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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. Alexa, help me book a flight to Armenia. Or British Virgin Islands.
  2. I may have missed the memo, but was sending tanks to Ukraine crossing a red line? And the somewhat related question... the Poles own the tanks that they're giving to Ukraine. Why do they need German's permission?
  3. The scroll wheel on my mouse is jumpy. Scroll down down down, jump up, up, down down, stop, down down. I think it's because my kids are using it with their sticky fingers. But it's annoying as hell.
  4. It's been like this for going on a week now. I don't mind it at all. In fact I love cold, grey days. But my kids have been stuck inside for almost a week now and they're bouncing off the walls and driving my wife (who WFH) crazy.
  5. I stumbled upon this earlier. Just him and a small audience talking for 3+ hours. Classic Chappelle.
  6. Maybe I’m espousing a little bit of internet bravado here, but what’s stopping some units to turn their guns on their own command structure?
  7. Timing… Ken Block died in a snowmobile accident today.
  8. Here is something I’ll NEVER EVER say again… so here goes… Yay global warming.
  9. Charlene's gonna leave me. Why? Not enough steaks in the freezer.
  10. How does that saying go...? It doesn't matter how beautiful a woman is. Somewhere there's a guy tired of her shit.
  11. Happy new year Ukraine. May your resolution to kick every Russian out of Ukraine be successful.
  12. The funniest part was Michelle Yeoh using her pinkies to defeat the bad guys. It pays homage to old Chinese martial arts movies where the protagonist or villain have some special kung fu they’ve been practicing since childhood. The mixture of Chinese and English is also spot on. But I was distracted by them switching to Cantonese during the scene outside the theater with CEO Waymond.
  13. It’s a bald, shirtless guy kissing the baby’s cheek. Took me a while.
  14. Someone please splice some Allahu Ackbar at the end.
  15. Sounds like you should re-read my previous post...
  16. A lot more subdued than the first 2: Wristwatch Revival
  17. Another channel is Hacksmith Industries. It's a bunch of really smart Canadians (eh?) building stuff out of sci-fi movies. Here's one of them using cameras, wires and AI to summon Thor's Hammer.
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