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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SurlyGator

  1. That's awful. The only thing worse would to list in in binary.
  2. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    The shingles vaccine talk reminded to share this little nugget. Came down with zombie eye (just one) a few weeks ago. Got in to se an opthamologist and was diagnosed with uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye). Doc asked if I had ever had chicken pox, cold sores or shingles. D - All of the above. So, they suspect that this is yet another iteration of the herpes zoster poking up its ugly head. Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops and Valtrex started. Went away in a little less than a week. Doc suggested I keep taking a lower dose of Valtrex for 3 months to try to knock the herpes as far back in the nooks and crannies as possible, but eventually, we will get to do something along these lines again. Oh, and I have had the modern shingles vaccine, so yay?
  3. Just want to get on record as NOT being one of these new SEC trolls. Been around a long time. Not HornFans long, but Shaggy at least (was there an iteration between HF and Shaggy?). No UT connection, but a TX native, and you assholes' sense of humor works for me. I feel like a somewhat welcome foreigner around here. Kind of like this:
  4. She needs to know proper car window ventilation protocols pre-flatulence too. My wife and daughter (no pics) can run me off the road!
  5. Worth it for thick cut Applewood smoked bacon.
  6. That story is a crazy read, and good on them for fighting back, but who takes the time to snap that pic?
  7. “Taken for questioning…” Sure, all he’ll get is a stern talking to…
  8. Didn’t see Bayou’s post with no video. I was starting to think this place was really slipping!
  9. Crap, I thought it was bad in TN and we couldn’t even put a county in the top 10. I feel for you fellas.
  10. Nashville is only a 4 hour drive from Atlanta. Just sayin'
  11. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    Also, do your ice massage in a position similar to that Thinker pose if you can, keep it on a stretch so it doesn't over tighten
  12. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    its especially helpful if those first few steps hurt like a mother and loosen up pretty quickly
  13. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    This is a tough one to remember right after waking up, but before you get up out of bed, do the "The Thinker" stretch. You know, this guy: Scoot out on the edge of the bed, get your feet up under you as far as you can wth your heels flat on the ground, and hold an easy, steady stratch (not painful, no bouncing) for about 30 seconds before you stand up. Helps gently undo some of the overhealing that happens overnight. Also, tennis balls or aerosol can (or even better, a frozen water bottle) under your desk, where you can slip off the shoe and give yourself a massage, and towel curls - spread a towel out on the floor directly in front if you, and bunch it up under your arch over and over until it's all under your foot, then spread it back out and do it again. Sometimes the old school remedies just work.
  14. Thanks for the clarification, Senator Dole.
  15. Jim Cantore would spontaneously combust. Likely starting another wildfire. edit: for the non-weather nerds:
  16. Reminds me of the traditional English trifle. Could be good, could taste like feet.
  17. The concept sounds @Steel Shank worthy, but the idea of getting it at KFC makes me throw up in my mouth a little.
  18. I'm assuming this was an autocorrect victim. The Purple Porpoise was a staple on the strip for a long time. Definitely belongs on the list. (insert angry dolphin joke here)
  19. Pour one out. Grad school for me 93-95, GA on the Sports Medicine staff. To this list I would add the oh-so-politically incorrect Chinee Takee Outee and the $3.99 large one topping carry out special at Hungry Howie's.
  20. Who is the bigger douche? The blue Ford, who parked with his rear wheels on the line at the back of his space, or... the black GMC who chose to park in the spot behind him anyway?
  21. SurlyGator

    Getting old sucks

    That ice machine (Iceman? PolarCare? Can't tell fromt he pic) will be your best friend for the next few weeks. Use it. A LOT. Pro tip: bigger pieces of ice keep it cold significantly longer. fill some Solo cups with water and freeze them, then put several in every filling along with regular ice. run warm water over the Solo cups until you can pop the ice out, refill and repeat. Former Athletic Trainer and sold both brands at different times in my younger years.
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