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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. Better late than never. Good boy Hungary. Re all the posts about China, I will summarize my response to those posts in one blanket statement. FUCK YOU CHINA.
  2. Disagree. My wife will text me a bunch of times with *sometimes* important stuff and get mad if I don’t respond. If it’s that important, call me.
  3. I can’t ride amusement rides or even those motion simulators where you sit in a chair and watch a 3D movie. 10 seconds in and I feel like projectile vomiting. Kind of defeats the purpose of us getting season passes to Universal Studios, but at least the kids are old enough to go on rides by themselves. OTOH, Super Nintendo Land is badass. It opened last Friday and it was crowded as hell. The line to the ride was 2 hours long, but they did a really good job with the queuing area making passing the time go just a little faster. Even though it’s a Mario Kart type ride, it didn’t move all that much and was fun as hell.
  4. Is that Moore Hill? In the early 90s, my roommate and I were rocking the pirate flag from the 4th floor.
  5. This song really got me back in 2006. I had gone on a few dates with a gal who I thought was the one. Unfortunately her ex came back to the US for work, and she spent the week he was here with him. I was fucking devastated and hearing this song only made it worse, especially since the gal's name was also Grace. We eventually started talking again and went on a few more dates. Fast forward to today, we've been married for 14 years with 2 kids. I can't listen to this song without going back to 2006 and remembering the sadness.
  6. My wife texted me to say she got a good raise, decent bonus and a bunch of stocks. I think I'm going to celebrate by buying a few bottles of whisky "to share" with her tomorrow.
  7. I'd be more jelly than lol or rage.
  8. I hope France says yoink and sells Serbia nothing.
  9. Saw this in a thread about Roger Waters being a russian puppet.
  10. China, can seriously go fuck itself in the goatse ass.
  11. We’ve built some prisons, the cell doors, stairs and central day room are all prison’esque. At the end of the clip you see 3 wall mounted video phones which are also a hallmark of prisons. I had some doubts about it being a prison because of the picnic tables (usually everything is bolted down).
  12. Well that looks like a prison. What else is he gonna do there other than work out, become radicalized and fuck the new soft looking guy.
  13. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/furious-camel-bites-tramples-man-29027309 Hey kids, want to go to a holiday camp and be traumatized for the rest of your life? Also, we need a new hashtag #RussiaMan. Like #FloridaMan but with more vodka.
  14. How many times did he shoot himself in the back of the head?
  15. Every time I read the US, EU, other countries imposing new sanctions, I think WTF, why haven't they already stuck Russia with everything instead of piecemealing new sanctions every few weeks.
  16. We live right smack dab between an elementary and middle school. About a 5 minute walk in either direction. My wife drove the kids to school today…
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