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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Correct. He's worse than that. Because he's a little smart, about some things. But he's not smart enough to realize how dumb he is. He foolishly thinks he's a super brain genius about literally everything. Which makes him really, really dumb. Kind of like how some of the dumbest people I've ever known have been, for example, heart surgeons. They're a genius in the operating room, know their specialty perfectly. AND....because they figured THAT out, they think that they're brilliant at everything else. So guys like me end up coming along to help clean up the horrific messes they made of their businesses, families, hospitals, car crashes, plane crashes, etc., all because they thought "I'm super smart about A, therefore I'm a super brain genius about B, C, D, E, F, G....LMNOP." The post above is Elon spouting off about fucking warfare. And taking the simplistic view of "ya got the most drones, the war is over, you won." I must have missed his degree from a service academy, his decades of combat experience, his experience in wargaming asymmetrical warfare, his training from the National War College, etc. etc. etc. Elon knows fuck about war. Shit, there are easily dozens of posters on this site who are more qualified and intelligent about warfare than Elon (and this site is a bunch of assholes and idiots). But not only does he offer opinions (hey, we all do, that's life), he offers them as a fucking end-all, be-all authority, and is treated as such by drooling fanbois. But, he thinks and says out loud that minorities are everything wrong with the world, so he's beloved by....a certain crowd. And that's that.
  2. blah blah blah -- hero got to go home safely to his family, and that's what matters here. How DARE you peons question how our heroes protect themselves. THEIR lives are all that matter. Nothing else does. When will y'all get this? That's just solid policing right there. These fellas are straight shooters, with "future chief" written all over them.
  3. Yes, I will confess, I do find his views that non-white people are inherently inferior just a tad repugnant. You got me there. But I've thought he was an absurd POS long before he became a darling of Ian Miles Cheong. Again. Ian. Fucking. Miles. Cheong. You are on THAT team. You find yourself palling around with THAT. And you think your takes on anyone else's politics should even move the needle. That is fucking comical. Yet....he is. In a time of utter stupidity, where insanity and idiocy are mischaracterized as nebulous "disruptiveness," money flocks to that stupidity. For centuries, plenty of people have made fortunes on incredibly stupid things, led by incredibly stupid people. Congratulations to them. Congratulations to the rich. That makes them rich. It doesn't make them smart, unless your sole metric of "smart" is "got rich."
  4. I do. I do indeed. Most every person who we can look back on and easily categorize as "flat out fucking evil" were also the types who would "give up their lives in a second for those they love," and generally had a household "full of warmth and love." Yep. The people who planned, built, and operated the Nazi machinery of death, for example, mostly fit that description. Loving yourself and yours? Cool. How do you feel about OTHER human beings, who aren't part of your "in group?" If you're okay with them suffering immensely -- in fact, you even fucking CHEER FOR IT (that's what MAGAs do) -- then sorry, you're fucking evil. That's the whole fucking problem here. Stop excusing evil people because they are nice to their kids and shit.
  5. The phrase "stupid money" exists for a reason. Equating dollars with intelligence is something that, well, 12 yr old Brisket might have done.
  6. Yeah, that shit is sexy as HELL.
  7. Goddamn....I must have eaten eleven billion meals at the Triple C over the years. My grandparents are buried in the Bigfoot Cemetery down the road. Love the Triple C. It's a good S. Texas joint. IIRC, good tex mex, cfs, cheap steaks, good burger.
  8. Yep. Penn State should have been burned to the ground when the Sandusky/Paterno shit came out. But they didn't care. And they won't care now. The PSU football coach could sacrifice a baby on the 50 yard line during a game, eat its still-beating heart, and the PSU faithful would find a way to look right past it. Shitty program, shitty university, shitty state, shitty people. It's all shit, all the way down.
  9. Y'all buckle up for the Saudis getting involved in CFB. It's just a matter of time.
  10. Every "brilliant observation" Elon says sounds like something that could have come out of the mouth of 12 yr old Brisket. I mean damned near verbatim. I had all those sort of half-baked thoughts that someone who has managed to read a few books or articles on a subject so that he knows something....but he's not wise and aware enough to know that also means that there's 95% of the relevant info and experience that he DOESN'T have. "Man, bottom line, whoever has more tanks in a war will win!" "Chicks dig The Police, if I just play their music all the time, babes will fall into my lap!" If you programmed a computer to spit out "what would a sophomoric 12 yr old, with a decent IQ but no real-world experience and much more limited reading/digestion of actual source material than he thinks he has, say?", it would spit out Elon quotes from today. There are few things in this world more stupid than a woefully underinformed person who thinks they're smart. Fortunately, most of us outgrow our sophomoric, 12 yr old idiocy. Elon has, instead, made his idiocy the ideal. And his woefully underinformed, sophomoric fanbois worship him for it.
  11. He has never cared about any other human, ever. Which is why it is so jaw-dropping to hear dumbasses like our Lt. Gov go up to NY and say shit like this: In human history, very few statements have been made that are as false as that one. It's not that Trump is in it for Trump first. It's that he's in it for Trump only. He would shoot a baby in face -- shit, his own children -- if he thought it would give him even incrementally more power and adoration. He is pure id, nothing more.
  12. "disciplined" = "high-fived in the station breakroom for actually following the TRUE policy of Louisville PD -- cover up your activities, always, every time" He's probably going to get plum assignments from now on, and a glowing annual review as a "true cop's cop." Remember - shit like this is NOT an anomaly. It is SOP. This is who cops are, this is what cops do. Always. 100% of the time. If the choice is "do right," or "do wrong and follow the cop code," it's not a choice at all. 100% of the time, they choose the second option.
  13. It was on again the other night. My assessment is unchanged....except it keeps climbing up my list. This movie is in my top 5. And James McAvoy is one of my favorite actors. The cast just gets better and better each time I watch it. And yeah, this might be one of the sexiest film couples of all time.
  14. I am genuinely loving this, even though it will be another brick in the wall of "humanity is doomed, and it's because we're stupid." It's the same thing that human disinformation campaigns do. First, you disseminate a false story (e.g., the 2020 election was stolen). You repeat it and amplify it. Causing 25% of the people to believe it. Then later, when queried on whether the "stollen election" is actually a thing, you say "it must be! 25% of people believe that it is!" It's a fucking loop of idiocy, and generative AI was fucking BORN FOR THIS.
  15. No lie, when Dolly dies I will cry. She’s a treasure.
  16. Dude. You’re adorable. Nobody whose name isn’t “Trump” has any say. None. Not a word. Why? Because ALL GQP voters are tied to him with a bond greater than “worshipper to their god.” Betrayal of Trump loses those voters…and those voters are all the GQP has. There is no party without Trump and his supporters.
  17. Yeah, as has been noted here before, it ain't the "hot" that's a problem. It's the "hotter, for a lot longer" that's a problem. As just one example, Austin's long-term average number of triple digit days is 15. The last 30 years? That's nearly fucking DOUBLED to 29. I can handle a few 100 degree days, I grew up in a state that had a few 100 degree days. It's the "two fucking months straight of them, and not just 100 degrees, but 108 every fucking day for long stretches" that fucks us. Kind of like how I can handle banging my shin against the furniture every once in a while, but would get pissed off if someone wacked me in the shins every fucking day for a month.
  18. I dunno, man.....I have been told incessantly that drag queens are grooming our kids to go all pedophile on them, and we all need more Jesus.....but goshdarnit, it seems like the Jesus crowd are actually the real groomers molesting our kids. I'm just floored by this turn of events, and it has me all topsy-turvy and discombobulated. But I do on occasion pretend to be an attorney. I even bought a proper suit, so I could dress the part....
  19. Bolded the killer takeaways. As just one example, people with a last name like mine aren't...you know.... "real Americans." And with that judgment/decision, we can be cast to the depths of hell without a second thought. Hannah Arendt's observation of "the banality of evil," and how evil outcomes were made possible by a lack of empathy, was and remains dead-on, balls accurate (EDIT: Twice even beat me to the Arendt reference by a second): A dehumanizing lack of empathy for our fellow humans who don't look exactly like us, or don't think or worship God exactly like us, is absolutely how we have ended up where we are, and it's why we are inexorably heading towards an inhuman hell that none of us can or want to imagine. In the end, we are going to implement and empower a movement that will do inhuman things to other humans because they simply don't believe that those other humans are actually human. A tale as old as humanity itself, and we are doomed to repeat it on a loop. Oh, and that those fucktards DARE to stand on "antisemitism is wrong!" as some supposed principled stance they take (as members of their own movement actively attack jews and (((globalists))) and the like) is the fucking cherry on top.
  20. It's okay, he can say that. He has a jewish friend.
  21. Just a selection of a few posts calling the obvious long ago (although South Austin's timeline was a bit...premature, but that's what all the ladies say about him anyway). Anyone who didn't know that she'd endorse Trump is too dumb to continue to walk this earth, and should immediately drink hemlock.
  22. There won't be. The Nazi party will never de-Nazify. Stop hoping that it will. Stop hoping that Repuglicans will ever come to their senses. Stop hoping that ANYTHING will appeal to the "better angels of their nature." Just. Fucking. Stop. They are full-on, 100% committed to fascism. It is all they are. There is not an atom of anything else remaining. There is no bringing them back, no reforming them, no "they'll eventually come around." They are intent on hurting, punishing, and flat-out destroying everyone who doesn't agree with and support them 100%. It's a fight to the death, that's what they've chose. The only question you need to answer is which death you'd like it to be, theirs or yours?
  23. Yep. And definitely THIS: And....at least there was a reply that did make me chuckle....
  24. I hear you, and feel you. And it's really hard. It's REALLY fucking hard. The hardest part is reaching that final conclusion: that on balance, these people have chosen evil. For whatever the reason, they have chosen it. And that is, in the end, unacceptable and unforgivable. Great post. And yeah, the bolded -- or 1,000 questions like it, like "when your child's spouse, who is tainted with minority blood, is rounded up and deported to a country they've never even been to even though they are a natural born US citizen but the future regime has abolished that retroactively and a crooked SCOTUS happily went along with it, how will you feel?" or "when the man who gunned down your child and her entire family when he went hunting 'invaders' at the local Wal-Mart is pardoned by the Regime because he was doing God's Work, how will you feel?" And on and on and on. Evil shit like the Holocaust didn't happen because Hitler and a few dozen bad dudes had some really shitty ideas. These things happen because millions of people EMPOWER, EXCUSE, AND PROTECT those evil fuckers, so that they can do their evil unimpeded.
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