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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. What effect do you political mavens think Liz Cheney will have, say in PA, and GA, as she campaigns for the D candidates. Will she sway some of those moderates for whom standing up to Trump is enough? I give the lady credit, and want to believe she’d be as tenacious defending the Republic against any threat, and that she isn’t just a Trump hater. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/24/liz-cheney-texas-tribune-festival/amp/
  2. This guy has passion. And not the cold passion of a radish.
  3. If this has been posted, I missed it. Clips from the documentary film makers Roger Stone had following him around (I presume
  4. “Shut it down. Call it off. Pathetic!” -Mark Meadows
  5. For some reason, this video comes to mind.
  6. Somebody told the refs the Pokes are going to the SEC.
  7. We can agree to disagree, no violence necessary. I felt, back in the early aughts, Rs would take us to where we are today. And, I will also point out that Bush the Lesser is hardly a clarion voice, today, for our Republic and the Rule of Law.
  8. Even kindergarten teachers cant’t get through to TFG and his Sacks, but this lady always brings the lulz.
  9. Well, I’m old, so not yelling at clouds is a positive.
  10. Welcome back, I guess? I am reminded of the role pets play in CS Lewis’ “The Great Divorce,” as he flailing attempts to derail the influence of Blake’s “the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” A harbinger of US Catholic’s pet reverence? Given the love pets return to their humans, calling those folks psycho is over the top, though. But, I get your point. The psychos are sanguine about the human effect on our planet.
  11. The Younger’s policies mostly disgusted me, a major exception being immigration, but I’d like to believe your post. I don’t, but I’d like to. See Alito.
  12. The fascist playbook seeks to hold on to power through any available means. So, while Italy has built a reputation for short lived ruling parties, that reputation will he put to the test. It looks like Brazil is entering the finding out phase.
  13. *will·ful·ly Thanks for the helpful quote. Edited to say that you’ve misspelled favorite.
  14. Pur transgendered population is the most likely demographic to take their own lives. Heartbreaking that we fail to offer the love and support that might help.
  15. Thanks for pointing this out. I have never noticed that message board etiquette before, as I typically don’t read quotes I have already read nor look to reconfirm spelling errors.
  16. Nor understand the difference between conservative and fascist. To be fair, she sure af isn’t alone. There are numerous posters on Surly with the same intellectual malfunction. Yes, if you think I refer to you, I sure am.
  17. Italy’s decision is just fucking nuts. Maybe they, too, banned the damnable lessons of history from their schools. Or, maybe NATO and the US forced them into a corner. At least, I’ve read on Surly that can happen. /s
  18. This discussion is not fleshed out fully without a mention of minimum ages for legal marriage. I don’t know how a parent could ever give their consent and allow someone to marry their 12 year old child, but if they do, there are states where it would then be legal. Outrageous. Unacceptable.
  19. Weird that dancing videos are considered sensitive content.
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