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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Fortunately he's not nearly as smart or clever as cocaine mitch. I don't think that seat would ever go blue in this cycle, so it's still a net loss for em
  2. I was more invoking Goodharts Law and applying it to company stock valuations. I would argue that because much of executive compensation is tied solely to stock value, it creates and motivates perverse incentives to manipulate that price quarter to quarter and overlook long term consequences to short term strategies. One of the many outcomes from this is the market value stock price becoming effectively decoupled from the actual value of the stock price.
  3. Heading off this straw man at the pass: I am not arguing whataburger is "basic sustenance" or that you can sell a burger for $1 and keep a business open. But a $5 meal turning into a $16 meal is bullshit. Prices don't scale geometrically, at least not if you're running your restaurant business like a person with a brain. It's wild how much y'all jump to defend profiteering and gouging. Use your fucking eyes dudes. Consumer prices tripling isn't just "input costs going up". But I guess the surly IDW bat signal has gone off, appropriately so with the actual IDW Jordan Peterson invocation lol.
  4. What an incredible string of extreme anecdotes, artfully woven together to broadly mischaracterize an entire generation of parents and cast them as enemies of the culture war. I'm sure those things have actually happened in a handful of singleton instances, but you're getting started early on the drinking if you think that's an honest and realistic representation. No idea why kids in the country could be so anxious and uncomfortable nowadays. They do school shooting drills every semester, so they have it drilled into them from a young age what to do while the cops don't save them! Why isn't that a source of comfort for them...
  5. But there's no price gouging happening amirite
  6. Man you have some wild takes (and I'm happy to cite my sources on that) but this is bullshit. I do not have to study all of nazi ideology to know that it's bullshit and evil. I do not have to study all of her rants about WOKE(!!!!) to know that it's hollow culture war drek.
  7. Yeah, that was the risk we ran when in 2017 we doled out a shitload of economic stimulus when the markets were already pretty dang hot. There was nothing left that was not diminishing returns when we ACTUALLY needed economic stimulus and not just happy headlines
  8. You also misquoted MLK in defense of Chris Rufo's CRT culture war, so reader beware lol
  9. That's a major factor driving up home prices too - you can't ever really negotiate a price down now because you're going to get sniped by a private equity puke or someone buying SFH'S with cash to turn around and seek rents for PaSsIvE iNcOmE while complaining that nobody wants to work anymore. And YIKES dude. Peterson and Rogan are not who I would seek out for informed takes. Peterson outright believes in a natural hierarchy of authority and power, and blames virtually all of society's ills on "being woke". I really would not take any social commentary of his seriously unless you're looking to get big into incel culture
  10. Just to make a point - there was ALMOST no prosecution of that murder. The good ol boy system almost buried it and if it weren't for the nationwide protests for BlackLivesMatter and their own fuckup to post the video as a brag some weeks after the murder, it very likely would have been swept under the rug. I just don't see that as an example of things going right and something to repeat. That's the safeguards barely catching the abusers, not the normal and timely procession of justice.
  11. Manufacturers are making larger vehicles because it allows them to sidestep fuel economy regulations. Manufacturers aren't selling as many low end cars and smaller because the lower end buyers in the market has been hollowed out and luxury/big is where the money is with new cars. You gotta engage your critical thinking for a second before you jump straight to the circular logic, fattster. In a situation where living space and homes are a zero-sum game, we really should not be building a profit center. It will inevitably lead to haves and have nots, and when you're talking about housing, that means you are planning and intending to have a persistent homeless community as a feature and not a bug. If the market exists and provides value only for the wealthy, then we live in a caste society and not a capitist society.
  12. Wow and at the end, the reporter throws it back to "Ana" to discuss how Russia is influencing American politics. Sweatergawd the simulation is leaking
  13. The stock market stopped being an indicator of how companies are doing, and started being the product sold by the company itself. The best example of this is TSLA, their valuation is fucking lunacy and more than their next five competitors COMBINED despite not actually selling that many cars. The favorite excuse it "it's a tech valuation" as if that justifies selling a vision and FOMO as a primary product, rather than anything actually tangible
  14. This got posted by Neonmoon a while back - "95th percentile" means the cohort that is earning more than 95% of the population. The top 5% of family incomes grew considerably, leaving the median and bottom 20% even farther behind. And I really have to disagree with your framing here - the fundagelical christian movement and tea party movement are efforts to change all of society to further exclude their "out" groups, and the LGBT movement has been focused on acceptance and allowing people the space to exist as they wish to. Those are pretty fucking far apart movements, and it's concerning that you think they're equivalent.
  15. Russia's air detection has been pretty severely degraded - they're down a couple of AWACs planes that were undoubtedly in better condition in the 90s, not to mention the actual attrition of staff to man the equipment
  16. Why the fuck are you citing a goddamn January 6th insurrectionist fascist as some source of reasonable opinion? That Twitter user unironically wants a violent end to American democracy.
  17. I hadn't even considered using the F117s as red team for training flights, that's an interesting thought... Man I'm gonna have to go back and reread the Skunkworks chapters on the Nighthawk
  18. You truly have mastered the art of using tortured and dishonest graphics to advance your point. You are showing not the value or worth of holdings, just that if anyone has anything at all. In your framing, a homeless dude with a fidelity account an an AMC share is equivalent to Jeff Bezos - you completely strip the meaningful information of actual monetary value in favor of a weasel metric like "percentage of families that own at least one share", and then equivocate the two. Giving a billionaire a 1% raise gives them an extra $10,000,000. Giving an hourly earner a 1% raise gets them an extra couple bucks a month or maybe an extra couple Benjamins over the whole year. But since you have found a number that lets you equivocate the two wildly different classes, your framing is automatically correct and you have now unlocked personal attacks on posters as a perk! Give me a fucking break. You insist that because some marginal progress can be argued for, that the job is done and anyone complaining is just an "anime watching retard". Ya boi FRED must be getting caught up too. And I know you've linked that in the past because the top paragraph says "all cohorts are growing in percentage and the bottom group is growing fastest" but if you read past the fold it clarifies that shit is still WILDY inequitable. 75% of all economic growth in 2022 went to less than 10% of families I get it, you want to stick your fingers in your ears and believe that anyone less wealthy than you is simply lazy and less than and not worthy of help. Sorry to be an "anime watching retard" and disagree with your framing.
  19. You don't think that major climate change is going to occur in our lifetimes? We are on track for a blue ocean event within a decade, and have been accelerating ocean temperature increases and acidification. Climate change is going to continue to beat us over the head, and it's a market force that you cannot out-consume. The problem is that we have capitalized things that SHOULD NOT be a major market profitability vehicle. Healthcare should NOT be a profit center. Housing should NOT be a profit center. Basic fucking sustenance should NOT be a profit center. We have more than enough to go around, but our society has decided that the best way to share the economic growth is to give tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and gut wasteful social programs like schools and libraries Gee, I WONDER why the younger cohort is so negative
  20. It's been corrupted and debased by bad actors who don't give a shit about lying or damaging public trust, and enabled by an overly deferential and trusting community of useful idiot lawyers that trust what someone else files just because they're before a court. The supreme Court has multiple fact free findings and rulings. An insurrection broadcast on national TV didn't actually happen and is totally legal and cool. We have multiple Supremes cashing checks and getting RVs and houses from billionaires with matters before the court and on the docket. It's been a complete fucking joke for a while, people are just working up the courage to admit it to themselves
  21. Can I get that in the form of a FRED graph and an "ALL IS WELL" post? Line is going up, what's the problem? Stock concentration means that the market is shrinking and there's less people around to buy shares to keep prices up naturally. Similarly, decreasing money supply in circulation means that there's more hoarding of wealth, which further shrinks the economy for anyone that wasn't born on 3rd base or is already wealthy. It means that nothing is trickling down and that all the economic gains we have seen are not going to the people doing the work, but rather the entities holding the capital. If you need an explanation on why any of that is bad, you should check out this little known period in history called the Gilded Age and what happens soon afterwards
  22. This is literally the reason we have a supremacy clause in the US constitution. Gerg and Kpax are doing some historically significant ratfucking here, and we've been so abused by the rise of trumpism that we're socially numb to it. A state should not be driving foreign policy decisions with a major trade partner, and ESPECIALLY should not be bucking to start a brushfire war. But since we're so wrapped up in taking THREE MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN TITTYFUCKING YEARS to start getting trump into court for his directed insurrection on Jan6, there's no oxygen left to consider any other fuckery that's being perpetrated
  23. Yeah, the relative proportion of WorldCom to the US economy is much smaller than Evergrande to China's. If this thing comes all the way unraveled it's gonna be a pretty major adjustment
  24. Latinos for Trump giving strong Leopards Eating Faces Party
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