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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TheAuditor

  1. Hayes Fawcett is like a recruiting coordinator trying to stage the announcements so everyone get's their pub, except there seems to be too big a backlog to spread them out 1 per day.
  2. QE was an unseasoned qb behind a developing line that got better at run blocking than pass blocking as the year progressed. His two biggest issues seem to be a) poor pocket instincts when strong pressure occurs, and b) over reliance on a very strong arm rather than mechanics (ie footwork). When he sets and throws he's one of the most accurate QBs we've had in a very long time. When he's on the move flipping the ball it's iffy. When he's in pure scramble mode it's awful. He's was really good before he got hurt, seems like he got happy feet/gun shy and/or the coaches beat on him about the early game interceptions and told him to throw high, cause he threw everything high for a couple games straight, but seemed to have found some of his previous form vs BU which I take as a good sign. Interesting to see how he looks in Bowl game. TLDR: He's probably going to be above average next year esp if the line improves pass blocking/stunt pick ups.
  3. Sad state of affairs to read this prediction thread: Texas 38 Fighting Manginos 24 Punts 129 Used to drive Dallas to Northern Minnesota straight up 35 in van with the Mrs and 4 kids and two dogs. Kids were all under 8. The whole thing was hellish, but the worst part was driving through Kansas. I mean a barren wasteland between the OK border and KC. Rock Chalk fuck the Jayhawks. LFG.
  4. It'd be interesting to see whether ATM or Jimbo could understand the output and meaning of a NPV analysis.....likely would need Sexton to explain to all parties.
  5. Tex 35 Roaches 31 703 total passing yards I dated an above my level slice of hotness in high school who after going on high school Senior Days to Padre, decided I might not be husband material. Fast forward to Junior year at Texas, we are playing TCU and who do I see out there as a TCU cheerleader? Miss Hotness of course. I boasted to my buddies that was an old flame of mine and that I was going to track her down and take her out. Well, I tracked her down, tragically she remembered SPI and had no interest in a date nor a long phone call. Ah to be young again with those kind of closing skills.
  6. Ah. No he’s not. Good route runner. Pretty good hands. Seems to struggle w balls in the air. He’s very good. Not all time. Not yet.
  7. Tex - 28 Kstate- 27 Kstate with 2 turnovers, 3 touchdowns and 2 field goals, 64 Plays, 58 yd run by Deuce who reminds us all that small scat backs and 2nd string QBs are the bane of our defense.
  8. I get recruiting is ultimately an opportunity, trust, comfort thing married to money/path to money issue for these kids. I just never understood X School didn't recruit me when I was in 8th grade so I'm not interested. I had many an attractive co-ed not give me the time of day - which had zero impact on my interest level when they occasionally got liquored up at a party and succumbed to poor pick-up lines and made bad life choices. So is Texas the attractive co-ed or are the Recruits?
  9. Couch fatalities however spiked dramatically
  10. She's a Southlake girl - hence natural connection to Quinn. She's a senior and was on the field as a Bevo handler date (Spurs). I've also known her since she was 8-9 - grew up with my Son. Hence I'm trying not to read the comments too closely....
  11. This right here. I sat in the stadium after the first series where they shifted 11 out wide and wondered why in the hell we were still in 2 high shell with three man line. I was ten beers in and knew that was the wrong call. I think they overthink things sometimes.
  12. We're lucky this is at home - Gonna assume Quinn is back cause otherwise this should be flipped. Texas 42 PossumEaters 35 RBs: 265 Only had two cousins and they were both older than I growing up. They were from south Florida and grew up in the swamp. When I was 12-13 they took me gator hunting and let me drink as many Busch 16oz as I could muster. I didn't seem them again till post college, and they were still doing the exact same thing (hunting gators) and still drinking Busch Tall Boys. It's why I think Coors Light is a premium beer choice.
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