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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Respect to this dad.
  2. Check. US born parent(s.) I know McCain’s folks were stationed overseas, but I don’t know if Cruz’s or Romney’s were similarly in service. Still, that’s an unusually high percentage of POTUS candidates born abroad.
  3. Elon is like Ana, weak in the paint.
  4. I’m curious if property owners who suffer damage from these quakes are reimbursed by the wastewater injection industry.
  5. Ha. One need look no further than your ignoring the demonization of trans Texans. Obvious is obvious.
  6. What I think of you I stated, and then supported that claim. I guess going grandiose is your failsafe. Knock yourself out.
  7. Must have hit a nerve. You seldom post so sloppily. I know you meant to denigrate me, but you’ve left open a retort equating the evil of intentionally taking children from their parents as a minuscule harm. Or that I had not supported my contention that the R party, today, is engaged in evil. I see no need to rehash the stark moral lines that you know have been crossed, other than the latest: the attempt to create a list of trans Texans, amid ongoing demonization of that, incredibly vulnerable, demographic. My comment about you continues to be true, you ignore real, predictable evil. You aren’t supporting a two party system by doing so. The end game you support is one party rule. Your need to assert intellectual superiority is a function of your insecurity. You avoid the trouble of re-examining your beliefs. And it merely offers me the same false comfort you seem to enjoy.
  8. I disagreed with Shrub on many issues. Immigration was not one of them. Edited to inquire about the issues with which you are concerned. (Obviously, immigrants are a political hot button issue, and there are large number of US citizens who resent the competition immigrants represent).
  9. There was a time when Rs weren’t evil. But that time has come and gone. Once asylum seeking families were intentionally separated, we knew there was no bottom, and the fall, absent any respect for the value of the lives of others, was obvious snd predictable Hence, banal. Laugh away.
  10. Well, yeah. They have to come to terms with the fact that they backed an idiot-world jackass as the President of the US. @Johnny Sack has to face he is a chump. @Anastasis has to ignore, once again, why he cast his lot with banal evil. @fattyflattie has to remind himself that he will accept enormous harm to others so long as he has another boat at which to throw money. Soon enough, the rationalizations will assuage their consciences. But it’s rough for these folks, now.
  11. Musk is as terrible a narcissist as tfg. I await the narcissist derby, to determine which is the bigger pos.
  12. Well, did she give you any details? Also, Elmo set the Qanons atwitter by posting the white rabbit emoj: “He’s a loon, just like us!”
  13. Stonekettle’s latest essay considets this “debate.” “Every day on Twitter under Musk is a minefield of dog turds and cat vomit that you must navigate in the dark, barefoot and off balance, ass backwards into the unknown.” https://www.stonekettle.com/2022/12/the-mad-titan.html?m=1
  14. This thread title confuses me. What, exactly, is up for debate? Elmo has lost a lot of advertisers. Twitter’s stock has fallen. Openly racist posts are now commonplace. Musk has shown himself as a right wing nutbar. Again, what is the debate?
  15. A new David Letterman’s “My Next Guest” dropped on Netflix. He interviews Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Very interesting. Dave mentions how US politics seems intent on considering authoritarianism, and Volodymyr affirms the Ukrainians are well aware of what is going on in the US. They are fighting a fucking war, and yet, they know how critical this internal US struggle is for the planet. And so I bring it up in the Ukraine thread.
  16. Any R voters reading this, remember, you made this shit possible Schools can’t accept dictionaries. You fucking fucks. .
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