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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. A sweet sixteen would be a helluva accomplishment.
  2. This thread has been going in circles forever. The arguing really comes down to the fact that one group believes Terry should be getting more criticism and one group believes he shouldn’t be getting that much criticism. That’s because there have been quite a few data points supporting both sides of the argument. For example, during the tourney last year he let the team play up tempo and leverage their athletic ability. That’s something Beard may not have done as well. Conversely, the defense under Terry has been generally bad this year. But, he’s still beaten a few teams that are slightly better than Texas. And lost to several that were inferior. For me, inconsistency usually means there are too many coaching flaws to be successful, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t root for Terry or want him to be successful. It’s just that from my perspective right now the odds don’t look great. I hope he beats the odds.
  3. One year we were hunting in South Dakota in -8 degree weather, walking along a creek trying to kick up pheasants. Three of us tried to cross the frozen creek and fell through up to our waist in water. All three of us scampered out super quick, only to see all three of our pants freeze solid from top to bottom. We had to all Frankenstein walk double time back to the truck asap to stave off severe frostbite. Good times.
  4. I felt the thread was coming down on him a tad harshly for his “average” comment. But then I read his metric quote. Imagine living your life with little metrics on your wall where you constantly compare yourself to the lives of others and believe that every metric you “lead” in is cause for celebration and some bizarre confirmation of your superiority over others. What a complete misunderstanding of what life on this planet is all about. He does for sure lead in one metric: the douchebag one. He’s sky high at the top of the leaderboard of that metric.
  5. Just listening to the announcer fawn all over Scheffler, I think they’ve been given a script to pump up the superstar rhetoric to offset the LIV losses. Scheffler’s playing great but some of the comments are a bit over the top. The PGA is definitely panicking and probably it should. These fields are less interesting now.
  6. I often don’t agree with Derka and his persecution complex can be fatiguing, but right now he is bitch slapping you people all over this board. He is right and the chef’s kiss was giving a counter example of Dan Hurley that proved his point.
  7. Someone please explain the appeal of this sport to me. I tried to get into it after watching the Netflix special, which was great. But I found the whole race watching experience as dull as watching paint dry. The same few guys win every time. There is little to no passing. Why is there so much appeal?
  8. Yes. I’m not a Terry fan but he definitely has done some things to improve their play later in the year. Also, last year he let that team loose in the tournament, which I also thought was a very good coaching move. So he’s got some skills and has finished this regular season better than I thought he would given how it started. Have to give him some credit for that.
  9. Stupid boomer. On a more serious note, I was a die hard Tapa user because I thought it was better/easier. But I just forced myself to switch and now that I’m used to the mobile version I’ll never go back. Maybe try to not be so inflexible and try something different for awhile. You can always go back.
  10. 1. Field of Dreams 2. Moneyball 3. Hoosiers 4. Rocky 5. Caddyshack By my criteria it has to be primarily a sports movie to qualify. Big Lebowski and Talledega Nights and others don’t count. Those are comedies primarily, sports secondary. This list is perfection. I just violated my own rule
  11. I think Democrats are getting way too bent out of shape for her using the term rigged. You can’t just usurp a word in the english language and have it mean only Trump’s bullshit. I understood she was referencing a Super Pac. Hell Super Pacs and donors are rigging lot of elections these days. But, I guess because people are so dumb, they can’t see the difference between Super Pacs and outright lying about fake voting or vote stealing. Sigh. I’ve just convinced myself that Democrats indeed have to get ticked off at her because people are so dumb. Well, this was a nice thought journey back to the beginning. I ought to just delete this post. Nope. I’m not gonna do that. I’m posting it.
  12. Did she not have to give up her house seat to run?
  13. So I haven’t paid much attention to California politics. I didn’t even realize Schiff was running for Senate. Why has the Democratic Party there allowed these two key politicians go head to head like that? I would have thought there would have been better planning. I didn’t even realize Schiff had a shot at Senate. And Porter had a lot more room to move up in the House.
  14. I want a t shirt. Good quality material. Slim fit as an option. I’m svelt.
  15. But we all still love your Traces of Texas posts.
  16. During the 2022 recruiting season, one of our recruiting group added a guy to the text chain either by accident, or to give him a chance to participate. He made one stupid text, got destroyed in about ten seconds and then unanimously banned from all future recruiting discussions.
  17. The interview with Doocy was great. I always thought Doocy was a little boring when he guest hosted, but in that interview he was hilarious.
  18. But a dead cadaver is still more qualified to be president than the alternative.
  19. Actually I was just thinking about what an incredible pro career he had and flat forgot how good his junior year was. edit: just to add to that, he was a third round draft pick. I think most were surprised by the difference between college and pros. He had a very very good college career but surprised as a pro. I think Worthy does the same.
  20. There are assholes everywhere, but generally firefighters are regarded as pretty high quality people. They also, according to the Washington Post six days ago, have the most physically demanding jobs in the country. I’ve only noticed your existence by the sheer volume of terrible viewpoints you express on this site. So your comment is no surprise and says way more about you than it does the firefighter community.
  21. Stay with me for this comparison, but he reminds me of Jamaal Charles. He has tremendous speed, like Charles, who also showed flashes of greatness while in college. Both guys left the forty acres leaving us wanting more and believing they didn’t quite demonstrate their full potential. But both had the mindset and confidence and work ethic to be great in the NFL.
  22. Correct or incorrect, the perception is that Texas has the most NIL money. I just saw a media story on it yesterday. Every big name player wants to visit so that they can use Texas as a bargaining chip for whatever program they are trying to get money out of.
  23. I always wondered why Owens wasn’t successful given all that speed and athletic talent. I guess it’s because he has a brain the size of a walnut. That doesn’t work well for the safety position.
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