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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. My wife texted me to say she got a good raise, decent bonus and a bunch of stocks. I think I'm going to celebrate by buying a few bottles of whisky "to share" with her tomorrow.
  2. I'd be more jelly than lol or rage.
  3. I hope France says yoink and sells Serbia nothing.
  4. Saw this in a thread about Roger Waters being a russian puppet.
  5. China, can seriously go fuck itself in the goatse ass.
  6. We’ve built some prisons, the cell doors, stairs and central day room are all prison’esque. At the end of the clip you see 3 wall mounted video phones which are also a hallmark of prisons. I had some doubts about it being a prison because of the picnic tables (usually everything is bolted down).
  7. Well that looks like a prison. What else is he gonna do there other than work out, become radicalized and fuck the new soft looking guy.
  8. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/furious-camel-bites-tramples-man-29027309 Hey kids, want to go to a holiday camp and be traumatized for the rest of your life? Also, we need a new hashtag #RussiaMan. Like #FloridaMan but with more vodka.
  9. How many times did he shoot himself in the back of the head?
  10. Every time I read the US, EU, other countries imposing new sanctions, I think WTF, why haven't they already stuck Russia with everything instead of piecemealing new sanctions every few weeks.
  11. We live right smack dab between an elementary and middle school. About a 5 minute walk in either direction. My wife drove the kids to school today…
  12. They have at least 10-15 reasons to put the entire surly population in the asylum.
  13. My wife has a college friend whose life is a complete wreck. One of her feet started hurting about 4 years ago, and her health just went into a nosedive. When she went to the podiatrist, the elevator door malfunctioned and her crushed other foot. At first she was still able to get around on crutches, but something else happened and the only way for her to get around was to crawl. Somehow that caused vertigo so she even stopped doing that. Her husband's a piece of shit who isn't taking care of her or their kid (currently in kinder). He's not out drinking or whoring around, but he's completely checked out of his marriage and responsibility as a dad, leaving the kid doing whatever until after midnight. The kid hardly spent any time outdoors until he went to TK because mom couldn't leave the house, and dad didn't want to take him either. Wife's friend thinks she's a terrible mother, and tries to do stuff for the kid, but any time she tries to do something, she gets hurt even more. When my wife visited her today, her friend was wearing a neck brace because she mysteriously injured it, her right hand was hurting, she wore depends because her POS husband isn't around to take her to the toilet, and she shaved her because there's no way for her to reach up and wash. In the past year, she moved in with her dad because she needed to focus on her health, and not be weighed down with worry and depression. But her dad is also a POS and not taking care of her daughter. Her in-laws are in town, and will take care of the kid only if needed, but aren't thrilled with him spending any more time with him. Also, my wife comes from a family of hoarders, so she knows clutter. So when she said she couldn't stand the clutter at her friend's house, I can't even imagine what that looks like. Anyway, my unsolicited advice, if I saw her, would be to get herself to a place where she could recover, do some physical and emotional therapy, and go back to being a great mom after she's healthy. I'd also be tempted to just call CPS and have the kid taken away. I know it sounds terrible, but not having to worry about taking care of the kid 24/7 might give her time to heal her body, or at least not make it worse. I don't know what happens to a kid once CPS steps in, so I'm just spitballing here, but a few months/years in a foster home might even be better than seeing his mom like this and dad not giving a shit. But what do I know, I'm just a judgmental asshole who thinks my shit doesn't stink.
  14. This is the wallpaper on my computer. So it hits close to home.
  15. Re the Russian offensive that military intelligence is talking about... What are the Russians going to attack with? They've lost thousands of tanks and are bringing T-64s to a Leopard 2 fight. They're short on artillery rounds, and their conscripts are not well trained. Are they going with waves and waves of infantry? That probably worked during WW2, but I just don't see that strategy being effective since they are short on artillery rounds, while the Ukrainians still getting fresh rounds from US and Europe. Someone tell me why there is so much concern.
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