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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Pretty hotel. Rehearsal dinner last both was at Chicken and Pickle, which was a pretty cool place. Last time I found OKC cool was in the mid 80s…when we’d visit one of my dad’s buddies who lived in Moore, who had a daughter a year older than me, and she had some large tracts of land. Young brisket was captivated, and convinced that Oklahoma was the promised land of boobies. Young brisket did not have a broad frame of reference.
  2. If the Dems take power, I presume you’re good with the Dem governor pardoning anyone who shoots a Trump supporter protesting the election results?
  3. North Central. At the Ellison, right across from Chesapeake HQ, I think? We’re here for a wedding. And we’re actually heading up to the rooftop bar, it’s a nice day.
  4. My no-fun wife will not go where with me while we have some time to kill:
  5. I’m in OKC at the moment. Holy shit, this place is a singularity of MAGA idiocy. Our hotel has stacks of two newspapers out: the WSJ (fine) and…The Epoch Times. Fucking for real. The ads for the GQP congressional runoff are competing ads on who can suck Trump’s dick the hardest, and about who will be the most hardcore about protecting Oklahoma from the dirty Mexican horde. Oklahoma…still even dumber than Texas.
  6. Yes, 100%. Which sent us to hell. You seem to think that if we don’t fight back, we’ll magically teleport out of hell. We won’t. Once one side chooses violence, then the rules of the game have been set. That’s why some of us decried their descent into that insanity at the time: once you choose that path, you’ve chosen It for everyone. That’s our entire point. They shouldn’t have done it. But they did. And now there’s no going back. So…fight to win. This. MTG is one of those stupid gym rats who thinks how much they lifted in CrossFit routine XYZ means they’re a badass fighter. AOC knows that you win fights by fighting dirty, cutting her ass with a broken bottle, and spitting on her when she’s on the ground crying.
  7. Brisketexan


    Co-sign. Dig that place.
  8. No we don’t. Oligarchies are more benevolent.
  9. Seriously. I’ve heard lots of dumb things (Trump continues to say things), but that’s utterly stupid. He’s not pulling out.
  10. In Texas, Abbott would raid the Rainy Day fund to award that cop a $1.5 million bonus.
  11. And....you just described the perfect case for a kid for whom athletics and a D-1 scholarship may be the perfect path. I don't think any of us said that the D-1 scholarship path has no place. Rather, our observation is that the vast majority of folks who focus on that path are 1) making a sub-optimal decision (i.e., spend the money on tutoring and such, which is more likely to pay off for that kid) 2) for the wrong reasons (you want to live through your kid's accomplishments).
  12. Correct. They are setting it up to where there are three classes of Texans: Those who are too poor/stuck in circumstances to leave. Gotta keep those people around, because you need wage slaves. Native Texan cruel/racist/relatively wealthy pieces of shit. They are building their utopia now. Imported MAGA assholes - the class above wants to draw as many MAGA assholes as they can, in order to lock in their grip on power. And that is all done by driving off any Texans 1) of intelligence/decency who 2) have the means to GTFO. When our retirement day comes, we're fucking out of here soon after. Not sure where yet (depends on where the kids end up...which we know will not be in Texas). Every place has its pros and cons, no place is perfect. But I just can't take the fucking relentless cruelty and meanness for the sake of being dicks. It's the one thing I cannot tolerate, it's the one thing we told our kids we would not tolerate under any circumstances. And it's our entire state ethos now: "how dickeaded can we be? Whatever you thought, watch me top it!" My family has been here since it was Coahuila y Tejas. Until a few years ago, it never even occurred to me that we'd move away. Now, I can't imagine staying.
  13. He'll tell us that this storm was........ .......off the chain.
  14. If there was any doubt....there isn't any more. He's a huge piece of shit. Shit like this happens when 1) you're predisposed to being a giant piece of shit, and 2) you get rich/powerful enough that everyone covers for you. She should end him. There is no cap on punitive damages for intentional conduct. Her attorneys should get the evidence of his net worth, win on liability, present that evidence at the punitive damages stage, and ask for "his entire net worth, less $1, because that's all that a piece of shit like Diddy deserves to keep - one fucking dollar. Send a message to this entitled prick. Send a message to every other entitled prick out there who thinks that because they are rich and powerful, they can abuse and prey upon the weak. I'm not asking you to punish Diddy. I'm asking you to crush him. To destroy him. To do what he did to a woman when she was already down: kick him. Hard. That is the language that he understands. So, speak it to him."
  15. It's the "potatoe" that tells you it's legit. Kinda like "shrimps" tells you it's a real chinese joint.
  16. Shhh…the “pedophilia is the greatest threat in our time! GROOMERS!” crowd isn’t quite sure what to do with this story yet.
  17. Ok, now you’re just pissing me off. Because Tessa rules.
  18. Dishonesty and lies are their stock in trade. And the valuation of those things is sky-high these days. If a conservative jurist says something, they are lying.
  19. I almost made this exact same post. But then I realized I could sit back and wait for YOU to be the asshole. Mission accomplished.
  20. Also…what would airing that laundry gain (other than making Mackowiak lose)? Understand that the messages would indicate that he’s not Trumpy ENOUGH…meaning that the Trumpier candidate would win. At this point, in Repub elections, it’s like being a Jew choosing between the candidate who is all-in on the final solution, and the other candidate who has slight concerns about the cost of Xyklon-B, and would like to find a cheaper means of extermination. You get to have a tiny bit of influence over how and when your doom arrives, but that’s it.
  21. Truly love that place. Like, we’ll go out of our way to eat there.
  22. Really damned sorry to hear this. Love to you, and Joe, and your family. Sounds like he lived life as a rich man in what matters, and that counts for a whole lot. It also makes his loss suck that much more. I wish you peace. The third anniversary of my mother’s death from lung cancer was this past Wednesday. The rough edges get sanded down over time, but they never fully go away.
  23. It’s already happened. We live in their new paradigm - it only takes one party shitting in the punchbowl of society to turn it into shit punch, and that has happened. Might as well play to win now.
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