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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    So, we have an extra for tomorrow's match -- Section 118, row 9. Reply or DM if interested.
  2. A hot princess shitting in a bag? There's a buncha guys around here like this:
  3. Oh, Nicole. Do you really not know the rule of "it ain't necessarily about how hot they are, it's about how dirty they are?" This gal will do the kinky shit that William (and NowThis, apparently) dig: THAT'S what matters, in the end. See what I did there?
  4. Better than Milan, Indiana. So....there's that.
  5. So, let's lay out the GQP plan for Texas, particularly young men in Texas. Education: fuck you. We're going to gut your schools, so that the "education" you get doesn't qualify you to be anything more than a wage-slave of some sort, living a life of pathetic, subsistence-level desperation while you make more profits for your masters. Sex: you probably shouldn't have any. We're going to ban contraception soon, so if you have sex, you might knock a gal up. And if you do, you're going to be on the hook for the next 18 years (locking in your wage slavery, as intended) because there will be no abortion. Masturbation: yeah, we're gonna try to put a stop to that, too. You can yank it to old Sears catalogs, like we did. Oh, and we get that because you knew a world when you could get good porn, now you'll be SUPER-frustrated because you know what you're missing. But remember, being cruel dicks to you IS THE POINT! Guns: Oh, those? Have all you want. Whenever you want. However old you are. See, THAT'S how we want you to take out your frustration. Heaven forbid that you just rub one out to get rid of tension and frustration. No, that's for evil sinners who don't practice our SPECIFIC brand of repressed fundagelical Christianity. And we can't have that, in the Officially Fundagelical Christian State of Texas. No indeed. Instead, take out your frustration by building up dark fantasies, acquiring as many guns as you can, and then shooting up a school! This is the society we are designing. On fucking purpose. What a fucking shitshow.
  6. She's now there and getting settled into her flat/room (it's London, we can't afford much more than a room....and we're only paying for that for a few months, till she gets a job and can pay her own way). Was weird getting a text from her saying "I'm home," as her location shows that she's in Hackney. Sigh. On to the next thing.
  7. I'd be more interested in the honor of getting to hang next to Eva Longoria.
  8. Interesting opinion, I don't think I have any major issue with it. By the way, this is the type of relatively ordinary, down-the-middle shit that MOST federal courts need to deal with on a regular basis. Yes, this one has a bit of an interesting angle because the First Amendment is always interesting, but it's an honest academic discussion and consideration. The courts should stick to that, instead of participating in and facilitating an attempt to overthrown the fucking government or to impose a christofascist police state. Just a suggestion from old Brisket here.
  9. I remember when the first Texas Big Law rates broke the $600 barrier (nearly 30 years ago). One of the hot-shot senior partners (an amazing litigator) I knew commented "shit....I can't think of anything I'd pay ANYONE to do for $600 an hour where they got to keep their clothes on." And yes, $250 an hour is pretty damned low. Not "insurance defense hourly rate" low, but not far from it.
  10. Two classes of schools: 1) Christofascist schools to teach/indoctrinate the children of the favored class into future leadership roles in the Handmaids Tale world to follow. 2) For-profit enterprises that “educate” the rest, focused 100X more on doing the job on the cheap (thus increasing profits to funnel to the political donors who run said schools) than on educating anyone. Those kids need to learn just enough to be reasonably useful wage slaves, producing profits for their masters. That’s the plan. They haven’t kept it secret.
  11. Sigh. Daughter is flying through DFW. Looks like the weather is to the north, but shit.
  12. It's all about cost. It's kind of like the cry "why don't they bury all the power lines!?!?" All it takes is money. Lots, and lots, and lots of money. Whether they are private utilities in an unregulated market, state-owned utilities, or regulated utilities.....if they spend 20 kabillion dollars burying lines, they're gonna recover 20 kabillion dollars in their rates. If the ratepayers are okay with that, and think the tradeoff is worth it, then let's go ahead and spend the money. But being how water users have cried rather loudly about 1) their rates going up even though 2) they are often using LESS water than before.....because they don't grasp that you're not paying for the water itself, you're paying for the cost to capture it, hold it, treat it, and deliver it (lakes, treatment plants, pipes, etc., which get more expensive every day)...good luck with that. Lots of people want all their utilities, guaranteed 100% of the time. Oh, and also, they should be so cheap as to be almost free. Contrast that with the system we've set up, where water suppliers are incentivized to spend little/nothing on the essentials (politically, because they are often governed by people elected by the ratepayers) to spend ZERO dollars on infrastructure, maintenance, and improvements ("vote for me! I kept your water rates low! [Nevermind that when the bill comes due for all that deferred maintenance, it'll be hellacious, but who cares, I won't be in office anymore!"], or the electric system we've set up, where the incentive for most utilities (excepting a handful of municipal utilities) is to spend as little as possible to pad profits. You'll get the infrastructure you keep voting for.
  13. Left the airport a little while ago. So, that was hard. And not just the logistics (she's moving her whole life over there, so yeah, we had an extra bag, and both were overweight, one so much so that we had to move a bunch of stuff around, and she had to leave some stuff behind). It was just fucking hard. I've put my kids on a plane to go live in another country several times, but it always had an "end date." This one doesn't. As we walked out of the airport, my wife asked where to next -- home? Something else? Our drive home takes us past the Luby's on Cameron Road. I said let's hit Luby's for dinner. It was the good stuff. Shit, it was the stuff I grew up on (hey, they had their enchiladas tonight!). Seriously, what good Texan didn't eat 1,000 times at Luby's over the years? But it was funny, as we were leaving, a long table down from us started singing happy birthday. A group of maybe a dozen people, and they decided the birthday dinner would be at Luby's. Which made my wife and me both smile and laugh, and not just because they seemed as happy as could be (and why wouldn't they be? Everyone could get exactly what they want for $12 a head). When my daughter was maybe 2 years old, I remember coming home from work on my birthday. She was so excited that it was my birthday, and we were going to go out for dinner. She greets me with "Daddy! For your birthday, we're going to eat at your FAVORITE restaurant!" I was quite curious as to what she thought my favorite restaurant actually was. "Oh? And where is that?" She grins wide...."LUBY'S!!!" My wife and I laughed, because clearly, she connected the fact that we ate at Luby's...a lot...to the conclusion that it MUST be my favorite restaurant. So....that's where we went to dinner for my 30-something'th birthday. It's also where we went to dinner on the day she moved away.
  14. Behold, the glory of Luby's. But man, I ain't the young fella I once was. Half that enchilada plate went into a to-go box.
  15. #37? I dropped 8 spots? Aggy musta rigged the poll.
  16. The Freedom Caucus is about freedom the same way that local D&D hobbyist group "The Mighty Mighty Poonhounds" is about getting laid.
  17. Reaction to this news from inside the Ted Cruz camp.....
  18. FIF the actual truth. You live in the Fundagelical Christian State of Texas. Check your liberties - especially each and every of your sexual/bodily liberties, at the border.
  19. Not gonna be able to. It will be the centerpiece of The US Capitol II: Gold Plated MAGA Boogaloo. We'll raze the current building, erect a new one that's covered in the cheapest gold plate available, then crowned with a red dome with a running electronic "Make America Great Again" slogan circling it in perpetuity, topped with a 50-foot tall gold statue of his Royal Donaldness; in the rotunda will be the giant tomb of Our Dear Leader, guarded by Trumpista Shock Troops (giant hats with big feathered gold "T" on top), visited as a sacred pilgrimage site by all free Americans (side note: the only Americans who will be free will be those who have signed a loyalty oath to the Trump family, Long May They Reign). See....you think that we're going to win. I think that you're wrong.
  20. That....is fucking stupid. Seriously. First and foremost, because the assailant DID strike him (see the shove after the punch), so the DA's story doesn't even make sense. But reason 1A...."assault" is a crime that does not require that the fist make contact ("threatening another with bodily harm" -- which throwing a punch is a bullseye) (contact causing injury is "battery"). Our DA sucks.
  21. Yeah....have you seen Alex these days? That's what folks in the meat biz call a "roaster pig." Alex, I got bad news....if it gets down to people shopping for live meat, you're front-and-center of the display case. Oh, and you're dumb enough to think you're the only one with slaughtering equipment. Fat and dumb -- yep, that's what you want in livestock.
  22. Bingo. A MAGAt politican could buttfuck an infant on live TV, and the only response from the cult would be joyful shouts of "look at how much he's owning the libs!" Nothing matters. Nothing. 0.0. Absolutely nada.
  23. Yeah.....it's not about "protecting minors." It never was. It's about implementing and imposing the Puritanical Fundagelical Morality State of Texas. Period. Full stop. It's Christofascism, which is different from Islamofascism in only a few respects (yay....we can still buy bacon).
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