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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Roll that out to Horn Bash this weekend and cook with me.
  2. Justifiable shooting IMO
  3. My shitty turn in box this weekend. Tasted good, but it's possible I was actually too drunk to slice brisket.
  4. Give me a square firebox all day long over round, but that's just me. I have no scientific data to back this up.
  5. Don't ever fucking say that again.
  6. Giada's breasts are better than her thighs.
  7. I'd say Roy cutting your meat in the pit room at Kruez among those brick pits might be just as good of an experience, and the food is a good compromise.
  8. Spritz spritz spritz spritz spritz Sorry (spritz)
  9. Just posting Mexia's favorite gold digger to hopefully get that fucking troll off the Tapatalk preview
  10. What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron woman? One is a superhero and one is a command.
  11. Well to be fair, nobody writes home about anything anymore.
  12. This. And that looks awful.
  13. Had one just like this, except mine had a bunch of empty beer cartons in the back and no hood at one point. So right on my brother!
  14. So...was it a Palm Harbor home, or was it a home in Palm Harbor? I'm so confused.
  15. In retirement Frank Hamer lived on Riverside Dr, up on the bluff on the south side of the street. I think his house is still there. My Dad grew up in the house directly behind him (they shared the alley between Riverside and Harwood). So this hits close to my Dad's childhood home.
  16. This might be my death row dinner.
  17. There's no way I could hire someone to come over and boil my crawfish.
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