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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RPM

  1. It's blatantly clear that F1 is blocking Andretti from entry.
  2. Snow Monkeys done tore down Ruth's orchard and built a tractor pulling arena.
  3. In general I like Aussie shows. Saw it listed, but didn't know what it was about. Sounds like I need to check this out.
  4. My Dad raised a Brahman bull. It was his pet. It would stick it's head inside the cab of the pickup and lick him. As a reward he would give it a drink of W.L.Weller he always carried with him. Fun times. One day my Dad was walking in the field an the bull (around 1500 lbs now) walks up. Dad pets him and walks away. Huge mistake. Bull wanted a drink. He butted my 65 year old Dad about 10 feet. Dad scrambled to get to a tree for cover but the bull was between him and the pickup. It was a long standoff until the bull lost interest and Dad crawled to the truck. Next day the bull went to the auction but no shots were fired.
  5. Hyundai has them on backorder. Please check back later.
  6. Paging @Jade to the white courtesy phone
  7. I 'member. On March 28, 1979, America’s worst commercial nuclear accident occurred with a partial meltdown inside the Unit 2 reactor at the Three Mile Island plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania.
  8. Newsmax rolls off the tongue better than Al-Jazeera English.
  9. RPM

    Getting old sucks

    Maybe they only had lefts and put it in backward.
  10. That's the worst job of Elephant parking I've ever seen.
  11. Boston has entered the chat.
  12. Not much anymore. Most just use Waze.
  13. Imagine that truck driver. I've driven a loaded 18 wheeler over the old Huey P. Long bridge a few times before the expansion. Took a 5 lb sledge to knock the pucker out of the seat afterward.
  14. Oh say can you see that big fucking bridge it's over a mile long and right in front of you.
  15. Found a pic of the Bosun
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