of harmonizing. I was really impressed. After their set they walked of the stage and milled about next to the stage. After a short pause they came back up and played one of their more well known tracks "Divisionary (Do the right thing)". After finishing they walked off stage again and stood there. This venue has no backstage for the band to retire to. The singer got back on the mic and said that they hadn't prepared anything else but there was nowhere for them to go. He called out to a bunch of former members of the band that were in the audience, grabbed an acoustic guitar, and told them to meet him in the middle of the floor. The current and former members of the band met under the chandelier and performed an acoustic version of the song "No nostalgia". It was a moving experience. I think I might have been the only person in the audience that didn't know the words because everybody else joined in and sang their hearts out. I know this picture doesn't do justice to the moment but it was an incredible experience and I'm glad I got to witness it.
  5. The owners like the bells and whistles. More $$$$.
  6. Nuge

    Sam Ehlinger

    Could you two shut the fuck up? Nobody wants to read your slap fight. Take it to PM or better yet act like adults and just stop.
  7. I had the audio on while working and I kept thinking that Ray Romano was answering the questions.
  8. Win or lose I'll be drinking. But I'm a much happier drunk after a win. Fuck TCU! We are going to fuckstomp them!
  9. I'm not a religious person but I think I might be willing to attend a service at this church. https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2018/09/oregon_church_changes_sign_aft.html
  10. 9am for me. Great way to wake up! Fuck OU
  11. Nuge

    Joshua Moore

    I agree with that guy. Or maybe the other one. ^
  12. My buddy Jason repairs and builds guitars if any of you are looking. https://www.jscottlutherie.com
  13. Did a lot of 18 hour shifts doing live event production. Get in early, set up, run/produce the event, tear down, load truck. Years of that. The longest was when I produced a video for a bank. We shot for 12 hours and then I edited for the next 24 to give them a 16 minute video 36 hours later.
  14. We got a new kitten. She jumped on my lap the other night and all I could hear in my head was Ralph.
  15. Michel Gondry is the director. I'll give it a shot.
  16. These must be those really fancy apartments that don't have numbers on the doors.
  17. Could Chris Brown work at LB? I've heard that he's a thumper but slow (for a DB). Seems like that might translate to becoming a quick linebacker.
  18. I used to think that my grey hair was caused by my 7yo. I've come to the conclusion that it is actually Texas football that is prematurely aging me.
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