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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RPM

  1. RPM

    Below Deck

    Dyslexia and yachts do not mix well no matter what department. Lots of pressure with very little room for error. He'll do fine working in a restaurant. He's far from the worst chef I've seen on BD. Remember Leon?
  2. Possibly? How tf would I know? I've only seen 1 of his standup specials and it was way before SV. I was not blown away.
  3. That would be T.J. Miller. He called in a bomb threat on an Amtrack train. Turns out he had a brain tumor causing his behavior. Met him in Vegas a couple years ago. Nice guy.
  4. I Saw What You Did and I Know Who You Are. Early 60's horror movie about prank calling before caller ID. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.
  5. If you like this stuff, check out Conan Without Borders. The Cuba episode was epic for so many reasons. May be the best show he's ever done.
  6. RPM

    Getting old sucks

    Asking again. Anyone have any experience with this type of therapy?
  7. RPM

    Boy Kills World

    Fucking a Skarsgård is hardly an exclusive club. There's so many of them.
  8. Take. My. MONEY!!!
  9. Daniel literally got butt fucked.
  10. The Buffalo Wild Wings buffalo needs to become extinct.
  11. So @immamac when we getting aforementioned VPN?
  12. Verstrappen, Norris, Checo
  13. Stroll punted Ricciardo like Erxleben. Danny out. "RB stands for Really Bad."
  14. Yuki out. Shit show of a restart. Safety Car.
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