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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. So in response to asking about a stock or precious metal that has been as volatile as BTC, you choose natgas as your example. Natgas has historically been extremely price volatile, thanks in large part to speculation, but it's ALWAYS been volatile. You're not really proving a good thing to say that BTC is safe because it's only as volatile as natural gas futures prices. That's gambling and speculation, not investing. And that's ok! Gambling and speculating is fine. But be honest about what you're doing, because presenting BTC as an ETF is laundering its credibility - despite the acknowledged risks of fraud for people who """invest""" in them.
  2. Barnett apparently told his family that "if anything happens, it's not suicide" JFC.
  3. I can't imagine that more people are coming in at a higher interest rate than a lower one lol, but also the inflated home values from the 2020->2023 run up are what's really making the monthly payments out to reach for hourly wage earners. It's wild that pretty much the entire market shot up 50% or more, for really no reason aside from speculation. Every attractive house my wife and I have looked at (we would love a yard and not 3 stories) is $700k-$900k in 2024 but had a market value in the $400-500s pre-COIVD. Heck, my parents sold their old house in NE San Antonio for $175k in 2017. Last year it was on the market and sold for $300k, and judging from the listing photos of the flooring I installed, they didn't put money into the property to improve things THAT much. That ain't inflation, that's gouging.
  4. Wow what a fucking finale. From the horrors of the nazi war machine and the Holocaust to the thrill of freedom and victory. Goddamn it's good to see Americans killing a fuck load of fascists.
  5. Historically speaking 7% is pretty low. My folks first mortgage back in the 80s was at 9.5%, but their principle amount was less than most pickup trucks nowadays. Interest rates and principle amounts this high don't really jibe with a national median income of $41k, but the free market will adjust or something. Just like after the 2008 black swan event lol
  6. And let the private equity firm thats partially owned by the donors for the fuckers killing our school system collect the rent on teaching our children. Monetize everything. Everything should be ran like a business right??? Profit is always more important than education.
  7. Your casual acceptance of almost certain fraud in a market instrument animated solely by BTC speaks volumes. As long as line keeps going up it doesn't matter if the new money gets screwed right?
  8. Damn those dirty Democrats for forcing those godly Republicans into fascism!! [/Slorch]
  9. The same irrationality and circular logic that drove up CDO's and other rubber dog shit during the 08 crash are the same forces driving up the BTC price. It just pure optimistic speculation. "The number goes up because people are investing in Bitcoin!" ... "People are investing in Bitcoin because the number goes up!" The funniest thing is gonna be when large banks and financial institutions end up being the majority holders of cryptos through these ETFs, and you no longer have a decentralized currency and are back to trusting and dealing with the banks
  10. ACKSHUALLY that was the Saudakar with the mass human blood collection and crazy throat chant talking, the Harkonens all tend to be smooth and bald and morbid. The crazy black and white scenes on Geide Prime are the Harkonen home world, and Seluca Secundus is the homeworld of House Corrino (the Emperor) and their personal guard the Saudakar /nerd
  11. Debate pukes are the worst. They don't care about being correct, just being contrarian and "winning" the argument by "scoring" ownz
  12. It's a weird thing with right wing internet weirdos to just completely misstate and misrepresent the people they disagree with, always followed by knocking that straw man down and beating on their chest about it. I mean sure we see it here on Surly all the time, but it's just wild seeing one of the richest and most powerful men in the world doing it. And then not even 24 hours after posting this outright misinformation and lies, he's doing test flights of the most powerful rocket ever built. It's fucking crazy that elmo is so fucking crazy.
  13. Character and ability have jack shit to do with opportunities that children have. That is 100% tied to resources available to the child. Yeah slorch. Lie again you goddamn raider rash scarred taint stain. You keep putting words in my mouth and insisting on things that I haven't posted, but are just the caricature that you have worked up in your head. You are lying and misstating things that I have said just so you can knock them down and thump on your chest. It's fucking pathetic and is why you have been enshrined in shaggy/surly lore as a verb.
  14. So let's think for a moment why parents are less involved.... It couldn't be that they're taking on way more hours for less effective pay, and many parents simply don't have bandwidth to raise a child, that would be crazy talk! That would have to mean that wages have been stagnant relative to inflation and overall economic growth for decades! Poor parents make for worse childhood opportunity. We have a significantly larger portion of poor with zero social or civil safety nets in place. But 401k's are doing great so fuck you I got mine, poor ass bitches! Wreck em!
  15. Holy shit I forgot about that lmfao. The most unexpected canonical aggy
  16. It absolutely has "middle of the trilogy" vibes, the movie ends with starting and entire new war against all the great houses! And hey man, spice can do some crazy things to people. Neve rule out space crack ewoks
  17. You're squinting REALLY hard to overlook the core matter of Bitcoin representing literally nothing except for the hope of selling it for more in the future. Other assets and commodities that are speculated on actually represent real goods. Bitcoin is just a number in a ledger that represents a number in a ledger.
  18. You're doing that thing again where you're mistaking your opinion for a fact, and then spiking the football and saying "pwned". Just because you insist on repeating your alternative reality does not make it so. I would be less dismissive if you would ever directly reply to what I've written, rather than linking me to someone else's thoughts that you heard on a podcast. I know I'm never gonna change your mind until the ponzi ends, but enjoy the ride I guess
  19. my JS blocker lets me read it, here's the first chunk of the article lulz linking me to a bitcoin maxi who's mad at because someone called his baby ugly isn't terribly convincing. He's trying to claim anything by these guys is false because "tether had the money when they needed to!!!!" Nevermind the constant liquidity crisis that Bitfinex was under, and the intermingling of multiple buckets of money to paper over an $850M shortfall (page 4 of the signed court order). It's the same shit as a few pages back where GRUhorn was telling me that as long as people get their margins and their money back, it's not fraud to lie in your financial filings.
  20. Gee, it's almost like much of the cryptocurrency market is extremely prone, and actively under the influence of, extreme price manipulation. https://fortune.com/2023/02/02/bitcoin-manipulation-price-outlook/
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/mar/13/boeing-737-door-ntsb-investigation US safety agency says Boeing video of door-plug removal was overwritten The head of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said on Wednesday that investigators still do not know who worked on a Boeing 737 Max 9 door plug involved in the 5 January Alaska Airlines midair emergency and that video footage was overwritten. The NTSB’s chair, Jennifer Homendy, said in a letter to senators that investigators sought security camera footage when the door plug was opened and closed in September but were informed the material was overwritten. “The absence of those records will complicate the NTSB’s investigation moving forward,” she said.
  22. It really made it SO otherworldly. The black eyes and teeth were so eerie
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