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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Bingo. If a surety (or any lender....you know, the very thing one of these cases was about) is going to accept real property as collateral, they need the following information, and it has to be reliable: 1) the ACTUAL value of the property (that is, what they can get for it if they have to foreclose on the collateral and sell it - they DGAF what Donald says it's worth, what will someone out in the market actually pay for it, today?), 2) what other prior liens/encumbrances is it subject to, and I mean ALL such liens, encumbrances, claims, etc., and 3) what is the VALUE of those liens (e.g., if there are liens worth $50 million on a property worth at most $60 million, then that property just provides a mere $10 million in security, at best). The existence of liens SHOULD be obtainable from statements on file in the local property records, but again....are you looking to be tied up in litigation with some new "prior lienholder" that Trump "forgot" to tell you about, or in litigation with them about how much they should be paid because the lien amount you were given was bullshit? Lending is based on trust. Even when it requires security, there is still an element of trust. Only the dumbest people on the planet would trust Donald Trump when it comes to ANYTHING these days.
  2. Blah blah blah, where is the video of her shitting in a bag? Asking for a friend.
  3. I'm only willing to subscribe if she completely degrades and humiliates herself. Also, glad someone else spotted what drove me nuts:
  4. Trump wants to be a dictator. HE FUCKING SAID SO, UNAMBIGUOUSLY. Trump admires dictators. HE HAS FUCKING SAID/DONE SO, REPEATEDLY. If you support Donald Trump, you are pro-dicator, and ANTI-democracy. Period. Full stop. There is no argument, there is no explaining away. Own it: you support an anti-American, anti-democracy authoritarian state. You are a fucking piece of shit fascist.
  5. That question is much, much more open than you ever want it to be. The only honest way to fill in that answer is "unknown." And yes, this. I'm an American. If something incredibly stupid happens, like Texas seceding and engaging in armed conflict with my country, I'll without question or hesitation come to the aid of my country. And if that means shooting dead any number of my treasonous neighbors who have taken up arms against the United States, then praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
  6. I presume that one of the charges against her was For Unnecessary Capitalization of Every Fucking Word, Which Is A Stupid Cunt Thing To Do?
  7. I mean, the fine folks who made union suits, a popular outfit in cartoons, knew that trick decades ago.
  8. He forgot to add other, ummmm.....lenders he approached who wouldn't get on board either. Bo Diddley wasn't having it.
  9. And in response to the event of "Russian fuckery just fucked us," Germany's solution will be some version of "so.....seems like we need to suck Russia's dick even HARDER, and tie ourselves to Russia even MORE intensely." Germany has made a shitload of poor choices, stacked one on top of the other, for decades. "Being friendly with Russia" is #1 on that list. The leopards always get around to eating your face. Always.
  10. Sorry.....this is America, 2024. Best we can do is Elon Musk's new CyberPlane:
  11. This. Shit, think of how Trump deals with vendors, CONSISTENTLY. As in, "this is the rule of how he operates" - 1) get a vendor to provide some service/goods, costing a chunk of money, 2) knowing that the vendor will be cash-strapped if they don't get PAID, and soon, what he promised....he uses the vendor's need for cash to fuck over the vendor, and 3) pay cents on the dollar - the vendor gets paid just enough to (hopefully) avoid bankruptcy, and Trump successfully rips him off by using his leverage to break the terms of the deal. Fuck him, it's his day in that barrel. No lube for you, Dotard.
  12. But when you've got "fuck you" money.....buy em all. And seriously, the POTUS, Commander in chief of the US armed forces, is a fucking BARGAIN at $500 million. When it comes to selling the ownership of the presidency,
  13. Well, there's different kinds of meat. Axis and Nilgai are different than whitetail or beef. I love Axis -- it's the best venison around. So, I mean....killing an animal to eat it is killing an animal to eat it. Pig, cow, sheep, we kill all of those for a different kind of meat. Not sure why an Axis or Nilgai should be treated differently.
  14. The Russians do. The Saudis do. Elon Musk does. Imagine that you were any of those shitheads, and you were told that for the low price of less than half a billion dollars (fucking POCKET CHANGE for those players), you could own -- and I'm talking free-and-clear, with title in your name -- a man who has a 50% chance of being president of the US. You'd be stupid NOT to make that bet.
  15. Ahh yes. It's hard to keep all of Dotard's cases straight. But in the end, none of it matters. He is our future king, and you best get right with the lord (because that's who anoints kings).
  16. This. Thought that Chubb was covering it. Chubb....not Chubbs.
  17. Wait.....Trotsky is dead???? WTF????
  18. Yeah....one of the advantages of being the crown prince. Harry could indulge in the dirty. Remember his time with Chelsy Davy, of Zimbabwe? Harry remembers. He had that grin on his face their entire relationship. And I doubt that it was solely because Chelsy was fun to play Scrabble with.
  19. Because the rules of the GQP, which are written in stone: 1. It only gets worse. 2. There is no bottom.
  20. All of those have Nicole at "half mast," ummm, metaphorically speaking.
  21. Oh. Perhaps you've missed my overall theme. I don't think that in THIS case, common-sense solutions are pointless. I mean in most EVERY case in modern America, common-sense solutions are pointless and will never happen. Healthcare, mental health, guns, immigration, you name it....we are stuck because of the rhetorical extremes. We're fucked, and there's no unfucking us.
  22. That's not an Austin question, that's an America question. And we've already decided. Between one extreme of left libertarianism and the other extreme of "anything that helps another person at all, even if it's actually for the benefit of society as a whole, is socialismcommunism and those people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps!", we have the exact system we want. We can't confine them long-term. And we sure as shit can't help them. There's plenty of common-sense ways to approach the issue that balance rights and the need to protect society. But rest assured, every one of them is DOA before we even talk about it. We could write pages here (e.g., treat release from mental health care like probation, with blood tests to verify that a person remains on their medication, if not, probation revoked) but it's pointless.
  23. Read what Twice posted (quoted above for convenience). "Incompetent to stand trial" doesn't mean "wait till he feels better, then let him go." It's not about being "not guilty by reason of insanity" (which is incredibly difficult to pull off as a defense - seriously, it very, very rarely works). It's about whether he is mentally fit to participate in his own defense. Until he is, then he will remain in custody in a treatment facility. Once he is sane enough....then he goes to trial. But generally speaking, nobody here is going to disagree with the notion that the dangerous insane should be allowed to walk the streets. We just don't have a system designed to handle them very well. And again, that's on purpose.
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