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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. For real, man....more like "Margaret Meat," amirite?
  2. Bingo. Bet ya dollars to donuts that her "spice cabinet" contains 1) salt, 2) pepper, 3) an old container of Great Value brand garlic salt.....and that's it.
  3. I'm waiting until it is published in Latin. I am a man of letters, not a commoner.
  4. Oh, you can rest assured that we do this with some regularity. Why just the other day, I yelled at MP Alun Cairns that his parliamentary constituency of the Vale of Glamorgan is a second-rate Welsh backwater! I assure you, the slight pinking of his cheeks revealed that I got him, and got him good. I then retired to my salon to sip a victory brandy.
  5. The best part of that is that real, elderly Biden…would kick the asses of everyone in that video.
  6. Going for a Labor Day concert at the Colosseum at Caesar’s. Question is…should we just stay at Caesar’s, or at the Palazzo down the street (we stayed there recently and liked it, but we’re not seasoned Vegas people)? Or somewhere else? We’re not big gamblers. Shows, nice meals, strippers, multiple hookers in our room is more our speed - you know, the usual. Okay, still trying to sell the wife on the strippers and hookers, but you catch my drift.
  7. Sure, you eventually do. In between (and during that revolution) you spill untold gallons of blood and set the country back decades….if you’re lucky enough to throw off the fascist internally. Check up on how well “throwing off the fascist yoke” worked for Germany and Italy, for example. This is our concern dude. We know that this “body” can ultimately survive this cancer. We’re just saying MAYBE it would be wise not to contract it on purpose, being that the cure involves surgery/amputation and brutal chemo and radiation that takes years off your life.
  8. See…this is the thing people don’t get. Once the authoritarian takes power, it doesn’t matter if the masses go along with it later or not. The authoritarian regime can use brutal force to keep the disgruntled “work force” in line. And it will. That’s how these things go.
  9. Yep. Look in the back of the closet, and tell us what weird stuff was in his porn stash. We know it was weird. We just don’t know the flavor.
  10. They don’t have a fucking say. The older voters will impose an autocracy on them, and that’s the point of autocracy, there’s not a fucking thing they can do about it once it’s in place.
  11. Always assume grandma was a slut. Always. Ask Armybrat for verification.
  12. These. That’s the plan. He’s not a complex thinker. His plan is to be elected president again. But this time, not make the mistake of accepting limitations on his power - in reality, he is a king. An absolute monarch, with absolute power. And not just any power, the power of God himself (see “the divine right of kings”). And that’s exactly what a combination of 1) his rabid base and 2) most of the spineless GQP elected officials nationwide are working towards. Stop attributing any complex thought to him. It’s as simple as “seize all power, so I can do whatever I want that pleases me.” And we’re about to say “sure, let’s give that a try, what could go wrong? I mean, we have to try it, because Biden is old and socialism and stuff.”
  13. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    When even my wife turns to me at the 70 minute mark and says “we need another goal, not to go into bunker mode,” you know our coaching is bad. Sheesh.
  14. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Last call if anyone wants a ticket. You’ll have to sit by me. I bathed today, so all is good.
  15. I’m quite familiar with the Bluebonnet litigation after the Bastrop fire, including the evidence of causation from power lines. Bluebonnet’s OWN INVESTIGATION reached that conclusion, as well as the conclusion that its tree-trimming contractor had failed to do the job it was hired to do. You’re outta your lane on this one. And yes, other than flat-out clearing all ROW of all vegetation that can grow tall, there’s always some risk (shit, no matter what you do, there’s SOME risk - a tornado can take out any infrastructure). We’re not talking about the cases where a utility indeed did all it reasonably could do, so don’t conflate the two scenarios. In the current case, the EARLY evidence, apparently confirmed by Excel, is that a pole that was a known failure risk failed, allowing lines to spark a fire (lose tension, loose lines can spark a fire). If that’s what happened…it shouldn’t have happened.
  16. Yep. Wife and I are Houston natives, and our kids were young back when that location was there. Wife has always been a huge JCI fan. Did we go there for her birthday dinner one year, kids in tow? Yes we did. It was awesome.
  17. That all brown people are rapist murders cartel-ers. Seriously. It’s not much more than that. Same with the Laken Riley murder. The point is that any brown person in the US is a threat to murder you.
  18. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Just bumping….
  19. This. I fail to understand why the whole world hasn’t grasped that this is not the fringe of the GQP, it’s the foundation. This is who the GQP is - a deranged psychotic death cult, focused solely on who they can hurt, seek retribution against, or flat-out kill, next. And yes, that always ends up including “each other,” because leopards eating people’s faces and such.
  20. The idiocy of young people’s refusal to use the “phone” function of their PHONE blows me away. Found a lost phone on the walk to an Austin FC match. I picked it up, figured someone would call it, I’d answer, we could coordinate an exchange. Within minutes, an avalanche of texts from her friends. But the phone is locked…I can’t open a text. So, I assume they’ll figure it out and call (which I could answer). Nope. Never happened. Maybe 150 texts. Zero calls. I carried it with me all the way to the stadium, then just turned it in to lost and found because the people on the other end were too fucking stupid for words.
  21. Sure…I mean, plenty of people rode her.
  22. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Got an extra ticket for tomorrow’s match if anyone is interested. Section 118, down low. Reply or message me.
  23. This. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree. Especially when your mom is clinging to an upper branch of that tree with her simian toes and prehensile tail.
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