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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. I know, right? Such topics should be kept where they belong.....on posters shown by the dominant voices of the Republican Party in an open session of Congress.....that's just LEADERSHIP, that's what that is.
  2. yeah. That's what held them back. They just hadn't ordered enough tacticool gear from compensatingforasmallpenis.com. That's totally what did it. Look at these guys, they were practically NAKED!
  3. $3000. For a baggy-ass tarp looking thing. Whereas the following item is a mere $155: Elon really is the Fyre Fest of oligarchs, isn't he?
  4. That's how you know it's a lie. Everyone knows the key to everything is Ozona.
  5. A lot of this. I vote against what are perceived as my most direct/immediate interests. I could have more money in the bank at the end of each year if we lowered the shit out of taxes. But in terms of long term, expansive interests, fuck that. It's in my interest to have a stable and prosperous country going forward for my children and grandchildren (although the jury is out - my kids may have already "noped" out of here). It's in my interest for my neighbors to do well, to be stable, safe, and secure. People like that participate in their communities and commerce, fueling our social and economic engine, which ends up benefiting me. Educated people are less likely to commit crimes like stealing my car and such, which also benefits me. And the list goes on. An approach of gathering as many dollars in your own pockets, no matter what the cost to everyone and everything else (and mind you, the MAGAs aren't even accomplishing THAT - except for the absolute richest of them, they didn't get richer under Trump) is utterly destructive and counter-productive -- having lots of money in a hellscape means you're still in a hellscape. Check out the people with nice houses and money in places like Honduras - I expect most of them would much prefer to be middle class here in the US, where they don't have to top their walls with razor wire, burglar bars, tall locking gates, etc., where they can safely shop at the grocery store or mall, all that shit. Having a functioning society around you is one of the most important factors in prosperity.
  6. That's 100% my route from Austin when going to SW Houston. It's better time-wise, and you get a stop for smoked meat products. Perfect.
  7. ....to which the only rational response is "go on.....I'm about to finish...."
  8. Man, these people just LOVE to play the hits. Which is actually the perfect metaphor. Remember the first 20 times you heard "Wonderwall" or some other hit, and thought "that's a pretty good tune," and you enjoyed it....but then you heard it another 1000 times? There are two kinds of people: the first kind fucking rolls their eyes, sick of the same shit. The second kind is MAGAs, who crank up the radio and yell "woohoo! I love this song!" Except, you know, in this metaphor, the "hit" is anti-semitism, and only fucking racist psychopaths ever liked it in the first place.
  9. These. Because he posted a bond rather than cash, he had to pay cash to Chubb for the service of them posting the bond. Even if it was just 10% (and that's a low rate, from what I understand of that market), he had to pay them $9 million+, and that money is spent and gone, no matter what happens on appeal. THEN, if he loses the appeal, Carroll just closes on the bond, and gets paid in full. THEN, Chubb goes after the pledged assets to make itself whole. And if it didn't get pledge security that is free-and-clear of other encumbrances that has a value more than sufficient to cover the bond, they're dumb as fuck. That's possible, but unlikely. NOW, could there be some shenanigan money laundering going on -- maybe the asset Trump pledged (with, ummm, a "co-signer" type) is an account somewhere....full of Saudi money? No idea. But if there's an opportunity for impropriety, one should definitely suspect that Trump is exercising that opportunity.
  10. I would love to see a similar chart of the subjects Dotard talks about in his next speech. There will be big circles for "makes random noises," "talks about the bad job that president Obama is doing," and "misidentifying the person who introduces him, one or more of his children, and at least one foreign leader."
  11. Both of these posts are spot-on. I mean, based on how they end up voting, when Trump bellows "Mexico isn't sending it's best!", I end up looking around at these folks, including some family members who still speak with a fucking accent, and I'm all...
  12. I mean.....that's really all it is, isn't it. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. Look at the "position," and ask "can I put this in the 'white grievances over a changing world' box over there?" The answer is yes. 100% of the time, the answer is yes. These fucking people.
  13. A lot of this. Why in the BABY BLUE FUCK Dems or some Dem PAC isn't saturating the Spanish-language airwaves with messages of "Donald Trump doesn't care if you are here legally -- he wants to deport you. He wants to deport your abuela. And he and Greg Abbott want any State Trooper to be able to decide to deport you. They don't care that the law says you can be here, that you are a good person who works hard. They want to get rid of you because of who you are. Be sure to vote to get rid of them, for good. Protect your abuela!" Is that hyperbole? Only a little bit - and a lot less so than the shit the GQP is peddling. Hit back, and hit back hard. The GQP is motivating voters with fear of the abstract. Fuck that. Hit them with shit they need to fear FOR REAL*. * Oh, and it actually IS for real. People like my dad, who was born on this side of the goddamned river, have had their citizenship - and thus their right to even stay in the country of their birth - challenged by the Trump admin when it was in power. And Steven Miller has pledged to be even more draconian if Trump wins again:
  14. 737 Max 8 gear collapse in Houston this morning: I gotta tell ya, the execs at Boeing prolly oughta visit a curandero to enlist his curse-removal services, because....someone definitely put a curse on Boeing.
  15. I don't know....but I would heavily bet.....that they fronted the cash based on pledges of security of his ACTUAL interest in ACTUAL assets (not what he SAYS he has, but what he actually has, based on what they are actually worth). Because after recent history, no legit, real outfit (and Chubb isn't some made-up deal, they've been around a long time) is going to front cash without serious fucking security backing it.
  16. Does nobody do political porn parodies? Because someone should do political porn parodies. Because....I'm interested.... I mean, except the ones of Lauren Boebert. Those wouldn't need to be parodies, they could just be documentaries. Starring Boebert. As herself.
  17. Just the kind of thing someone whose murder plot was spoiled by a member of the royal family (my money's on Prince Andrew, he's got a lot of time on his hands these days) would say.....
  18. What are we doing? Theater, for the express purpose of doing a single thing of substance. Duh. Do you even 'murica, bro?
  19. ooooh......go on...... 10%? Dude. I'm becoming more and more convinced that a good 1/3 of the anger/rage in the MAGA crowd is due to pent-up sexual frustration.
  20. Well, it does provide clarity on one thing: it is not the job of cops to protect you or your children. That is, they can stand by and watch you or your kids being slaughtered, and that's not a failure. Don't count on a cop to help you. Ever. Not ever, not even once in a million years. If one does, it's a happy accident, but remember this: IT'S NOT HIS FUCKING JOB. Now, as to the answer to the question "well...then....what the fuck IS their job?" Beats the hell outta me.
  21. I have engaged experts and consultants on multiple post-incident/crisis reports. Your approach is exactly right (it's not always necessary to cast that big a net, but looking for independence, and often, even hiring two consultants so that they have to discuss and agree/disagree on things). Whatever the case, you want to do all you can to find a truly independent person who will not have material natural sympathies one way or another. Shit, as a trial lawyer (so, there's liability risk), a good technique is to hire a consulting-only (read: "you can keep his finding confidential") expert to do an analysis. If I hire a consultant to analyze why the bridge my client built collapsed, and he tells me "because your client ordered the wrong type of concrete, which was rated way below what the plans called for," I want to find out that bad fact sooner rather than later. I doubt sincerely that the people in charge of hiring Prado wanted to find out bad facts. They instead wanted a finding that would cover their collective asses. And he delivered.
  22. I won't go CR here. I'll just observe the pretty plain truth that when public utilities were changed from actual "public utilities" (regulated, with a guaranteed reasonable rate of return, and guaranteed recovery of reasonable operations and maintenance costs) to for-profit entities, things like this are bound to happen. Yes, such things can also happen with a regulated utility -- no such operation is 100% failure-proof -- but the frequency and the likelihood would be materially lower. If in one regime, you can spend $1000 to replace a pole, and you are guaranteed to recover that cost so you're out $0, and you make a guaranteed profit % on the value of your assets in-service....then you are more likely to replace that pole than you are under the second regime, where every dollar you spend on maintenance is a cost that eats into your return that you have to deliver to the shareholders. "The market" will take care of this event. There will be insurance payoffs, bankruptcy liquidations, and the like....but all that land will still be burned up. There are some things "the market" doesn't handle particularly well. I'd suggest that public utilities, or at least many aspects of those utilities, is one of them. But my thoughts don't make a shit -- here we are, and here we shall stay.
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